View Full Version : Taming help.................

10-28-2010, 08:37 AM
Now my baby was 22days old and i want this baby to be tamed.....
My questions are..
1-when i can remove my baby from his/her nestbox ?
2-and if i remove how many times a day i need to feed him/her?
3-and how much and which type of food is best for this baby?
4-and where should i place him/her after i take him/her out.? Should i buy a new nestbox for him/her or what????????

Thanks in advance..,.............

10-28-2010, 09:43 AM
i think the best way is for you to just handle the baby and let the parents feed him/her. that way you don't have to worry about feeding it, or where to put it or anything of that sort. my babies right now are in the nest box w/ their parents and they are being fed by their mom and dad. i hold them everyday and play w/ them too so they are used to my hands and to me. i did that w/ my other two birds that were hatched this spring. believe me, it's a lot easier that way. that way the mom and dad do all the hard work and you just have fun w/ the babies.

10-28-2010, 09:53 AM
I agree 200% with Bookworm!!!

You can take the baby out of the nest several times each day for some handling and return it to the parents. Several of our members have done this and you will get a tame baby, as long as you handle the baby every day, without having to hand feed it. It's really the best of both worlds.....parents feed, humans handle.

10-28-2010, 10:32 AM
for how much time i should take him/her out..........is there any specific time to take out...
and is there any specific play or talk i should have with my baby to make him/her a perfect tame bird...............

10-28-2010, 10:49 AM
Depending on the age of the baby, I would start with 5 minutes each time, 3 times each day. Age 3 weeks is a good time to begin, as the baby is aware of what's going on but really can't move around as well as it can a week later. In the beginning, all you are going to do is hold the baby close to you and cuddle with it. Talk quietly to it, stroke it gently.

By age 4 weeks, the baby will begin getting interested in crawling around on you and seeing what you are like. You can extend handling time to 15- 20 minutes each time for these sessions, if you are comfortable with it. Even if you were to hand feed the baby, you would still have to do this or the baby would see you as a source for food rather than a friendly human. :)

10-28-2010, 10:59 AM
ok..... thanks a lot .... u guys are really great help............................