View Full Version : Can all this be true??

09-13-2005, 10:49 PM
Hello Everyone, it’s baby Nyxie here. My momma told me something very scary, and I wanted to know if you guys have heard it too.

See, I am a little birdie that really enjoys to chirper. I chirper from way before my momma’s alarm clock goes off in the morning and I am always the last one to go to sleep at night, and I chirper the whole live-long day from start to finish. I just love to tell everyone that I am a healthy and happy birdie, cause you know there was a time a while back when I almost didn’t make it. Where I almost wasn’t a little birdie at all, not one that could chirper about anything. The Big Black Birdie of Death was right in front of me with his wingies spread wide and he was a’gonna carry me away at any minute. (He looked a lot like a mean ole crow with really long toenails, for all you lovies who have never seen the Big Black Birdie of Death). Anyway, I escaped him with the help of my momma, and now I love to chirper and tell everyone how happy I am that the Big Black Birdie of Death didn’t carry me off.

So, last night I was sitting atop the curtain rod, which is one of the coolest places to sit in the whole wide world, and I was chirpering away like I always do, non-stop, like you have to do when you are really happy, and my momma told me that a birdie that chirpers non-stop may lose their chirper altogether. She said that a birdie only has so many chirpers and they have to last them the whole of their lives and that if I keep up my non-stop chirpering, I just might find myself totally chirperless one day. Momma said I may use up all my chirpers in the very first year of my life. Oh, that gave me a fright real good. I thought about one day just opening my chirper and not a single chirper would emerge. And every day from then on, I would just open my little chirper to tell the world how happy and healthy I was and no chirper would ever be heard from me again.

So, I want to know if my momma is pulling my wing feather, or what. I have never been told that any birdie has ever lost their chirper, but then how would a birdie ever tell me that, being chirperless and all. I really need to know if I should hold back on some of the chirpering so that my chirpers will last the whole rest of my life. What do the rest of you birdies think?? I really need to know.

09-14-2005, 02:02 AM
Dear baby Nyxie,

My name is Trixie Bunny and Im special too. Your mama is my Aunty Shy and shes smart. If she says you are gonna run out of chirpers, buy you better belive your gonna. She s smart. Somehow she can see with our eyes so she must be able to get inside our heads and look. She taught my daddy bunches about me cause he wasnt payin tenchun. So now he pays tentchun really good cause Aunty Shy (thats your mamma) shes smart.

Besides, you gotta save some of those chirpers cause Christmas is commin and so is Easter and maybe you can help me with the easter eggs cause I grow special ears for Easter and at Christmas I do special stuff and you might need ot help me and when its time to so all the specialest stuff we gotta chirpers A LOT!

And so if you dont save some chirpers you cant help as much cause when we do special stuff we gots to chirp. Right Aunty Shy? ;)

I chirp and peep a lot too but I dont do it non stop. I save some for special holiday stuff. ;)

Give your mamma a kiss for me k?

Trixie Bunny

09-14-2005, 04:56 AM
Hey baby Nyxie this is Whisper here. My mommy and fidmama both tell me that same thing. But see I have some extra chirps I have not used since i did not make a sound til I was 2 months old. Jusr do like me and save some up every day and they one day a week you can chirp non-stop.Tell you momma if you stopped all together one day she might get worried. Well I better fly bak to my my room cause momma is getting up. By the way do you know how to get my fidmama to let me see those weird birds that are calling to me? They sound very weird to me.


09-14-2005, 07:51 AM
Pssst Nyxie,

Your Mama is full of what my Mama calls "Bull Hockey". Our chirper is good for our entire lives, just like your Mama's(who BTW can be a chatty Cathy herself) voice will never go away, well, not for long if it does anyway. You keep on chirping buddy. You gots lots to chirp about. In fact when yer Mama pulls your wingie feather again, you just chirp louder and more frequently than you did before, you'll show her, you know she's full of bull hockey ;)

Keep chirpin dude, and here's one back at ya!!!!


09-14-2005, 08:11 AM
Nyxie, HI! Oliver, Shy and Big Boi here. :) We can only tell you what we've heard our sweet, sweet momma say about your momma........She says you guys better keep a close eye on that woman and that YES, she is very smart but she's also quite the little kidder so, we agree with Bela.....that is a LOAD OF CROCK. Keep right on chirpin' and if you can wake yourself up in the middle of the night, that would be a great time to chirp as LOUD as you can! :D Save all your daytime chirps till she gets home and then, let 'em rip!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to chirp as much as possible and especially when your momma is there! :D

Oliver, Shy & Big Boi

09-14-2005, 10:16 AM
Hi Nixie! Ditto here.

You're momma's tellin a big 'ol fib! She just wants to be a slacker and stay in bed longer. You just keep chirpin away, as early as possible and let everyone know the sun is shining and it's time to play! :evil:

09-14-2005, 10:22 AM

Tell your momma that she should be happy that you start before her alarm goes off, cus what happens if dere is a BIG ole' storm and da electricity goes out, and if your chirper aint workin' den she would be late fo' work and stuff, but cus your chirper works so good if her alarm aint workin' den she can count on you to wake her up in enuff time to get her to work ...Den she wont get fired and she can still afford all that good stuff she gives you to eat and to play wiff!! :D

:evil: Vaughn, 8o Sydney, & :whistle: lucy

09-14-2005, 08:34 PM
HIYA Nixie! It's Mercuri here, and you know, my momma's entire family hollers along with me, I think it's because they like it! Angry faces are just part of the game!!! So I just keep yelling, and so do they, and it's a big fun day! But momma does get angry sometimes if I yell too loud too early in the morning, so if you do what I do, and just chirp reeeeeeal whispery like until she takes the blanket off your house in the morning, your momma might be happier with you!!!

I hope it's not true, I love my chirper...

09-14-2005, 10:55 PM
Thanks for all the answers everybody. You all are very wise birdies, and it is great to know that a little baby birdie like me can ask you guys for help when I need it. I knows my momma tells stories, and I don't really know when to believe her, but I ain't never known for sure that my momma ever told me no lies.

I's a gonna ration my chirpers for when my momma is home and keep quiet during the day when she is at work. That way I's a gonna be safe for sure, saving up chirpers for the 'old bird' days, you know. I will still be able to tell my momma how happy I is and she is gonna know I's healthy cause I chirper so much. I sure don't want to ever lose my chirper for good, and how is Trixie and me gonna get into mischief without chirpers. You can't be a good 'lookout' birdie if you's got no chirper.

My momma don't hear me in the morning cause she gots a big down feather duvet that she pulls up over her head. Me thinks a lot of gooses have gone to heaven for my momma's sleepytime comfort. It does get awful cold around here, specially at night and our feathers keep us warm, so it seems a shame to deprive our momma of warm feathers, too. Especially since we know her rump feathers are so thin cause she is stretched so tight back there and she needs a few extra from an outside source. Maybe them gooses didn't have to go to heaven though. Maybe they just took off their feather jackets and they moved somewhere warm, like to Auntie Rita's Hawaiian Haven for Lost Birdies. Somewhere where a birdie doesn't need a feather jacket at all. If there are any gooses about with no feather jackets on, I would sure feel better knowing my momma is sleeping snuggly warm in her bed. I do check to see if there are any green or blue loviebird feathers in the mix, in that duvet, and if there is, we are all gonna fly the coop. If momma is taking lovie feather jackets we ain't gonna let her take ours. Auntie Rita says 'No more room at the inn for lovies, feather jackets or no', so we gots ta keep our own feathers and keep warm here in Canada. But I digress, so if any of you see a gooses with no feather jackets on, you would tell me, right? I would sleep a lot better knowing all those gooses are fine and not in heaven at all. You can even tell them where their jackets are and if they come and get their feathers back, maybe momma will hear me chirpering real early in the morning.

Thank you again for all the good advice.


09-15-2005, 07:54 AM
it seems a shame to deprive our momma of warm feathers, too. Especially since we know her rump feathers are so thin cause she is stretched so tight back there

Nyxie, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! :D You remind me so much of your momma! That, ^ there, sounds exactly like something she would say just so my momma would laugh out loud! That and "the gooses gone to heaven"......:rofl:

Keep on chirpin' babe......I'll send ya a megaphone if you want me to! :D My momma said I could! :)

Love, Oliver

09-15-2005, 08:20 AM

You is such a good girl, thinking of your Mama's arse like that. I'd tell ya bout my Mama's arse, but I don't think I've ever caught the full view :lol

I'm glad you will chirpin it up for yer Mama. She may sound a little irritated at times when you chatter us a storm, but I know inside she is smilin real big like, cause it means you is a happy camper :D

Cheep at ya later,


Joanie Noel
09-15-2005, 10:06 AM
I don't know too much bout them chirpers cuz I have a squeaker. :cool: My buddies have chirpers, way too loud of chirpers, but they seem like they is gonna have them chirpers forever. Forever is a long time. Why can't they just squeak like me? My momma never told me I's gonna lose my squeaker if I use it too much. But if you can lose your chirper, maybe I can lose my squeaker too. I don't wanna lose my squeaker, cuz then maybe I'll lose my name too. A little lovie like me can't go nameless! Then they'll probably be callin' me "that white bird" all the time.

Nyxie, I agrees that you and I need to ration our squeakers and chirpers. No taking chances on this one.

- Squeaks

09-15-2005, 10:36 AM
Hi Nyxie;

Our mommamma and dad calls that Tweedle-Twortles, and sometimes they tweetle-tworles along with us, but they don't do it very good. :rolleyes: No chance that we 'ud ever out a tweedles, no way! We know they just keep bubbling up all day long, and specially when we's nappin. :D

Barney, Bongo, Sam, and Didjit

09-15-2005, 12:34 PM

Hi girl Just wanted to tell you that those goosies do not gotta go to heaven for your momma's blanket. They just collect all the ones those big things leave when they lose them. Takes long time but they are nice peoples.


09-16-2005, 11:08 PM
I thinks you's right about that Biotech place. They told my momma that Nereusie and Calais was both boys and then they laided some eggies. I's betcha Nereusie and Calais' feathers is keepin' someone else's momma warm.

I sure am glad them gooses didn't gots ta go to heaven. Momma would have lots a 'splainin' ta do at the pearly gates to them hundreds of gooses waitin' there for her to get inside. I hears you gots ta say yer sorry for every bad thing you's ever done before they lets you go in, and momma is gonna have a real long lineup of sorrys to make without the gooses being there at all.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-17-2005, 03:12 PM
Hey Nyxie,

This is Melly. When I was a baby birdy just like you I would chirp-chirp-peep allllll day long. Now that I am almost all grown up I don't chirp-chirp-peep so much any more. I still talk with Milo a lot though.

Tell your momma that if she needs feathers to keep warm, the goosies don't got to go naked. We can send her some. Me and Milo gots loooots of feathers to share.

joan gault
10-07-2005, 10:33 AM
You need to write a book! I could barely wait till the end of the story. lol :p

10-12-2005, 12:55 PM
Oh, there is no end to this story.

Nyxie just keeps telling me more and more and I am beginning to think she is making a whole bunch of things up. She just hasn't lived long enough to have that many stories to tell.

All day and all night, the stories just go on and on. :happy: Just when the other birdies think they have heard it all, she comes up with even more stories to tell.

10-12-2005, 02:02 PM
Oh, there is no end to this story.

Nyxie just keeps telling me more and more and I am beginning to think she is making a whole bunch of things up. She just hasn't lived long enough to have that many stories to tell.

All day and all night, the stories just go on and on. :happy: Just when the other birdies think they have heard it all, she comes up with even more stories to tell.

Sounds like she knows my last girlfriend! :rofl:

10-12-2005, 03:09 PM

More like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ;)