View Full Version : new birds

10-27-2010, 09:36 PM
hello i i just got a new bird for my b-day but my two lovebirds dont like him what can i do ???

ps he is old 8 week old why doest he cry alot

10-27-2010, 11:50 PM
At 8 weeks old, is he completely weaned????????? "Crying" can be interpreted as a form of begging/asking for food. If this baby is not completely weaned or it's reverted back to wanting to be hand fed for a few days because it's lost confidence in its ability to feed itself, it could die from starvation. If you don't have formula, you need to either get some or return this baby to the place of purchase for at least another week, possibly 2.

Lovebirds are territorial and don't like new birds in their space. Plus, they are most likely adults and you should not mix adults and babies together until the babies mature. You also need to quarantine your new lovebird for a minimum of 30 days while you watch to make sure it's healthy.

10-28-2010, 12:00 AM
he could eat food by him self im just next to him cuz i dont want another sick bird but he is eating by him self so what can i give him he just cry went im goingto hold him and then he stop crying so i dont know sould i go get egg food or what :confused:

ps and what is the age they could be ok ??

10-28-2010, 01:38 AM
At age 8 weeks, my concern is that he's eating enough on his own to keep himself alive. He may be eating, but just make sure he maintains his weight.

It's possible that the problem is he's away from his lovebird companions, if he was in with other lovebirds before you got him and he misses them. He's very much a baby and needs the closeness of being held or being with you as much as possible right now. He's adjusting to a completely different environment and that's stressful for older birds, let alone a very young one. You will not spoil him, as lovebirds can be pretty independent, but you need to at least partially make up for what he's not getting right now.

If you happen to have a gram scale, please make sure you check his weight once per day, preferrably in the morning.

10-28-2010, 05:41 AM
Where did you get this baby? I really think you should go back to where ever you got him from and have them show you how to give a handfeeding. Just because a baby can eat on its own, doesn't mean that they can eat enough to survive. At 8 weeks old, he could need a bedtime feed, and even possibly a morning feed.

10-28-2010, 08:40 AM
I would also recommend putting millet sprays into the cage for your baby. That is one of the first foods my baby birds begin to pick at and even if they don't recognize the other new foods you may be offering most babies will eat millet.

Sprouts are another good thing that babies will eat pretty quickly--like wheat, lentils, quinoa, peas, etc. Other things to try: peas, corn, tiny pasta (asini or riso).

In the beginning you just want to make sure you are getting calories into your baby.

Whenever I sell a baby I provide a care sheet for when they get their new baby home. As your baby is adjusting to a completely new environment it is important that it be eating and drinking water.

Zupreem handfeeding formula is a good one to keep on hand for supplemental feedings. You can keep it in your freezer and take out what you need so it stays fresh.

Your little one may need extra feedings for only a week, but it is essential that they be provided if needed.

Was your baby handfed or parent raised? If it was handfed it will eagerly eat the handfeeding formula.

Do you have a small hut or cozy for your baby? He will also find something like reassuring when he no longer has warm clutch mates to snuggle with.

Good luck with your new flock member. What did you name him?

10-28-2010, 11:22 PM
will today before i went to work i got him out cuz i want him to eat before i leave so he eat so millet spray ii gave him and then went i got home i got him out to see if he will eat so he did im happy for that and about the cry he doest i still dont know i think the people that had him got him so spoil cuz he dont want to be inside the cage but i want him to get us too it and yeah he is hand feed what they told me they hand feed them at 13 days old so they are very tamed and he is alot that what i want here is a pix of him


10-28-2010, 11:34 PM
were can i buy a scale can some put pix of it so i could go find one another thing he knows how to do step up and went i call him he come to me so im happy scooby and lucy dont do that they just fly but they know the word stop lolol

10-28-2010, 11:39 PM
he is a very cute bird. i don't know much about feeding them, but when i got mine after they were weaned, they continued to make the crying baby noises, but eventually they stopped. i hope that's the case w/ your bird rather than he's hungry and not eating enough. good luck. i don't know what kind of scale you can buy. i wonder if the food scales would work if they measure in grams? i don't know. sorry!

10-28-2010, 11:48 PM
This is the scale that I use to weigh my birds and just about anything else that needs to be weighed: http://www.amazon.com/Salter-6055SSDR-Stainless-Steel-Electronic-Kitchen/dp/B000G9YK24/ref=sr_1_15?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1288327224&sr=1-15

It's very easy to use, not terribly expensive and it does what I need it to do. If you need to weigh something in a container, it will zero out the weight of the container and give you just a weight of what you put in the container.

10-28-2010, 11:52 PM
he is a very cute bird. i don't know much about feeding them, but when i got mine after they were weaned, they continued to make the crying baby noises, but eventually they stopped. i hope that's the case w/ your bird rather than he's hungry and not eating enough. good luck. i don't know what kind of scale you can buy. i wonder if the food scales would work if they measure in grams? i don't know. sorry!

i think i cloud us the food scales thanks for ur help i hope the cry is becuse he is spoil becuse he just want to be next to me and he dont like the cage

10-29-2010, 12:20 AM
i hope so too. when i got pantalaimon, he used to cry like that all time. he cried when he was scared too. my other two birds didn't like him and they were really mean to him and so he would cry all the time to them, trying to get them to feed him. he was a sad little guy, but now he's a boy boy and a dad and he's the biggest bird i have so no one can boss him around anymore :) so yes, i sure do hope your bird is just crying cuz he's still a baby and wants attention. just weigh him and make he's eating. i'm sure someone on here w/ more experience can tell you what to do if he's not eating.

Pips mom
10-29-2010, 11:32 AM
Wow, look at that face....he is just adorable! Please take good care of him, and hold him and make sure he is eating enough.....I hope that the crying stops soon.....poor little guy! If he's getting enough to eat and keeping his weight, then he'll get over the crying and get used to you and his new home.

10-30-2010, 12:47 AM
will now i saw him eating by him self so that good :rofl: he cry more went he see my hand he want me to hold him or maybe he want me to be next to him he love to be like that i put a pix http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz242/dayz83/dad032.jpg :rofl::rofl::rofl:

10-30-2010, 01:17 AM
He sure looks comfy there. Very sweet!

10-30-2010, 08:14 AM
Awww that is very sweet and cute!

11-08-2010, 10:23 PM
guffy is doing good he is eat more now but the thing is he will fly like crazy so what i did i clips his wings but know i see him kind of sad he just want to be inside his cage is this normal ???:confused:

11-08-2010, 11:10 PM
How long ago did you clip his wings and how many feathers did you clip on each wing? A good wing clip will still allow him to glide to the floor or other landing surface. All you really need to clip are the outside 5-7 flight feathers on each wing. That will still let him fly straight ahead, to a certain point, and glide in for a landing rather than falling if he tries to fly.

11-09-2010, 07:56 PM
will i went to a pet store they clip like 6 wing but the thing is that he dont want to get out from his cage no more