View Full Version : Jealousy!

09-12-2005, 12:39 PM
Harley's beak is all bent out of shape lately! Alex, having no companion to preen/scratch her head has decided that I'm better than nothing. When I'm sitting at my computer, Alex is usually close by and I'll hear her say "Alex," "Alex," over and over again. When I look up, there she is, climbing down one of the lovie cages. When I put my hand out for her to step up, she'll tell me "Step up!" As she steps up on my shoulder, she'll say "Alex is a good boy!" (I originally thought she was a boy before I discovered differently.) The head goes up against my cheek so that I can give her scritches.

In the meantime......
Harley has been watching all this new routine and his beak was totally bent out of shape 2 nights ago. He will usually wait for me to kiss him before he goes to bed. Two nights ago, I went over to say good-night and he was already up on the top perch in his cage!! I still told him nite nite but ya don't touch Harley once he's gone to bed! That's an invitation for bleeding fingers......

Gotta look harder for a companion for Alex!

09-12-2005, 12:47 PM

I'll be Alex's companion :lol

I just loooooove Alex. She is just too funny :)

09-12-2005, 01:08 PM

That's too sweet :D ! Seeing you as her mate, I'm sure Alex makes you feel good that she sees you in that way. Poor Harley. Someone's getting in on his territory. Aren't birds wonderful?