View Full Version : Loveis only sleeping 6 hours!!!

11-13-2010, 06:46 AM
Alright, so I don't know what it is. But the last two days my lovies have only been sleeping about 6 hours - IF THAT! Before they are awake a chirping like crazy....and it's driving me nuts. I haven't been able to sleep at all. Because I'm up late (about 3am). And I usually put them to bed around midnight. But they've never done this before, the two of them always use to sleep to anywhere between noon and 1. But not anymore and I'm only getting like 4 hours of sleep!!! Why are they waking up so early for no apparent reason?

I have a shade over their cage so no light can get in - I'm really getting frustrated. They won't let me sleep at all!

Pips mom
11-13-2010, 06:57 AM
I'd try putting them to sleep earlier at night if you're having a hard time getting them to sleep in in the morning. With daylight savings, the days are getting shorter and it's darker longer and earlier. My birds have been very good about sleeping late in the morning for me, but depending on the weather sometimes they are up earlier or later, because when it's rainy and cloudy it stays darker in the am, and on bright sunny days, they tend to get up a little earlier. Birds need a good night's sleep in order to stay healthy 10-12 hours! Do they nap during the day? My lovebirds rarely nap during the day and only if they feel cozy and warm, like on the computer monitor or in the warm sun, or even on my shoulder sometimes if I'm sitting quietly!

11-13-2010, 03:54 PM
I agree with Pips Mom. Put them to bed earlier and I would put their cage where it's dark as well as quiet. Time change can have a huge affect on our birds and that could be why they are sleeping so much less. They still need 10-12 hrs of sleep/night!

11-13-2010, 05:57 PM
So, what I'm wondering is why you stay up so late yourself? Maybe you could go to bed earlier with your birds and you'd all be happier. :)

11-13-2010, 11:06 PM
Also, if you stay up that late working from an office or a specific room in your house and keep their cage in there, move the cage out of that room at night so that you being up isn't disturbing them. The time change is the culprit here without a doubt. It has thrown all of mine off.

And I will say again, I have the two quietest lovies on the planet. They are very chirpy and sing constantly it just never reaches an unbearable level and NEVER wakes me up. The waking me up at the crack of dawn is reserved for the shrieking conures. Maybe that is why I think the lovies are quiet......................everything is relative I suppose. LOL