View Full Version : Taking Food From Your Hands.

10-19-2010, 12:20 AM
I have only had my little Disco (9ish week old Lovebird that was hand raised/tamed) for 4 days. He is getting better and better about stepping up but it's definitely not a 'yay' thing for him yet which I expect only having him for 4 days. What I would like is to be able to treat him when he does step up but he won't take food from me. I do praise him as much as I can with my voice but I dont' think he finds that a great reward yet. He has started to slightly feel or nibble things from my hand. Sometimes I can get him to take half a small sunflower seed from my hand but he usually holds it for half a second then drops it.
Is he just full from eating beforehand? Though if there are any seeds on the ground (which is rare but sometimes there are some) when he is out he will eat them even if I just offered him some from my hand that he wouldn't take. If he is just full how do I go about with holding food so he will want the food from my hand without starving him?
Is he still just needing to warm up to me and that's why he won't take it?
Have I just not found a food he likes enough?

Another question I have is that Disco's wings are clipped so when he is out of his cage there is no way for him to get back to his cage, so if he is hungry or tired he isn't able to get back there are eat or sleep. I try to put him back in his cage when he goes near it on the floor and ducks down like he is thinking of trying to fly up there. But sometimes I do that and he immediately turns around and comes back out and the other times he just wants to go in there to be higher off the ground. I don't want him to always want back in his cage, using it as a security blanket cause he is uncomfortable on the ground, but I don't want to stress him out either.
I bought him a little play center today and the smart devil used it to jump onto the seat of a chair then managed to work his way up to the top of the back of the chair so he really likes that because it puts him up high, but it also scares me.
When I go to pick him up from the chair or to help him down from his cage when he wants to come out he will sometimes try to fly away which scares me cause his wings are clipped. So when I go to pick him off those things I have to block him with one hand while picking him up with the other which makes it scarier for him. IF he does ever try to fly off my hand I try to immediately pick him back up again praise him for stepping back up then put him down so he just steps off.
Should I find some way to allow him to get in and out of his cage on his own or will this make him very dependent on his cage as a security blanket or should I make him ask to go up and down?

Sorry for the long thread and the confusingness of it.

10-20-2010, 10:17 PM
No help?

10-20-2010, 10:27 PM
i would start with millet as it has a long stem and then little by little nake the stem shorter and shorter.

i would put a small forage bowl of food and water for him to nibble and safe on his play gym or wherever he likes to hang out most

Pips mom
10-20-2010, 10:54 PM
Four days??? birds need more time that....he needs more time to feel at home there and for you and him to know each other better. If he won't take the food from your hand, just try again the next day, or another time when he seems happy and in a good mood. Millet is a good idea...most birds love millet.
You should be willing at this point to let him make the choice as to whether he wants to use his cage as his security..... taking away his security will only make it harder and take longer for him to come around. Give him the choice of being in his cage or out.....just leave the door open and let him come out on his own. Believe me......my Rudy still is not tame....he takes food from my hand though, but scared as he has been, he loves, loves coming out of his cage!! I've had Rudy now over a year!!! He was hesitant at times when I first started letting him out, but it took very little time for him to see what fun it is to fly around and check things out! As for the wing clip....he should still be able to fly some, but if his wing clip is too severe, and he doesn't have enough flight and you are worried about him getting hurt while trying to fly, it shouldn't take too long for a new flight feather to grow in and all it takes is one or two new ones on each wing and away they go!
You should put the new play center on a table near his cage where he can reach it and just open his cage door and see if he goes out on it......if he doesn't, then try again the next day.....when he's ready, he'll leave the security of his cage happily! I think Rudy still thinks of his cage as his secure place, but he truly enjoys coming out and spreading his wings! It just takes some time for him to get used to his surroundings and his new humans.

10-22-2010, 02:47 PM
.........What I would like is to be able to treat him when he does step up but he won't take food from me. I do praise him as much as I can with my voice but I dont' think he finds that a great reward yet.......

........ If he is just full how do I go about with holding food so he will want the food from my hand without starving him?.......

.........Another question I have is that Disco's wings are clipped so when he is out of his cage there is no way for him to get back to his cage, so if he is hungry or tired he isn't able to get back there are eat or sleep.........

..........I bought him a little play center today and the smart devil used it to jump onto the seat of a chair then managed to work his way up to the top of the back of the chair so he really likes that because it puts him up high, but it also scares me..........

Hi Mysticrealm and Disco. ... Although treats are a great way to jump start a relationship, parrots need not always be offered them in order to feel rewarded for their efforts. .. Its actually a plus knowing that Disco feels comfortable enough stepping up with just a verbal response. .. More meaningful is a parrot human relationship built upon socialization and trust, than one based upon the continual offerings of food. ... I'm sure Disco feels more than comfortable knowing he has a true friend as well as a companion (flock leader) he can count on. .... With birds like Disco, treats can be offered just about anytime. ..Maybe utilize those times to teach him other desirable behavior, or to grab his interest in his new playgym etc.

In regards to witholding foods in order to get him to accept it from you. ... This impresses upon parrots that humans are mainly just a source of food. ...How would you feel if Disco basically relied on you for only food? ... Probably not very rewarding for Disco either, especially once he gets full.

Please, if your letting Disco travel the ground, DON"T. ... Most accidents/injuries between birds and the ground are relatively serious. ... Besides, birds generally feel much safer the higher up they perch. .. As for his cage security? ... Its his home, and his much needed security. .. Preferably, try to find a way to allow him access to it. ... Unless his wings are clipped too short, he should be able to fly short distances. .. If he needs time to grow a little wingspan, perhaps set up a water and food dish where he can access it. .. Should he get a little hungry while out playing, this may also be a good way to try new foods. .. ALWAYS allow him access to water.

10-22-2010, 08:57 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. I will just keep working with him and see where we get.