View Full Version : i'm exhausted

11-15-2010, 06:55 PM
i hate to say this, but i am so exhausted and tired from having baby birds. they are cute and it's amazing to watch them grow from an egg to a juvenile. but i must say, 13 birds is way beyond my capacity. i love these little guys, but i can't wait til they are fully weaned so they can go to my boyfriends place. i'm gonna miss them, but i can't think w/ 13 birds in my apt. the noise level, the mess, the fights. it can get kinda stressful for me and it's definitely overwhelming. and it's not good when i'm stressed out cuz i'm just crabby and short tempered.

i can tell it's a lot for jada to handle too as she doesn't have a "place" to go to in order to get away from all the lovebirds cuz no matter where she goes, there's a lovebird and you all know how much she hates other birds. and poor milo. man, i have to say that rabbits have to be the easiest pets to care for. he's like a cat only he doesn't meow. thank god he's not as needy as the birds.

i don't get anything done when they are out and by the time they are back in their cages, i'm way too tired to do anything. i don't know how others do it w/ more birds and louder birds. but i just have been noticing that sometimes i dread letting them out cuz i'd rather just do housework or my own personal stuff, but i do let them out cuz that's important to me. sometimes when they are out, i feel like i need a time out from them. and then i feel bad cuz i love them w/ all my heart.

11-15-2010, 07:14 PM
Aw, I feel ya!! *hug* It's a lot easier having multiple birds when you have a "bird room." 10 years ago when I had 15 or so lovebirds, they had freedom of the bedroom that I converted into a bird room and I lived in the living room. All the mess got contained in that room, they could do as they please, and I could do what I needed to get done.

With Saru, it's like I have more than three birds. He's so spazzy and always wanting to be on me that I can't do anything when he's on me. I can't nap, I can't be on the computer, I can't watch TV... if he'd just sit nicely and hang like Mika does it'd be fine but he's a typical nippy, all over the place GCC.

That's why, no matter what, we're a three-bird household until we get a bird room. At least the birds will be at your bf's and not going to a stranger!

11-15-2010, 07:57 PM
i know, i'm glad they are going to a place i know. they may not be able to fly around for hours, but at least i know they'll be taken care of. and i'll still be able to see them.

seriously, i cant nap either. i used to be able to when it was just joey, evie, and pan. in fact, we would all nap together w/ them on resting on my chest. nowadays, i can't look away w/o there being something going on. can't be on my laptop cuz jada flies down and tries to pry off a few keys.

i actually put them to bed earlier than usual today (7pm!) cuz mom was getting a headache from joey and orion fighting loudly on her shoulder and all the birds needed a break from each other. whenever they start to bicker constantly, that's usually a sign that i need to put them away. when i first let them out, they all are good and respect each other. by the end of the day, they are at each other's beaks.

Pips mom
11-15-2010, 09:38 PM
Awww......I kinda am feeling a little bit like you right now.....just a little, not so bad because it's only for a week! I don't know how people do it....have all the birds and other pets and work. I spend my days before work cleaning up after the seven birds here and feeding and giving fresh water....feeding the dog, letting her out. It's ok for a week, but if I had this many animals all the time, I'd never have all the time I need to get things done. For me, I like to keep my cages pretty clean and the floors, especially right now since I saw a mouse in the house! Some birds are more needy of attention and time out of cage than others....that's Pip and Ivy! George really loves attention too and to be out. I've had trouble being able to find time for poor Rudy and Bob to have time out together until now because it's my day off. I have to watch Pip because he's so darn nosey about the new birds here and even the dog! I've been keeping Rudy out in the living room with Bob and George and WOW has Rudy been LOUD! I swear, I have the loudest lovebird ever! he wasn't loud like this the last time they stayed with us. George is such a character.....he says....beeeep!! and peek a boo! and he immitates sounds.....he's pretty quiet overall, but makes this really loud noise whenever Kevin goes out the door. He'll do anything to get on you and once he's on, have fun getting him off....cross him and you'll get bitten! Go along with him and he'll give kisses and even starts to regurgitate to you!!! He'll look at you with his head turned all the way upside down....ohhhhhh, this one is something else! I'll make a video of him tomorrow.
13 birds, wow and a rabbit.....how much more time before the babies are ready to go?

11-15-2010, 09:53 PM
my problem right now is getting the spice babies used to their new cage. they keep going to their mom and she's not having them at all. and dad is torn between who he wants to be with. right now i have him w/ the babies in their cage. they freak out when he's not there and hermes seems to be fine on her own.

yes, 13 birds and a bunny. at least milo is easy. he just does his own thing w/o making a sound.

rudy's been loud? you should hear orion and the babies when they decide to be vocal. my lord! orion is so freakin' loud! and he's constant about it. anytime there is a loud bird, i know it's him or joey. and the other day, all 13 birds were going at it. i almost went out of my mind.

and for some reason, everyone's hormones are going crazy! apollo needs to make a friend w/ one of these spice babies before i pick one for him. he's been trying to feed and mate his mom, who is not happy w/ him. silly boy. hermes is so hormonal, she's taken to kicking off joey from his hump toy so she can have a go at it.

the babies are between 7 and 8 weeks. the oldest will be 8 weeks on wednesday. man has time gone by. but dad still feeds them and my bf is in washington for over a week due to a death in his family. i still don't know which one i want yet. i want one of the girls cuz they are really sweet and i want an opaline, but i kinda want one of the boys (wasabi) cuz he's so scared of me and i want to work with him. what do you think? i could keep any one of them, doesn't matter to me at the end of the day. i think i can handle just one more bird, but that is it! no more. and no more babies! not for a long time.

Bill's Birds
11-16-2010, 10:27 AM

11-16-2010, 01:10 PM

i know right? lol