View Full Version : Introducing Tango and Zulu

11-17-2010, 10:35 PM
Normal green fischer's 7 months old. Pics will come soon. After a 14 hour road trip on Sunday (7 on their part) we are easing them into things. They both got a much needed wing clip yesterday and are doing well with being handled.

Zulu is a shirt diver (took a trip down my night shirt that was bad on so many levels) and the least confidant of the two very sweet and easy like Kenya. Tango and Cabo share the huge personality and curiosity (Tango already gnawed a hole in my husband's pillow case and his pant leg).

Wendy had some very beautiful birds. I had not seen many of the color mutations in the Fischer's species and the pictures I had seen were not that appealing to me but wow, in person it is very different. The dilute greens she has are simply gorgeous as are her violets. i was quite taken with her spangled blues and she also has a nice pair of the new Par Blue (yellow faced) mutation that are stunning. And others that I am forgetting. I'm feeling some Fischer's mutations in my future. But not the NEAR future. LOL

Wayne who did not want more birds can't keep his hands off of the boys so I guess that says it all. We spent over an hour at Wendy's because Wayne was so interested in the different colors. It was a long but very nice trip!

11-19-2010, 08:20 AM
It definitely is true about birds following you home! :rofl:

Congratulations on the new additions to your flock.

11-19-2010, 08:31 AM
Congratulations on your 2 new additions! Having seen what Wendy has, I'm surprised you only got 2....... :whistle:I told you that you would not regret the trip!

11-19-2010, 09:52 AM
Yes Linda and again THANK YOU so much! My one mistake was taking Wayne. Otherwise I may have come back with a car load of birdies! Actually, I think had there been any other colored babies available, Wayne would have taken one of each! LOL He blames all of this on me but it's really usually his fault when I end up with more than I planned...........Rio and Drake were completely his doing!

11-19-2010, 11:18 AM
Congratulations! I can't wait to see photos of your new additions :)

The Fischer's mutations are really something, aren't they? The lutino mutation is just GORGEOUS IMO... but my favorite is the normal green. They are just so pretty!

Best of luck :D