View Full Version : Un-Lovie Related..

09-12-2005, 02:50 PM
I am totally in awe and shock!!

I have two little finches, in a small cage that have a little nest in there. I usually just take their cage outside and wash it out....well...today I was being a bit careless since I was distracted by my lovie sitting on my shoulder trying to "help"...and one of the little birdie flew out. He didn't fly far, and I was so scared, I panic and instead of catching him, I frightened him far away.

I looked up at the sky as he flew from sight!!

I went searching, and knew the little thing was gone..

I felt so horrible, thinking that I had inadvertedlly killed him, by leaving him helpless in the wild....And then I felt guilty for losing his mate's best friend!!

For hours, every 15mins, I would go outside hoping that I would catch sight of him...to no avail... I had to leave...

I decided to leave his mate outside in the gazebo, and left my lovie's outisde cage next to it, open.... just in case... although I knew all hope was gone...

Well, I came home a few hours later, and decided to check on the lone finch left... lo and behold, I see a little creature crunch up on the lovie's boing!!!

The finch had actually found his way home and went right inside the extra cage!!!!!

Lesson?? Never give up hope!!!

I'm so awe that the little finch was that smart to find his way home!!!

09-12-2005, 03:54 PM
Wow, I'd say you were pretty lucky and the little finch was pretty smart! Thank goodness he found his way home.

I know Lovies like to "help", but it's not a good idea to take your Lovebird outside without him being in a cage. He could get scooped up by a predator or get spooked and fly even if he's clipped. :(

I'm glad your story had a happy ending :) .