View Full Version : Feeding bible please !!!

11-28-2010, 05:18 PM
hi all,

I'm new to this site and i look forward to chatting. :happy:
I have been reading up and studying on the web about fischer's lovebirds and i have now got a young pair, one the hen turquoise or colbalt blue the other the cock nearly all white with a slight blue hint, this was a private sale and the birds was ready and waiting to leave if i wanted them. I never got to see the other birds as there was a large dog in the garden,
Anyhow i have read and talked to some people about feeding veg and fruit, i went into a pet shop today that sells aviary birds and he says that these birds don't eat fruit and veg just seed, which i find hard to believe :confused:. they are on seed with a small amount of pellet at the minute as they have only just started the pellet, they don't seem to touch the veggies etc and would like some helpful first hand advise please.
thanks :)

11-28-2010, 05:33 PM
Many of our members here use seed as the base when feeding lovebirds. They are seed eaters in the wild. While lovebirds are not big fruit eaters, most will devour vegetables like there's no tomorrow. I think the problem with yours is that they don't recognize vegetables as food. They may not have ever seen them before so, to them, the vegetables are just there, for lack of a better word.

If yours are tame, you may have to just put some vegetables on a plate in the middle of a table and sit there eating the vegetables while your birds watch. Being very social, if they see you eat them, they will probably just have to try them, too! It may take a couple of tries, but they will get the idea. Fresh food is very important in their diet. I, personally, only feed about 10% pellets, if that!

11-28-2010, 05:58 PM

there's more things i have decided that these birds don't understand, I was given these birds very cheap and now wish i'd paid more for birds that are handled, they are not totally tame but i do let them out for flying and socialization with me, they go in and out of their cage as they please, I don't know if i should start handling them now or wait a little while for them to get used to me in the room. I have only had them for 4 days now.
i keep putting broccoli or peas in pod in the cage but they don't seem interested.

sorry but as you might have guessed this is the first time having lovebirds, i'm a duck and chicken breeder. i hatched them so i imprinted on them so much easier lol.

thanks again

11-28-2010, 06:16 PM
sorry but as you might have guessed this is the first time having lovebirds
Hey, not a problem!!! Each and every one of us, including me, started out exactly where you are now! You've just given us the wonderful opportunity to train you the proper way! :)

Just because your birds were parent raised does not mean you can have wonderfully socialized tame pets! In fact, I, personally, have found fewer problems with parent raised birds because they know they are birds first and pets second. It may take a bit longer to establish the trust relationship you want but it will happen.

Pretty basically, you need to let them come to you. By nature, lovebirds are curious and will check out anything and everything. If you happen to have a spray of millet seed with you and they like millet, they will come to you to get what you have. Anything else you have on your person that they consider interesting, they will naturally explore.

The key word to success is patience!

11-28-2010, 06:33 PM
Thankyou soooo much :happy:

I was starting to think i got 2 birds that i would not be able to handle. you have made my evening.
They love millet you would think it was a drug :rofl:
I guess my lovies are going to teach me patience lol i'm not great at it, i always talk to them whistle, mimic them, they seem more interested each day we do this interaction so maybe we are going in the right direction, :happy::happy::happy:

Thanks again
( i'm on my knees bowing at your feet )


11-28-2010, 07:01 PM
If millet is a favorite, reserve that for when they come to you. It's called bribery but all's fair in building a trust relationship. :lol When they come to you to get it, just let them do their thing so they realize being on you is safe for them.

11-28-2010, 07:46 PM
Try a whole broccoli, hang it in the cage, they will destroy it and in doing so taste it - and love it :)

11-29-2010, 04:10 PM
I rehome abandoned and abused parrots and with patience they have all become social and come to trust me, infact my bigest biter and the hen that gives me the most trouble is the one bird i had the longest and was from egg to me.