View Full Version : Norbert~Thomas and Jitterbug are bonding??

11-05-2010, 08:52 AM
Uh oh....Norbert~Thomas, my english budgie, seems to be bonding very strongly to Jitterbug. Norbie is obsessed with being near Jitterbug, and also becomes very aggressive towards me, and towards my other keet, Fizz, when Jitterbug is near him. And when Jitterbug is NOT near him, he is obsessed with GETTING near him. Yikes. My formerly very docile, tame, gentle budgie, is turning into a monster. Ben (my 8 year old son who is very close to Jitterbug) attempted to break up a scuffle between Norbie and Fizz this morning, (Norbie was trying to chase Fizz away from Jitterbug) and Norbie bit Ben many times on the hand, very hard! He's NEVER done that before. Norbert~Thomas is almost six years old, and he has never bitten any of us. It was quite shocking. :omg:

So, this very long story does have a question at the end of it. Should I just permanently separate Norbie and Jitter? Will Norbie "forget" about Jitterbug in time, or will he now be forever obsessed with getting to him and being with him, at the expense of the safety and well being of Fizz, and US? Yikes. I've created a monster. :(

11-05-2010, 01:41 PM
While it's highly unusual for lovebirds and budgies to become buddies, there are always exceptions. Guess what.......:whistle:

I'm going to be very honest with you. Once you have a bond like this form, it's next to impossible to break, at least as long as both birds are under the same roof. I've had to rehome half of several "odd couples," simply because they were different species of lovebird and they had breeding on their minds. Lovebirds will usually bond with a mate for life, although this is not written in granite either, but I think budgies are different. Norbi is being very protective and you may just have to let Nature take it's course. The aggression could be a short lived thing but it's too early in their relationship to make that prediction.

The only thing I can suggest right now is protect Fizz and human body parts. If you put Norbi in another room and he can still hear Jitterbug, you are going to be listening to contact calls all day long. :omg: :(

11-05-2010, 01:50 PM
Thanks Linda. Thats what I was afraid of. :( And, you're right. If I separate them, they BOTH screech like crazy until they are back within sight of each other. Oh dear...I guess I blew it. Poor Fizz, he's odd man out. And, Jitterbug isnt nearly as enamoured with Norbie as Norbie is with him. This really is a pickle. Well, thanks for the info. I guess I just have to let them have their little "friendship", and try to stay out of Norbie's way. How sad. :very_sad:

11-06-2010, 07:39 AM
About all you can do is watch and see what happens. Could be that Jitterbug will find that Norbi is a pain in the butt and not want to have anything to do with him. I've seen that happen and Norbi just may lose interest. It's a tough situation but you really can't do anything about it . At least they are both males.......

11-14-2010, 04:54 AM
Well, fortunately that situation seems to have been short lived. All three musketeers are getting along fine again now. Whew! Dont know what that was all about but Norbie has calmed way down, and is no longer a monster...back to his sweet self. Still very attached to Jitterbug, but not attacking us when we "intrude". LOL! Weird how they just have these stages, isnt it? Oh well...I'll enjoy the peace once again, for however long it lasts! :rofl:

11-14-2010, 05:03 AM
Could be that Jitterbug took Norbi aside and told him, in birdie language, to cool his heels or else..... :rofl:We'll never know what produced the attitude adjustment but at least it's positive!!!

11-14-2010, 05:14 AM
Could be that Jitterbug took Norbi aside and told him, in birdie language, to cool his heels or else..... :rofl:We'll never know what produced the attitude adjustment but at least it's positive!!!

LOL...maybe! Never know what goes on in those "morning meetings" that they have every day! LOL
Well, whatever it was that fixed the problem, I'll take it and just enjoy the peace. hee hee...all is well in birdie land again...ahhhh....




11-17-2010, 11:14 PM
ooo. that's no fun. Cabo and sky bonded early on and Cabo is still hung up on Skye bird even though Skye would rather be with the other conures and is not very nice to Cabo anymore. They have been kept separate since April.