View Full Version : Some people have no heart...this makes me sad

Pips mom
11-17-2010, 10:41 PM
Tonight at work I was talking to someone about my birds and another employee mentioned that he had a bird too, so we started talking. He told me that the bird was found while him and his family were on vacation in Maine. I went back to ask him if he had tried to find the owners and he told me that after they had left Maine where they stayed with his grandmother I think it was, that some little girl came knocking on her door and asked if she had seen her bird, that it had gotten lose, and apparently that grandmother said.....nope, haven't seen it because her family wanted to keep the bird and take it home with them. How totally cruel can anyone be to lie to a little girl looking for her bird??? I found out that the bird was found about six years ago somewhere in Maine, on the beach, near the coast. It's a hahns macaw and it's a female because the bird has laid eggs. I think that the previous owners should at least be able to know that their bird is still alive and in a good home where they love her and take good care of her. Still.....it makes me so mad and upset to hear stories like this :very_sad:

11-17-2010, 10:58 PM
Unfortunately, there are people like this out there and it makes me mad, too! If it were me looking for my bird, I would hope that whoever found it would return it but that's not always the case. It's a shame because the bird suffers, too. Lost birds DO miss their families!

11-17-2010, 11:08 PM
That is really just hateful.

11-18-2010, 12:11 AM
:( that is awful!!! It's so wrong! That poor family deserves to know what happened to their bird.

11-18-2010, 12:15 AM
Just the image of a grandma lying to a little girl is wrong!

11-18-2010, 06:48 AM
It gets worse aswell. Puppy theft is a big thing at the moment. A lady on the dog forum my wife goes on had a sad story earlier this summer. She was walking her puppy in the woods when someone snatched the puppy, ran to a car and was never seen again. Happened too many times this year. We never leave our dogs alone now when we go into shops etc, some cold hearted people out there.

11-18-2010, 07:33 AM
Dog theft is a big thing here in FL, too! Dogs left alone in backyards are being targeted, as they can be sold for cash. Microchipping is a way of identifying your pet, but you would be surprised how many microchips are not informationally up to date. The Corgi that I adopted was microchipped but his owners were never found. I adopted an adorable Cairn Terrier about 2 months ago and I never let her out of my sight when she's outside. Sad, very very sad. :(

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 08:07 AM
I actually emailed 911 parrot alert about this parrot, even though it was six years ago......still that family can have some peace of mind knowing their birds was found and is happy and loved. I hope somehow they can know, and have that sense of relief. I didn't email it as a found bird, I just sent it to where it says to contact them. I don't think I have enough info, but who knows, it's worth a shot.

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 09:33 AM
Wow, I emailed them and in within minutes they emailed me back with a posting for a hahns macaw female from 2005, coast of Maine.

11-18-2010, 09:39 AM
If the family who lost the bird still wants it back, you have very strong evidence that the bird does not belong to the family who currently has it. The person volunteered the information and I think that's proof enough that the bird is not theirs. If the family who actually owns the bird can prove it's theirs, that, plus your information, could have it given back to its rightful owner. That would actually be the right and best outcome!

I have no respect for dishonesty.

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 09:52 AM
I realize what you are saying Linda.....but really....how are they going to prove that it's their bird...the bird has no leg band. I think if it was me, after six years, and at least for a while, I'd be happy just knowing that my bird is safe and loved and that is what I want to provide for the previous owners. As far as getting the bird back goes.....considering how hard that would be, I would think that the owners would think about it and consider all of their options....the bird is now in a home hundreds of miles away here in Mass! I will share with this previous owner(if this indeed the previous owner) my info and see if I can't get more from the guy at work....he said he was going bring in a pic to show me and I'm acting like just another bird owner and we can show off our birds to each other and maybe I can get more info. This is a young kid in college and was on vacation with parents at the time the bird was found, and was just a kid at the time....those parents I think are the ones the most responsible for what happened, so it's easy for me to not hate this guy for what happened...but when I hear him talk about it, he sounds just as guilty as the parents and even sounded proud about how the relative in Maine lied to that little girl! :roll:

11-18-2010, 10:11 AM
I hope that at least the family can't get some comfort out of knowing the bird is safe. I think maybe the fact that you did your search based on the story your co-worker told that it will some credibility to the families claim if they want to try to reclaim the bird. Don't know how well you and the co-worker will get along now though.:omg: I agree with bookword about the image of a grandmother lying to a little girl! Raar! And this whole dog napping thing. Are you kidding me? Who steals a child's pet?!

I live in a very small rural town and though I live in a neighborhood, the houses are very spread out. About two years ago, there were some break ins in the neighborhood one day in addition to T.V's and the like they also stole a Labrador and a Yorkie. As luck would have it, my son who was 18 at the time was walking down the street when the police cruised through and they stopped him. He told them we had been at the barn all day but no one had touched our house. The officer was understandably suspicious and ask to speak with me. When he stepped up on the porch, 350 pounds of German Shepherd, Doberman and Bull dog tried to go through the window after him. He left the porch quickly and told my son, "never mind I know why no one broke in your home or stole your dogs. If you notice anything unusual call us". LOL

All of my dogs are protection trained and won't even take steak from a stranger. (I had a stalker once) they will work individually or as a pack. I wish one of the dog nappers would TRY! They'd get what they deserve.

11-18-2010, 10:36 AM
Tricky situation that. If someone nicked one of my birds or dogs, and I found out about it and had the chance to find the culprit, I would. It worries me to think what I would do to the person though :O :D

My dogs are protective but in all honesty, wack out a cookie and they will melt in your hands :D We are extra careful because border collies from good bloodlines are a common target :(

Another big bird theft happened last year. A member of staff from the Belgium lovebird society had one of his aviaries broken into and they stole all of his pure, wildcolour green masked lovebirds. This guy is a well known breeder, he breeds (in my opinion) the best green masked in the world, i've never seen such beautiful birds. He has CCTV cameras and IP cameras covering all his aviaries and land, except this one part in the corner. For theives to target this section kind of hints they have been there before and know that there's no coverage in that area. He has people come from all over the world to buy birds from his lines and has waiting lists like I have never seen before. Very sad, he lost about 50 birds I think it was. Evil people. I detest theives with a passion.

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 10:39 AM
Well....as far as me and this co-worker go....he doesn't work directly with me, but I do come into contact with him...obviously. He's also fairly new, only been working there for maybe about 4 or 5 months. I feel pretty secure in knowing that if this ever creates a problem, that any bosses know the story why, that if they have a heart too, they will see that I was just trying to do the right thing, and that this isn't about sticking my nose where it doesn't belong....although I can be nosy at times!:rotfl I'm really not worried about problems coming from this at work.....I think there's a good chance that whatever happens, that this co-worker may not even find out that it was me who gave the real owners the info. I'm sure he's shared it with others besides me too. Anyway....most important thing here....the owners of this bird may very well be found and can have a sense of relief to know that their bird is in a home where she's loved and safe. I feel good about what I am doing.....it's a good thing! I actually feel like....wow, I could be finding someone their lost bird! That guy at work blew it and blabbed the info.....not me! If he's going to share that info with just anyone, he should have said that they looked for the owners for years or at least made it sound like they cared at all! otherwise.....people like me...with a heart come along and listen to this sad story and put themselves in the person's place that lost the bird. What comes around, goes around....and hopefully if I ever find myself in the true owners shoes, someone would do the same for me!

11-18-2010, 10:43 AM
Too right you're doing the right thing!!! I would do it without a doubt and if the poop hits the fan then i'll just get my umbrella out! :D

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 11:13 AM
What really gets me after the add she placed on parrot alert, she posted another add about a year and half later.....this is what it said....

Still have not forgotten my FID, Addie, would love to know she is well safe &
loved. Escaped from Freeprot Maine May 2005, fully flighted, could be ANYWHERE,
Female, approx 5 years old now. Still hae her wool lined nesting box on my
bedroom wall.

apparently she kept a wooden nesting box hanging on the wall and that is where she slept. This was mentioned in the original add.
Also mentioned in the original add.....
We spent 24/7 together, as i am
disabled .. My daughter gave her to me, to, keep me company,
after the loss of my son, in Nov 2001.

11-18-2010, 11:47 AM
I agree. I know if it were my bird that had been lost and someone found out where it was, I would want it back! What's right is right. Like Personatus, I have extra umbrellas.......

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 12:40 PM
Yup, me too! I have umbrellas here that will work just fine!
I cannot believe this.....you guys really have to read this....I recieved an email from Teresa, the owner of the lost hahns macaw. I have a gut feeling that this is her bird, but we'll find out more and take things from there....this letter from her brought a tear to my eyes.......
Dear Kim,

As you can imagine, your email means more than words can express. I too agree with you and have suspected all this time, that someone had found my Addie
and kept her with no regard to the owners feelings. I liken it to" If i found your kid on the side of the road, does this give me the right to keep her or him?"
I think of her always yet still , especially at this time of the year-the anniversary of the death of my only son (Nov 10 2001).
Addie was given to me at the age of six months , and six months after this tragedy by my youngest daughter. This bird gave me strength to carry on all the while adding so much meaning to my every wakening. We slept, showered, ate, traveled, pretty much did everything together. She was my best friend. As you have imagined with the thought of loosing one of your birds...
I beleive your suspicions to be accurate, as i inquired from Maine-Vermont-NH , NY CT Canada EVERYWHERE.....and did manage to "hear" bits about a "found" Hahns, here and there..HUSH HUSH....even suspected people of lying to my face and those of my grandchildren, which one by the way, was at the time, "pretty" enough to be mistaken as a girl. Many people young and old assisted me during this time, so a little girl, it could have been as well. My daughter worked at a home near or on the coast of Maine, as recently as 1 year ago. She too heard "rumor" of a found Hahns . Just like you, she did not let on she thought it was my Addie... but the trail went cold when she began to ask to many questions. Much like your email, at least it gave me some comfort to think she was alive and well. I have photos which i will send later as they are on another drive. There is no doubt i could recognoze her, and if i EVER got the chance for her to hear my voice, to whisper those sweet "everythings" in her little bird ears, i think she too would voice her remembrance of me.
I would welcome and appreciate any and all information, to be frank, i pine for her to this day and always.

Thank you very much Kim for your thoughtfullness and kind words,

11-18-2010, 01:08 PM
I really hope Addie finds her way back to her rightful home, Kim! Trust me. Parrots have wonderful memories and I'm sure she will remember where she came from. If she can prove that Addie is hers, she could probably go to the home where Addie is being kept, with a police escort, of course, and demand the bird be returned on the spot.

Pips mom
11-18-2010, 02:24 PM
The thing is.....I don't know where they live, and I'm not sure if I can get that information, but I can try. In the mean time I can just talk to this guy and show him pics of my birds and act like I want to trade bird stories! see what I can find out. I can find out if the bird is banded.....Addie was not banded...even so I guess people can have it removed if there was one. I can try to find out the location of where they were when they found her by maybe saying that we go to a certain location in Maine on vacation too and see if he mentions it. For now, it's probably better to lay low and try to get as much info as possible and to not mention any of this to anyone at work! The guy told me that he would bring in a pic of her to show me, so we'll have that time to see what else I can find out. I'm pretty good at bringing up subjects of interest without it sounding like I am trying to get info.....just a crazy bird lady :rotfl I think it's probably best to just take it slow and not go too quickly into thoughts of getting her back! Winter is quickly arriving, so travel between here and Maine will soon be something to consider also....maybe she can plan something for spring if she decides to try to get her back. I wouldn't know where to start if it was me and someone had my bird......first we have to prove it's her bird! Not an easy task! We need to try to get info on when their trip there was, which is pretty much not likely....all I know is that it was about six years ago......Addie went missing exactly five and a half years ago, so that's pretty close! If I can get a location out of him, that would do it for me! and this I think I can get.
This poor woman....obviously very sad over the loss of her son, then this bird helps her through it and she loses her too. It would be amazing to see them reunited! and as far as the people who have her now goes.....then they can know how it felt when they took her bird away!

Bill's Birds
11-18-2010, 02:32 PM
I occasionally get lost Birds. It's sad when this happens. And those people who kept the Bird that wasn't theirs :omg: and lied to that little girl. Despicable! It's so easy to adopt a Bird, if you really want one. Hurricanes down here, often fill the shelters with all kinds of pets. Just a lesson...get your bigger Birds microchipped, and then register the Bird. They won't do it to smaller Birds. The Humane Society has a legal department, as does the ASPCA, and maybe they can be of help getting Addie back home.

11-18-2010, 03:07 PM
Maybe if the bird was ever DNA tested there would be records somewhere and the DNA could be matched? Hardest thing will be proving the bird is hers. Wish you all the luck in the world! I agree taking it steady, if the birds missing for 5.5 years, a bit longer won't hurt if it means reuniting the bird :)

11-18-2010, 07:24 PM
Right, that's just the thing...
the person who is looking for Addie can press charges, and claim that this bird was theirs- but if these people were not willing to give up this Macaw in 2005, I have a difficult time believing they will do so now. Perhaps if charges are pressed, they will feel pressured to not press their luck? I do not know. I just think of when one a person I know was trying to get their parrot back and the person who had him would not give him back because the parrot bit her! As far as the law is concerned, since the parrot was not banded, it was up to the finder to decide who the real owner was... and to an extent that was a good thing because MANY people tried to claim this bird! However, this parrot had an amputation that he did not advertise, but she knew about, so that was the thing that was still on her side and he eventually did give the bird back to her. As though a parrot who has been through all that may not be all cuddles for his estranged human buddy immediately! Even Kokoro would probably lay a beak on me after stress like that- and I can tell you one thing- I would do anything to make sure any of my birds was back home where they belonged!

It just makes me sick to think of this. If I found a bird I would go to any length to be sure they found their way home. Its so difficult to imagine how these people, who have clearly become attached to this parrot, could not put themselves in this other person's shoes.

Her story really resonated with me. My family bought my birds for me to keep me company because I am disabled and (before the birds came) was home alone a lot and Kokoro is with me, as Addie was with her. I would do the same as you, Kim, and I pray that Addie gets home. I've got no doubt she'll remember her person.

11-18-2010, 07:32 PM
Wow, what a heart wrenching story. I'll be praying for a happy ending with this one!

Barb :)

11-18-2010, 11:00 PM
wow! i will be keeping up w/ this story. i hope it all works out well. i don't get it, if i found a bird, even if i liked it, i would try to find its owners and until i find them, i would keep it and take care of it. i still can't believe the grandma lying! grandmas are supposed to be honest and sweet and wise! i mean, i know they all aren't like that, but still. well kim, good luck!

11-19-2010, 01:07 AM
.........Dear Kim,

As you can imagine, your email means more than words can express. I too agree with you and have suspected all this time, that someone had found my Addie
and kept her with no regard to the owners feelings. I liken it to" If i found your kid on the side of the road, does this give me the right to keep her or him?"
I think of her always yet still , especially at this time of the year-the anniversary of the death of my only son (Nov 10 2001).
Addie was given to me at the age of six months , and six months after this tragedy by my youngest daughter. This bird gave me strength to carry on all the while adding so much meaning to my every wakening. We slept, showered, ate, traveled, pretty much did everything together. She was my best friend. As you have imagined with the thought of loosing one of your birds...
I beleive your suspicions to be accurate, as i inquired from Maine-Vermont-NH , NY CT Canada EVERYWHERE.....and did manage to "hear" bits about a "found" Hahns, here and there..HUSH HUSH....even suspected people of lying to my face and those of my grandchildren, which one by the way, was at the time, "pretty" enough to be mistaken as a girl. Many people young and old assisted me during this time, so a little girl, it could have been as well. My daughter worked at a home near or on the coast of Maine, as recently as 1 year ago. She too heard "rumor" of a found Hahns . Just like you, she did not let on she thought it was my Addie... but the trail went cold when she began to ask to many questions. Much like your email, at least it gave me some comfort to think she was alive and well. I have photos which i will send later as they are on another drive. There is no doubt i could recognoze her, and if i EVER got the chance for her to hear my voice, to whisper those sweet "everythings" in her little bird ears, i think she too would voice her remembrance of me.
I would welcome and appreciate any and all information, to be frank, i pine for her to this day and always.

Thank you very much Kim for your thoughtfullness and kind words,

Your right Kim....Some poeple have no heart, nor do they have any conscience!

It would be interesting to know whether this poor woman could still recognize her Addie. .. I have a feeling she would have no problem, especially if you could somehow provide her or parrot rescue a photo. .. Figure too, the likeyhood of her losing Addie around the same time and location she was found by her now illegal owners, is well beyond coincidence. ... I wonder if perhaps once things are substantiated, your fellow employee might take it to mind to read this womans letter? ... I would love to see, while looking him straight in the eye's, the expression on his face. ... Especially around the holidays. ............>:

Good luck Kim. .. Prayers!

Pips mom
11-19-2010, 09:15 AM
I know Michael......that email to me and the loss of her only son....just makes me want to print it out and find that home and bring it there and make them read it! Could they be THAT heartless that even that wouldn't bother them? I wonder.

11-19-2010, 12:35 PM
Hello to all...
As you can see from my handle i am Addie's mom. Just finished talking to Pips Mom via phone. Once again , i am reminded that angels do in fact walk among us!
Since recieving Kim's email yesterday morning, my mind and body are shaking with the possibility of seeing my Addie again. Alas, i will have no expectations, therefore no disappointment (yeah right) but i have hopes of pursuing this and pray for the ultimate happy ending...reunited after so long. And yes, i would definately recognize her, we all do not look "alike" and neither do deers, dogs nor ANY animal of the same species. We are all individuals... with certain personalities and "markings". Do have pictures, and have forwarded one to Kim. Vet visits as well...etc.
Many thanks to all, for your comments , support and especially Parrot 911 who made our connection possible!
Fingers and heart crossed,
The moral of my story is....BANDS can and will be removed if the finder wishes to keep a bird that is not theirs...poof, prooof gone. MICROCHIP MICROCHIP MICROCHIP

11-19-2010, 01:05 PM
Welcome, Addies Mom!
We here at Lovebirds Plus are all praying that this has a happy ending for both you and Addie! I, for one, can tell you that parrots have amazing memories and don't forget the past easily, if at all. They never cease to amaze me in their abilities so that's working on your side. If you have a photo of a particular permanent marking that Addie has and that can be seen on the bird that could be Addie, that would be considered as proof that she is yours. A receipt from where you purchased Addie would also be something on your side.

Good luck and know that we are here and all praying for you and Addie!

11-19-2010, 02:46 PM
Welcome Addie's mom. I have been following this incredible story, and I will offer prayers for your reuniting with your precious Addie. Years ago, I had all my parrots microchipped (even though some of them are banded, as well). At the time, I took a lot of heat about it from friends, who said it was traumatic, cruel, and painful to the bird (all recovered without incident and seem to hold no memory of the "event" when we return to the vet's office). Your story makes me feel more secure in my controversial decision to microchip them the way I did. I guess poor baby Kirby is next. . . .

11-19-2010, 04:49 PM
Hello again,
To Oowl - Thanks for your reply and yes please and thank you..... Microchip...Kirby will be just fine! Your offering of prayers, much needed at this time of the year, regardless of the outcome.
i am presently working on securing the reciept for Addie . I never asked my daughter where she was purchased. Turns out she came right from NH, a place called Zoo Creatures, and i have already inquired, and waiting to hear back. Addie did have distinct red markings which i have photos of as well.
i too wonder if my "story" would have any impact on the present "owner"/ Illegal "owner".

11-19-2010, 10:19 PM
This kind of stuff just makes me so boiling >: >: >: !!!

A couple of months ago, I encountered a woman who found a Green Cheek. Another Parrot Club member and I told her all the actions she needed to take to report the found bird. At first she said she didn't have time to care for it so was going to turn the bird over to me, since we run a fostering program. The day she was supposed to hand the bird over, she said she and her daughter have decided to keep it!!! I told her she CAN'T keep it and she has to report it to the Humane Society at the very least, as it's the law. I called the HS to follow up and she never reported the bird, though she told the other Parrot Club member that she did report it. I gave them all of the woman's info as I had her name, phone number, AND address - but the HS did nothing about it because ours rarely deals with or handles birds. Someone is missing their GCC very much!!

I'm so sorry you've had to go through this sadness all these years, addiesmom!! I hope there will be some new developments soon!!

Pips mom
11-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Hey Teresa......there are no new developments as of yet, I have to be careful to not look too curious or ask too many questions or look like I am prying. I talked to the guy at work, showed him pics of my birds, but I didn't get much info out of him tonight. Try again tomorrow! If after some time I am unable to get much in the way of info, I can always find out this guys last name and address and maybe we could somehow send to his parents a letter....it would be good if the post mark came from Maine. I've been thinking alot about it and wondering what's the best way to handle all of this for Teresa.....I think taking the time to think and get advice and figure this all out is probably the way to go. I really want to try to find out from this guy the location of where they were and where they found the bird.....that would confirm for me that this is Teresa's bird, but I need some time to try. Once I get that info, I'll be convinced that this is Addie. I don't even know the birds name now....they must have named her!

11-20-2010, 06:44 AM
The key to possibly getting Addie back is to gather your information and then go to the police. If you know for sure and can prove it, go to the address with a police escort and demand your bird. If you tip your hand and this family knows that you suspect, they will do what they can to keep the bird if they really want to keep it rather than doing the right thing and returning Addie.

In many states, animals are considered "property." Florida is one of those states. My daughter had a friend take her pet Cockatiel and even with as much information I had on the bird (It was the baby of one of my pairs.), the girl said my daughter's bird flew out an open door and she didn't have it anymore.

Get your information, build your case and go after the bird.

11-20-2010, 07:53 AM
...... I can always find out this guys last name and address and maybe we could somehow send to his parents a letter....it would be good if the post mark came from Maine. I've been thinking alot about it and wondering what's the best way to handle all of this for Teresa.....I think taking the time to think and get advice and figure this all out is probably the way to go.......

I agree taking the time would be in everyones best interest. .. Unfortunately, letting the parents know (for post mark purposes), may tip them off. ... An admission of where they obtained Addie (which it sounds like it is Addie), on a video tape, is usually admissable in court. .. Another witness to the conversation may also provide additional proof. ... Although we tend to dispense the idea of pets being "property", that in itself allows the previous owner "title of ownership". ... While this can be a slow process, its well worth waiting for. ...... Prayers for Addie and Teresa.

11-21-2010, 09:51 AM
Maybe if the bird was ever DNA tested there would be records somewhere and the DNA could be matched? Hardest thing will be proving the bird is hers. Wish you all the luck in the world! I agree taking it steady, if the birds missing for 5.5 years, a bit longer won't hurt if it means reuniting the bird :)

Imagine this ...i think i still have her box at my former home in Miane, along with the wool and assuredly, plenty of "DNA" fro proof. Appreciate the good wishes of luck.

11-21-2010, 11:38 AM
Avian Biotech can do DNA mapping to establish identity of a bird. The cost used to be somewhere around $80.00 but that would definitely establish whether or not this is Addie.

Pips mom
11-21-2010, 01:10 PM
Wow!!!! If she could find something of Addie's, feathers maybe, they could match that up? Now that would be something and 80 dollars? a small price to pay to have your bird back I think. I wonder how long it takes though......they could always not have the bird anymore when the test results come back and could be conveniently keeping it at someone else's home and say it got lose outside or something.

11-21-2010, 02:39 PM
That's why I said get proof together, build your case, contact law enforcement and go retrieve the bird. You really don't want to tip your hand until the last possible minute. I've seen this in action before and my daughter got her bird's cage back but not her bird. :(

I'm wondering if you could somehow manage to get a photo of this bird. Any possibilities?

11-21-2010, 05:22 PM
I am wondering if you could ask this guy to bring in some photos of his bird by saying you'd really love to see them. You can show him pics of Ivy, Rudy, and Pip. If he's been spreading his story around he wouldn't necessarily know it was you who reported him.

If he works as the same place you do it should be fairly easy for the police to get his address from your employer. They might be able to confiscate Addie while a check is made to determine ownership. It may also be necessary for Addie's mom to come to claim her in person. That could be quite an ordeal but definitely worth it in the long run to get Addie back home again.

Maybe Parrot Rescue can offer good advice on the best way to proceed.

11-22-2010, 07:52 AM
Update- i called the Freeport Maine PD and was "advised" that this situation is a civil case, i need an attorney, that it would be a long drawn out process and i quote, "very expensive". A nesting box was found in the shed, no wool , one small matted greenish feather, some leaves and he is shipping it today to me today. If it is hers i will reconize it. Fingers crossed here once again. Hoping the feather is not from a Nanday i cared for after this happened. Remy did NOT like the box and hated to go in it. Yarmouth Vet Center is faxing the records of Addie's visits to my new vet in CT.
Anyway my hopes are waning this am,:(but i still have much to do in the way of research. The "old" Teresa >:would have be there with my trusty aluminum baseball bat full of demands with no fear of consequence whatsoever. I have contaced the Humane Society and await a reply. I read the Maine law, and found animals are REQUIRED to be reported, a plus....however, not sure if exotic/birds fall under this category. Hopefully Kim can see photo of Addie or get one, and compare it to the one i sent.( i tried to post it here on ths board with no luck, not sure why) and procure the thiefs address, i am certainly not beyond driving there and knocking on his door, pretending to be looking for an old friend or something, just to see if i can get a glimpse or hear her sweet voice.

Pips mom
11-22-2010, 07:56 AM
The guy I work with is young.....I think he still lives at home with his parents, and is college aged. I found out his last name and the town in which he lives. There are two addresses in the phone book for this name in that same town.....it has to be one of those addresses because not alot of people live in that town.....it's way out in the middle of nowhere on a mountain! I can find out which address it is. The main info I am after though is to find out where in Maine his family vacations....where they were when they found this bird. He did say he would bring in a picture, but really after over five years, this bird has gone through five molts.....how can we be sure from a pic really? and if you look at pics of Hahns macaws, they all look alot alike! I don't really have much hope for pictures telling me anything, but I'll keep after him to bring one in. What I need is to find out the location where they found her.

11-22-2010, 08:01 AM
Speaking of the college he attends. Is it in ALLSTON MA? On my trip to Boston to my friends art mentor's studio, i came back with news of a college boy walking all round the area with a green parrot. It would be extremely helpful to find out where he was on vaca....this is KEY. Thanks again Kim

11-22-2010, 08:22 AM
but really after over five years, this bird has gone through five molts.....how can we be sure from a pic really?
Having lived with macaws for almost 20 yrs, I can tell you that, after a certain age, molting does not drastically change the appearance of the bird. I can still tell the difference between Georgia and Dao just by looking at their feathers. They are both Military Macaws but the feather color is, and always been, just a little bit different. Some birds have distinctive marks from old injuries (Lucky, B&G Macaw, had a damaged long toe from breaking it when she got it caught in a hole on a driftwood perch.) that are unmistakeable.

You can also trust that Addie will remember her former owners, especially if the bond was very close. Four yrs after my ex took Lucky away from me, she remembered who I was the next time she came to my home. She took one look at me, her eyes pinned and she let out a scream of joy/recognition!

11-22-2010, 08:28 AM
Having lived with macaws for almost 20 yrs, I can tell you that, after a certain age, molting does not drastically change the appearance of the bird. I can still tell the difference between Georgia and Dao just by looking at their feathers. They are both Military Macaws but the feather color is, and always been, just a little bit different. Some birds have distinctive marks from old injuries (Lucky, B&G Macaw, had a damaged long toe from breaking it when she got it caught in a hole on a driftwood perch.) that are unmistakeable.

You can also trust that Addie will remember her former owners, especially if the bond was very close. Four yrs after my ex took Lucky away from me, she remembered who I was the next time she came to my home. She took one look at me, her eyes pinned and she let out a scream of joy/recognition!

Thanks LInda, i needed to hear something positive so i may go on with my day, other wise there will be no clean house for the holidays

11-22-2010, 09:02 AM
You really need to find out what MA law says as far as recovering lost pets that have not been reported lost. This person has already admitted to Kim, hopefully in the presence of at least one more person, that the macaw was found and kept. If MA law says that found birds must be reported, you have the beginnings of a good case.

Here in FL, if you can prove the bird is unmistakably yours and you know where it is, all you have to do is take a police officer with you to the location of the bird, positively identify the bird, and you get it back. Animals are considered "property" here so reporting them stolen is little motivation for anyone to do anything to find the bird.

11-22-2010, 09:39 AM

I pray that this is in fact your bird and you can bring her home safely after all of this time. I've been reading these posts with tears in my eyes. As someone who lost their beloved lovebird over the summer when he got loose outside, I can only pray that if by some miracle he was found the people would contact me and give me my baby back. I know the pain of loosing your feathered child, especially when you have such a close bond. I am praying this resolves quickly, so you can get your beloved Addie home soon!

11-22-2010, 10:12 AM
Ok last post for at least this morning? Moderation , patience but it is difficult not spending hrs researching options and info. i am an obsessed woman. My present thoughts about my Addie and this situation are...
How many Hahns mini macaws could have been lost the night before mothers day, May 7th, 2005 and found on the coast of Maine/May 2005. Any odds on this??We had high and unusual winds in our area. At the time of loss, i estimated she could have been pushed 100 miles or more by these alone.
AND i purposely excercized her and kept her fully flighted because we took in stray and abused cats, and had twenty at the time, and it was necessary just in case...Addie however being her self bossed EVERY one of them around, ah yes that nice thick strong hooked beak, her aggrressive posture, she went for them...not one dared. Approx 4 of them were her friends, and were allowed into the area of the house where she lived free of cage for the most part. They all spent much time together on my bed, grooming each other, sleeping and playing. My 17 y/o cat AshLeaf (found in the middle of nowhere maine under an ash tree)lives with me now and was the only one ever trusted unsupervised. She has a large vocab and understanding as she and i haved talked alll day every day possible for 16 1/2 years. Another caregiver i am blessed with. Since recieving your email Kim, the first one, she has been sticking to me like glue knowing i am on alert about something.This morning i conveyed to her memories of Addie, simply, saying sweet sweet Addie, and mimicking phrases especially the ones the two of them shared. Her eyes said it all, the flicker of remembrance shone. I have seen proof of this with many species in my time and have all the stories to back them. Longwinded me will spare you the details....lol
My daughter lives in Yarmouth and is doing legwork this am for me. For now, getting back to that clean house wish of mine for the holidays. Best wishes to all of you this turkey day and always.

11-22-2010, 10:17 AM
You really need to find out what MA law says as far as recovering lost pets that have not been reported lost. This person has already admitted to Kim, hopefully in the presence of at least one more person, that the macaw was found and kept. If MA law says that found birds must be reported, you have the beginnings of a good case.

Here in FL, if you can prove the bird is unmistakably yours and you know where it is, all you have to do is take a police officer with you to the location of the bird, positively identify the bird, and you get it back. Animals are considered "property" here so reporting them stolen is little motivation for anyone to do anything to find the bird.

Awesome idea!!!!Thank you

11-22-2010, 10:32 AM
When it comes to missing birds, you would be amazed at where some have been found and after unbelievable lengths of time! I know this is probably one of the hardest things you will do in your lifetime, but patience and persistence will pay off in the long run if this is Addie.

Know that our positive thoughts and prayers are with you, even as you clean house! (Believe it or not, when I'm upset, cleaning is what I do best!) Just FYI, only members can read what's written in this forum so there's no chance that the individual who you suspect has Addie could read any of this conversation without first registering. Only a few forums can be seen by non-members and this is not one of those.

11-22-2010, 11:56 AM
Ok so i fibbed...Update:
The FREEPORT animal control officer told my daughter...
Addie is personal property and it is a criminal offense. He asked and i sent all info and he will consider it my formal report for stolen property. He said it will also take coooperation from authorities in MASS MAINE & CONNECTICUT, which he will handle as well. And that his admitting to Kim in person is all he needs to do this. No promises, but his heart is in it!!!!!!!!

11-22-2010, 01:14 PM
Good update! I believe in the power of prayer and you've got a bunch of it coming your way from sunny, warm FL! The admission to Kim is a BIG item, especially if anyone else other than Kim also heard what he said.

One thing I know for sure. If you find an animal, always, always, always look for the rightful owner! If you look and fail to find the owner, that's one thing, but not looking at all is just plain wrong!

Pips mom
11-22-2010, 02:27 PM
I remember one time some years ago, I joined my first bird forum, and someone joined there who had found a bird. The person didn't want to take the time to find the owners and didn't seem interested and when I gave that person a hard time, and explained to him that he needed to consider the family that might be heartbroken.....people on that forum actually thought I was being harsh and took this guy's side. That's what I've always loved about things here.....everyone here has always been so kind and caring, warm and understanding, and believes in doing the "right thing" Some good people here, and I feel honored to be part of this group!
If this is Addie.....and we all know there's a very good chance that it is, then we'll find out and the day will come when "what comes around, goes around"!

Bill's Birds
11-22-2010, 03:25 PM
This has been an amazing adventure to read. Tears in my eyes, suspense, it's all here. Addie's Mom....you have all our hopes and prayers that Addie gets to come home. Several times, I have contacted an owner of a lost Bird that someone has found & given me, knowing I rescue Birds, and was so touched by the reactions of the Birds as well as the people. They do NOT forget, and we'll all have tears in our eyes when you tell us that you & Addie are re-united! I refuse to believe anything else. Best wishes for a speedy reunion!

11-23-2010, 08:38 AM
No word yet....Kim WED can not come soon enough. LOVE to know where/date they found her in Maine. Fully flighted she could have traveled 50 miles per day, PROBALY more given the winds that DREADFULL May so i think this is a moot point. In any event, even if it is not ADDIE, (which i highly doubt) she belongs to someone other than the person who posseses her now, and the rightful owner should be found.
I look forward to BOTH addresses, let the animal control officer use the resources he has at hand to figure it out.
My biggest fear is the following.....Maine is/has a quality of life no amount of money can buy, but as i learned from the coverup regarding my son's accident, and another dangerous situation experienced during the 25 years i was a resident....the locals stick together. The last name you gave to me is a prominent one in the Freeport area, and i have the highest hopes that they are not well connected.
Once again...thanks so much to ALL of you here on this wonderful forum, for your comments, good wishes and prayers. I too believe in the power of prayer especially if many are doing to so for the same reason. IF WE BELEIVE IT WILL BE SO, THEN IT WILL. I have been blessed by meeting you all and your interest gives me strength and hope, all the while renewing my faith in mankind. This Thursday as everyday.....i will offer my gratefullness for what i do have in my life and you ALL will be included .
Now about that messy house.....:blush:

Pips mom
11-23-2010, 10:22 AM
I think that you have to find out the laws here in Mass. too. That is the funniest thing.....somehow it got by me what you had written....about knocking on their door for some other reason or maybe having the wrong house.....ORRR.....its way out in the boonies Teresa.....what if you car broke down and you needed to use a phone??? or needed help?? Once I get the address, just something to think about. I gotta get that address! I'll have to bring up the subject of winter coming and if he has to travel too far to work. I remember also using some site online to find addresses and phone numbers where it listed the people living in the home.....if I could find that site again, that could comfirm the address.

11-23-2010, 11:16 AM
Here in FL, the Tax Collector's Office website can be a wealth of information, and it's all public (and free).... If I want to know information about a home or piece of property, all I have to do is go to the tax collector's office and search either by owner name or property address.

11-23-2010, 11:20 AM
The animal crontol officer from Freeport is going to handle ALL of the interstate law issues between ME, MA & CT. He said that you are the key, because the young man told you how he aquired the bird, and that is enough evidence to warrant a criminal investigation . If there were any other co-workers arond all the better. And hes said he would do everything he could to bring Addie home, and AMEN.
Zoo Creatures can not provide a receipt dating back to 2001. Too bad. One would think for health /illness outbreak advisory reasons etc, that solid records of birds bought and sold would be required by law to be maintained.

BTW Did you know it is legal to tape record a conversation and have it be admissable as evidence of a crime? Only requirement is that ONE (that would be you)of the parties is aware of it? My daughter in Maine was told this by her lawyer.

11-23-2010, 11:30 AM
Hi Folks- Any opinions on this, to press or not?

Good morning Teresa,

I have read through the e-mails. To start it is a long shot and we will see what we can do from Maine. The approach you wish to take will determine what we can do. If you don't wish to press charges and just want your pet returned we will take that approach.

To begin with we do need:
Tim's last name and address.
Residence if known
Work place

Officer Tom Kay
Freeport Police Department
Freeport, Maine

11-23-2010, 11:39 AM
You may want to consider using pressing charges as a "bargaining chip." If you find that this bird is truly yours, return the bird willingly and you would be willing to let it go at that. Be obstinate about it and you can get just as tough.

Are you angry or do you just want Addie back? I know I would be angry and pressing charges would be an example to others of what happens when you keep personal property that isn't yours and you don't try to find the rightful owner. This one is kind of a toss up from my point of view.

Anyone else???????

11-23-2010, 12:17 PM
I think I would be hard pressed not to press charges. The reason being, if the parties involved get wind that you are onto them, they may withhold the bird or hide it. Just my opinion. I think when you can get some legal force behind you, you have more say in the matter. I would go about it nicely, just reiterate you want Addie back and if they give her back without a fight then there would be no need for the police to get involved.

11-23-2010, 12:32 PM
This is a copy of my recent reply to the Officers request for more info which i sent. Thanks again Kim.

Good Morning,

My ultimate dream and wish has been and is to get Addie back.
i always try to take the path of least resistance in every aspect .

With that said, i am perfectly willing to press charges...
and the Detective Kim is willing to do anything possible to make this right.

This is your area of expertise, not mine, so i need your input as to how to proceed.

My questions to you are the following:

1. The young man would/could be charged with possesion of stolen property?
2. Blind side him???? Put out a warrant for his arrest and a separate one for the return of the bird and grab him at his place of employment?
( My biggest fear is tipping our hand and make it possible for the family to hide Addie, and claim she flew out a window or something.
Let's face it, h is PARENTS knowingly stole it and took it across state lines, so this is the moral mentality we are dealing with and i feel THEY need to be arrested if he is.
3. Or do we play nice in the sandbox , perhaps take a ride to western MA and ask that he just give the bird back NO QUESTIONS ?

I await your reply,

Pips mom
11-23-2010, 01:21 PM
I would really appreciate it if you tried to not involve his and MY workplace! Let's get the address, ok? and if you want to get these people, get the PARENTS, not the kid......I know.....he did say it proudly about a little girl looking for her bird and the relative telling her that they had seen nothing, but still......he was a child when this happened.....he seems like a good kid, and I feel that it will be suffering enough for him to see his parents have to pay for what they did. I think charges should be pressed against the parents ONLY! and I'd appreciate you not sharing personal information on here about names and places of employment.
If it was me, I think I'd try to avoid pressing charges, but make sure that they know that this is an option that you have and that you'll use it if necessary. I'd take the time to plan this carefully before any action is taken.

11-23-2010, 01:42 PM
I would really appreciate it if you tried to not involve his and MY workplace! Let's get the address, ok? and if you want to get these people, get the PARENTS, not the kid......I know.....he did say it proudly about a little girl looking for her bird and the relative telling her that they had seen nothing, but still......he was a child when this happened.....he seems like a good kid, and I feel that it will be suffering enough for him to see his parents have to pay for what they did. I think charges should be pressed against the parents ONLY! and I'd appreciate you not sharing personal information on here about names and places of employment.
If it was me, I think I'd try to avoid pressing charges, but make sure that they know that this is an option that you have and that you'll use it if necessary. I'd take the time to plan this carefully before any action is taken.

Kim i am so sorry, i thought you told me you did not mind if the work place became involved when we spoke the other day. Ashamed of myself as also interpreting he Flock Leaders comment regarding how this was a closed community and info posted was not shared and that it was ok. It will not happen again. teresa

11-23-2010, 02:03 PM
Yes, this forum cannot be read by non-community members but rule of thumb is try to be discreet in sharing information. We are membership by approval only but it's still fairly easy to join just to get information. Our registration process will weed out spammers and trolls but everyone appears to be ordinary people if they get all the way through the registration process.

11-23-2010, 02:13 PM
Most important, there must be some evidence that a crime was actually commited. .. Just plain circumstances, no matter how implicative they sound, just won't get it in a court of law. .. To me, the strongest evidence, is Mr. L****ns statement in regards to how he obtained Addie. .. This shows, that despite the possibilty his parrot may not be Addie, something to which a defendent may plea, he had still aquired the bird in an illegal fashion. .. Any other evidence, i.e., strikingly similar characteristics, DNA (which could be gathered AFTER Addies held as evidence), etc, would be the icing on the cake. .. Without evidence, the burden of proof will rest entirely upon the shoulders of the plaintiff, which could result in no charges, other than Mr. L****n having a parrot who looks like Addie.

Pips mom
11-23-2010, 10:43 PM
It's ok Teresa......I understand....you've got alot on your mind! I just never pictured this turning into cops coming to my workplace! I don't care too much if the people involved find out what I did to find you, and do want to do whatever I can do, I just don't think it was something that we can blame this guy for......his parents raised him this way too, thinking it's ok to take someone's pet, and how would he go against his parents? He likes the bird and his parents let him think this is ok. I almost hope that he can finally see that it is NOT! I bet he'll remember next time if he does! It's a lesson that I think probably needs to be learned.

11-24-2010, 05:55 AM
It's ok Teresa......I understand....you've got alot on your mind! I just never pictured this turning into cops coming to my workplace! I don't care too much if the people involved find out what I did to find you, and do want to do whatever I can do, I just don't think it was something that we can blame this guy for......his parents raised him this way too, thinking it's ok to take someone's pet, and how would he go against his parents? He likes the bird and his parents let him think this is ok. I almost hope that he can finally see that it is NOT! I bet he'll remember next time if he does! It's a lesson that I think probably needs to be learned.

Thanks Kim, thank you for your understanding as i KNOW better than to do what i did to you and for this i apologize. Too many social internet places to keep straight. My gut tells me the "goood old boy" mindset that i feared has already started, so you just get me the address and i may handle it myself. If you are not successsful tonight, then we will be meeting in person soon. Hire an lawyer my BACKSIDE. Yes lets just knock on their door and inquire and give the family time to hide the PARROT. Makes alot of sense to me!!!!!!!!!!JUst going to wait and see what shakes out on the Maine side. AND as far as poor L&*%$# goes, he is a grown man now his parents obviously did not raise him with the proper morals and "right" actions and he NEEDS this lesson. And if i get the bird back, my forgiving heart would probably drop the charges anyway. Geez, i had one of the boys who left mine to die on the side of the road and did not call 911, but ran home to "daddy" over for CHRISTmas dinner the year after so this is a walk in the park for me in the FORGIVENESS dept.

See below his response and then mine.

Teresa, The call as to whether or not to press charges is up to you. That is the long drawn out route and would probably require an attorney on your part. We'll see what we can develop on this end, and then probably communicate with MA local authorities. We might ask them to do a knock and talk and let the people know that what they did was illegal and suggest returning the bird to the rightful owners. The first thing is to establish if in fact it is "addie". My personal feeling is get back what is yours first and then decide how you go from there. For legal advice you always should consult an attorney.

I will be away for the holiday. Give us a couple of days here. See if Kim can come up with his address.
Dear Tom

Thanks for the speedy reply.
i really need a lawyer to press charges?
i can get a notorized swornstatement from Kim as to his admitance of guilt.
And i beleive it is legal to tape a conversation, as long as one party is aware of it.
Vet bills, my 911 Parrot alert ad placed the night before MOTHERS day, her old
nesting box.
I am feeling like....His parents stole someones bird, he is in possesion of stolen property, which is a criminal offense, can we not confiscate it immediately.
Then i will prove it is Addie, or NOT, a $80 DNA test is less than a 500 dollar an hour Atty. Can you tell me what sort of "paper" one would need to file
in a District Court to "press charges".

Waiting for the address info ( Wed night) is the next time Kim works with him. If she does not get it, i will be taking a ride and following him home
in next few days so that i can provide it to you. Thanks greatly for your time, and

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours


11-24-2010, 08:28 AM
It's a shame you can't hire the A-Team :rofl:

On a serious note, good luck with it, hope this is really Addie and you end up reunited with her.

11-24-2010, 08:58 AM
It's a shame you can't hire the A-Team :rofl:

On a serious note, good luck with it, hope this is really Addie and you end up reunited with her.

No worries...my small mind is already working on a team of sorts:evil:
but within legal and moral guidelines

Bill's Birds
11-24-2010, 09:11 AM
Being a person who spends a lot of time finding new homes for Birds, and following through on their care, etc. I want to remind you guys that even though these new owners have the Bird illegally, they did not go into your house and steal it. They found a lost Bird. And lied about it, true. But, they have also had her for over 5 years. And probably love her very much. I think you are in for more of a fight than you think. Know that it is a fight that I'd be willing to have were Addie mine. But, this is going to be some debacle. Please keep us informed. And good luck.

11-24-2010, 09:28 AM
Being a person who spends a lot of time finding new homes for Birds, and following through on their care, etc. I want to remind you guys that even though these new owners have the Bird illegally, they did not go into your house and steal it. They found a lost Bird. And lied about it, true. But, they have also had her for over 5 years. And probably love her very much. I think you are in for more of a fight than you think. Know that it is a fight that I'd be willing to have were Addie mine. But, this is going to be some debacle. Please keep us informed. And good luck.

Ok being that my credo is "just give it to me straight" and "don't sugar coat it"....here goes....
My present "idea" and hypothetical team consists of the news media, airing a "story" such as mine, with names places, species of bird et al, left to the imagination with hopes that the "family" will gleen enough information to tug at their heart strings, pray that they possess enough intelligence(social) to recognize themselves and perhaps do the right thing. Yep i know i am crazy but this fact has enabled me to sane all these long years, along with alot of faith, understanding and the biggest gift one can give to themselves....forgiveness. Over and out
What think thee?

11-24-2010, 09:37 AM
I think the idea of having a story aired is a good one. I have often thought about doing the same in my situation. My gut feeling is that Estrella landed on someone close by and they took him. I actually have a feeling of who the responsible party is, but cannot in any way prove it. They live across the street and own a Macaw. And when I went knocking on doors looking for him, they were less than supportive. Basically saying all hope was lost and that it was my fault. Not the typical response you receive from other bird people if you know what I mean.

Anyways, I think that airing a news story will at the very least get the word out and maybe if other people that know the responsible party find out, they will let the cat out of the bag so to speak. Good luck! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

11-24-2010, 09:42 AM
Sure would make one heck of a THANKSgiving day story LOL

Bill's Birds
11-24-2010, 09:55 AM
Also, as I have said in a previous post, get in touch with the SPCA and Humane Society where the Bird is. They both have excellent legal departments, and will at least advise you of your rights, the other peoples rights, and the Birds rights. I would suggest that to anyone who has problems with pet ownership, damage, or any other problems. Their main concern is the animal, and they have the knowledge and connections to do what is right.

11-24-2010, 10:59 AM
Also, as I have said in a previous post, get in touch with the SPCA and Humane Society where the Bird is. They both have excellent legal departments, and will at least advise you of your rights, the other peoples rights, and the Birds rights. I would suggest that to anyone who has problems with pet ownership, damage, or any other problems. Their main concern is the animal, and they have the knowledge and connections to do what is right.

Exactly...whats best for the ANIMAL. Furthermore, what i forot to mention in my last post about the hypothetical "airing"...is that the prior owner is perfectly willing to share "parental rights and responsibilities" with Addie's new family as cruelty to any being is not her practice. Addie now loves them as well as they do her.
I will be taking all of the input rec'd by you kind folks and figuring it all out,'
many thanks
now and yet still.....about that messy house :rofl:

11-24-2010, 11:56 AM
Finding a lost parrot, according to law, is quite similar to finding lost money. ... Irregardless of whether property is found, and not necessarily stolen, in no way grants anyone a right to ownership. ... Statute of limitations? ... This is where both the SPCA and Parrot 911 may be able to provide an upper hand, especially if Addie's case still remains active with Parrot 911, as this shows that a claim has always been pending. ... As for legal council? ... Personally, I might view that service as being one rather large vet bill. ... First though, I would seek free legal advice as to whether their services may actually be worth it.

11-24-2010, 12:09 PM
As for the thought of Mr. L****n having since realized any moral obligations. ... The fact that he can even now gleefully admit to how him and his grandmother initially aquired the bird, points to the high possibilty he has none. .. For that, he deserves a huge lesson.

11-24-2010, 01:17 PM
ps and duh
i finally heard you all and l have scheduled for next week,a consult with a lawyer.
Thanks for not giving up on me
Many bleesings to all

11-24-2010, 08:54 PM
good luck i really hope you get your bird back...been following your story and i lost my daughter dec 13/06 and i dont know what i would do without my birds, cats and dogs.........

Pips mom
11-24-2010, 10:34 PM
I haven't been able to get any more info.....tonight was busy at work and it's been hard. I have managed to create a more friendly feeling between me and this guy.....he's even come over to where I am working now! but we haven't had much time to talk. I can, however look up info online and I know I can find out that way.

11-25-2010, 04:02 AM
Many thanks for the good wishes. i am sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter, i will be with you on the anniversary , send good wishes and prayer to you this holiday season and always. The latest devekopment...i had a consult yesterday with an Atty, not good news in the "happy ending" dept. and now concentrating and giving thanks for what i DO have, which is near certianty that Addie lives among many other things and not what i don't.

12-01-2010, 07:41 PM
any news??????????

12-01-2010, 08:08 PM
hi there,

I would be out of my mind if i lost either my Lovies or my fuzzies ( Ferrets ).
I did lose 2 of my ferrets once i was out knocking on doors for hours and it was late, i finally found them in someones chicken coop :whistle::whistle::whistle:

But back to subject in hand, thats so cruel not even cos its a little girl we all love our pets or we wouldn't have them, >:
And god forbid i ever found out that someone kept them, makes me made just mad thinking about it,

12-02-2010, 06:25 AM
I don't really know what's going on, I read the first post when it was first posted, got so mad that I closed it and never reopened this thread until now. As someone who has a missing bird, missing since June and out of my mind with worry, I really hope you get your baby back!! Good luck!! I would do anything within my power to get my baby back!

12-03-2010, 09:33 AM
No solid news yet....fact finding in order to put all the ducks in a row prior to making any moves. After nearly 6 years what's a few more months really in the grand scheme of it?PATIENCE (truly) IS A VIRTUE which BTW was the first thing i taught my first born grandchild to recite.....and now at the age of nine, he reminds me of just this....OFTEN.

Holding all the cards close as we all know, this is a one shot chance at recovery.

And Jally, NEVER give up your ship...Do not lose hope because... sometimes, but not always nor usually....the unexpected can or will happen.

12-03-2010, 09:57 AM
this is a one shot chance at recovery.
Very true. Show your hand of cards too soon can result in failure with no second chances. My daughter learned that lesson the hard way......

Prayers and good thoughts for Addie's recovery (if this is Addie) coming your way from FL.

12-03-2010, 01:07 PM
Been wondering about you .. Addiesmom. ... Your absolutely right. Line up those ducks as best you can beforehand! ... Research ALL options. .... Dumb thought here, but worse comes to worse, I wonder how much it would take for the right person to outright purchase her? ......:whistle: ...... Prayers!

12-03-2010, 01:48 PM
Been wondering about you .. Addiesmom. ... Your absolutely right. Line up those ducks as best you can beforehand! ... Research ALL options. .... Dumb thought here, but worse comes to worse, I wonder how much it would take for the right person to outright purchase her? ......:whistle: ...... Prayers!

Owe it all to Kim for helping me see the path with the right light and this forum too....:grouphug:

I LIKE the way you think....purchase option is now on the (herin after so named) " LIST" of possibilities, thank you!

12-03-2010, 02:38 PM
I was so fortunate to recover my African Grey after he went missing for two days in August of 2009. I had considered prior to that getting both greys chipped but kept pushing it back.
In september of 2009, I got it done. While Rammie was missing I kept asking myself how will I prove it's my bird if I have to? Luckily, the person who found him contacted us and returned him to us with no hesitations.
While it's not a GPS tracker, if one of my greys goes missing again, I know that I can prove ownership, facilitate recovery if they're taken to the vet's office or can get a court order to get a bird scanned if needed.

My vet wouldn't do the lovebirds or budgies because of their size otherwise I would have got it done.

If anyone ever has an apportunity to get it done, I highly recommend it. While it doesn't pinpoint the location of a missing bird, it's at least a little piece of mind that ownership can be proven.