View Full Version : charlie

11-05-2010, 04:45 PM
Charlie is our young lovebird, we just love him.
Something that amuse us and also worry about, is that he just love feets, especially nails.
when i'm in the kitchen he's running around the floor, sometimes when walk from room to room he's running after us, very amusing, but just think about if one of us by accident steped on him :(.
We also both have a wish to by a dog, and we know, hi's not afraid of them, twice my sons dog have catch Charlie, but did no harm to him.
Are there any way we can stop him from running around the floor?

11-05-2010, 05:09 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! :)

I will be the second one to tell you that the floor is a very dangerous place for birds. When I was growing up, my mother stepped on one of our parakeets and killed it instantly. :( About all you can do, each time he's on the floor, is pick him up. The situation, as it is now, is an accident waiting to happen and Charlie will be on the losing end of the deal. I doubt that you are going to be able to train Charlie to modify where he wants to go so you are going to have to change his location he time he goes there.

As far as dogs are concerned, dogs are predators and birds are prey. You've been very lucky that Charlie has not been injured by your son's dog. Again, if he goes after the dog, you are going have to intervene. The other solution is to keep Charlie in his cage while the dog is out and about.

11-06-2010, 05:55 AM
Thank you for answer and welcomming me :)

I don't know why Charlie is so glad about feet, it would be a disaster to loose him by stepping on him.

Another think, can someone give me a homepage which contain toy.
Here in Denmark lovebird isn't so popular, so it's hard to find good toy.

11-06-2010, 07:58 AM
My friends mom stepped on her lovebird accidently and killed him. My dog cannot be out when the birds are.... I don't trust it.

Welcome to our group... we love pictures here too

11-06-2010, 09:55 AM
I have a video here:


11-06-2010, 10:06 AM
I stepped on my bird but only got his tail. He was without tailfeathers for awhile. Best to pick him up when he's on the floor.

11-06-2010, 10:10 AM
Hi, welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! I hate to sound like a broken record but it's just not safe for your bird to be on the floor, ever! The other thing is your dog. You said it's caught the bird twice but hasn't hurt it. The dog's saliva can kill your bird! Please don't let the bird out when the dog is around either! We just all want you to have your bird around for a long time!

Also, just watched the video, it looks like Charlie wants to get a little too "friendly" with your hand!

Barb :)

11-06-2010, 08:44 PM
........Another think, can someone give me a homepage which contain toy........

Hello minime. ...Welcome to our community! ... Have you thought about making your own toys for Charlie? ... Many members here often create toys for their own birds. .. Bubbleking (Jeremiah) is just one of our experts....and member jimpierce builds quite the playgym. .. Just have to be sure that the materials you use are safe for birds. ... Perhaps check out some of these threads I found using the "Search" option provided along the top of our home page. ... http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/search.php?searchid=193560

Thanks for the video of Charlie! ... Although he appears a slight bit confused, i'd say he really really likes your fingers.........:blush:

11-06-2010, 09:11 PM
I also just watched the video and Charlie is adorable! First thought that came to my mind was who needs toys? He's got your hand and he seems to find that completely entertaining! :lol

I agree that it's fairly easy and fun to make toys for our birds. Lovebirds LOVE swings so I would put that on the top of the list.

11-07-2010, 02:41 PM
cute video! along with everyones advice on charlie being on the floor, when he's up on a table like this video, it would definately be best to keep you old cigarette butts out of reach!! i stopped letting people smoke in my house solely because for the wellbeing of my bird, god forbid he try to chomp down on one!:2cents:

Bill's Birds
11-07-2010, 05:34 PM
:2cents:I agree with everyone about Birds & dogs. Be very careful. I do Bird Rescue, and my first rescue was a Cockatoo that had been attacked by the family dog. The Bird & dog had known each other for years, and were friends. One day something happened, and the dog attacked the Bird, and the poor Bird lost a leg & part of a wing. The owners decided to keep the dog, and the vet (who was a friend of mine) talked them out of putting the Bird to sleep, and called me to take her. She healed well, and I kept her until she died several years later. The point is that they were long time friends, but, something touched the dog off, and he attacked the Bird. Of course, many people own both Birds & dogs, but, keep them apart, and well supervised. BTW, that was not the only Bird I know of that was attacked by dogs. Recently, a friend lost her Lovebird to her Beagle. Who were also friendly to each other. I am not, and don't mean to sound, against dogs, but, as Linda said, dogs are predator animals, and Birds are prey animals.

11-12-2010, 10:00 AM
Thank you all for reply, we do all we can, to keep charlie from the floor.
I made him a new "house" he love it, hope he will keep on that.
How do I put pictures here?

11-14-2010, 01:58 PM
None of my birds are allowed to be on the floor,if one accidentally lands on the floor they come running/flying for Momma lol.

I found out that my birds don't like to be misted with water so I have this bright green spray bottle that helps keep them out of trouble. I don't even have to spray them with the water to get them to move,all they have to do is see the bottle now and they know they are doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Anyways when they first started to land on the floor I'd spray the water near them (not on them) and make a funny noise(sort of like psst psst psst) and tell them to come to me. When they came to me I'd give them a treat and so they learned being off the floor and on me =treat.

It's very rare they end up on the floor now and it's funny to see them look around frantically for where my boyfriend or I am and come running towards us to pick them up.

I know a girl on Youtube who made little shelves for her bird to play on,you might try something like that so that little Charlie has more areas up high to interest him.