View Full Version : Wing clip....so sad!

09-12-2005, 12:36 PM
Even though Big Boi and Shy had a modified clip when I got them, they were able to go from the floor, straight up to the ceiling in one flight so....I knew the time had come (yeah, a few weeks ago, :lol) to give them another clip for their own safety. They will fly to me sometimes but they'll also fly AWAY from me just as often and now that I've gotten their big cage, I wanted them to be downstairs, where the action is, during the day. I took them to my dog vet today, she's also an avian vet but I don't use her for my birds except for a wing clip cause she isn't board certified. I could have cried! They were so good and she did tell me over and over how beautiful they are but I felt so guilty taking away all of that freedom. As they get more used to the entire house, hopefully I can let them have more flight but right now, I don't think they are safe accept in one small bed room. They still have more flight than Oliver but they can only go up about a foot and a half. Poor babies! Shy is very unhappy with me. :( I can't blame him! Sometimes it's hard to be the parent!

09-12-2005, 12:50 PM

In about three days you will notice them being able to fly a little more than that first day. It takes them a little bit, but no too long to discover that they can still fly, even with a little wing clip.

I think it upsets them a bit, but I think it upsets us more :(

09-12-2005, 12:51 PM
All good parents know that safety comes first! They'll get over it...... Harley does not like being locked up in his cage in the morning when I leave for work and he tries his best to bite my fingers as I put the lock in place. However, I want him safe and alive rather than free to get into trouble.

09-12-2005, 01:14 PM
Awww, Janie, I know that hurts :(

Daisy has a few new flights in and she thinks she can fly. She's always trying to fly where Molly is the chase him away. I see a wing clip coming soon and I'm going to have one ticked off little hen :p Like she doesn't already have an attitude problem :lol

09-12-2005, 01:44 PM
Awww, Janie.....you had to do it....and they won't pout too long. Jake and Sara just fly regardless how short the wing trim is.....I think they must be super birds.....Sara will make it to my shoulder, but Jake always lands on top of my head.....and I tell him, good landing Jake!...then he slides down to my shoulder and gets comfy.

09-12-2005, 06:08 PM
The hardest part is watching them get into that lunge mode and then not be able to get to the place they think they're going to get to! They are getting around in their big cage very well and just got a whole strand of millet......momma's guilt food! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
09-12-2005, 08:41 PM
Poor babies! I know it's traumatic... more for the momma than for the babies, though. :)

Melody is finishing up a molt and has most of her flight feathers in right now. She's proven that she can fly, and now, as soon as the last 2 blood feathers finish coming in, it's time for a clip. With the vaulted ceilings, 8' sliding glass doors, and open kitchen, my house is just one big safety hazard for flighted birds.