View Full Version : mo loves the radio

09-14-2005, 07:16 AM
just a quike question mo is in a room where the radio is which is almost always on.mo loves to listen or she hates it because when its on she cheeps constantly.
well almost constant she tends to listen to them talk and cheep abit when women sing but if there is a man singing aspecially if he has a deep voice she cheeps through out it so my question is does mo like music?does she like singing of a deeper pitch?
or does she hate it?

she does go to the side of the cage the radio is situated when its on.

cravy bird she's blooming mental :rofl:

09-14-2005, 10:04 AM
How funny,

My two lovebirds Vaughn and Lucy do the same thing when there is music playing... I always wondered if it was because they wanted me to shut it off or if they were singing along too ... It will be interesting to see what people have to say about it.. My tiel Sydney just sits and listens... no chirping or anything...

09-14-2005, 10:10 AM
Ditto loves the radio, mostly country and classical music. He'll sing along and dance. I know he likes it because he sings and dances along with the beat. :whistle:

And if I sing and dance with him (not a pretty sight but he likes it), he really gets into it. :happy:

09-14-2005, 10:16 AM
yesterday I was online ... Watching this show called REUNION ... You see I was born in 1972 .... and the show was based in 1986... Its a series that is going to be on FOX on THursdays nights, each episode is a new year... Anyway ... They have old songs on there ( god who would have ever thought I would be calling songs I grew up with OLD ? yuck ) :lol Anyway, Songs like papa dont preach ... total eclipse of the heart ... etc... Man ,Vaughn and Lucy were going nuts everytime they played a song on the show... So I think my birds are "old School" Like their momma :D

09-14-2005, 11:05 AM
I don't know about my lovies...but my Greenwing loves music... :rofl: When she is riding in the car and I turn on a song she likes, she will sing to it, and boy you better not say anything while she is singing or she will bite ya :evil:

She hates rudeness.. :p I told my hubby about it and he didn't believe me :rolleyes: til one day we took her somewhere together, and she started to sing..LOL so of corse he started talking to me about it, and she screamed at him... :lol


09-14-2005, 11:37 AM
When Shy and Big Boi were in quarantine, I kept a radio on most of the day. I changed the station often and the one that excited them most was RAP! :D They loved it or hated it.....I'm not sure. I also put on "talk" radio sometimes. Variety is the spice of life! One Sunday morning I realized that the music station that the radio was set on had a church sermon! Couldn't hurt, right? :D

09-14-2005, 08:30 PM
Mercuri does the same thing, sorta "freaks out" and chirps all the way through. I guess once she gets older and can (hopefully) chirp at least to the beat, we'll know if it's coz she's singing along to the ones she likes, or yelling at the ones she hates........

09-16-2005, 10:01 AM
Great sounds like mo is a music lover,shame she has a problem with keeping in tune :happy: .
Tango the cockatiel loves clifford the big red dog and pingu but has no interest in music.

mo is also stupid.one toy she has is a barrel shap that is held at the centre of each end so it can spin mo still has'nt learnt that if you sit on it you fall off it :whistle: