View Full Version : Bird leg Bands/rings ?

11-28-2010, 06:05 PM
hi all just a quick question,

i have a pair of Fischer's lovebirds, well this is what i was told. however on their bands there is 2 letters,
i guess the numbers are the hatch date. i am guessing the letters are an abbreviation of the latin name of the bird,
can anyone help with info on what this info actually means. :confused:

My hen is 276AC10
My Cock is 76C10
there is no other info on the bands


11-28-2010, 06:20 PM
The last 2 numbers are the hatch year. The letters are breeder code, letters that a particular breeder puts on all his bands that identifies him. The numbers before the letters are simply band numbers.

From those bands, I can tell you that these birds are not related. It also looks like they are from 2 different breeders, if I'm reading the bands correctly.

11-28-2010, 06:39 PM
thanks for the info,

How do i find the breeder of these birds if at all possible?

11-28-2010, 06:59 PM
Another one of our members, Personatus, is more familiar with European banding than I am. I'm from the US but he should be stopping in and I'm sure he can help you with this question. Some bands can be traced, while others can't. Not sure about yours.

11-28-2010, 07:55 PM
Yeah think Linda has it covered. The first numbers are the unique number to that bird. The letters are usually the breeders initials and the last numbers are the year. As far as I can tell they are not from a club or society, so likely to be private rings, making it difficult to track the original breeder. Likely to be breeders who breed many birds though, especially with an ID number of 276.

11-29-2010, 02:02 PM
Hi and thanks for your help,

I have contacted the previous owners and she said she brought them from Southampton Bird club, Will that make a difference to track down the breeder?


11-29-2010, 02:20 PM
You can contact the Southampton Bird Club and ask if they can help you locate the breeder of your bird/birds. They may be helpful, but they may also not be helpful. Explain that you are simply looking for background information about your birds. Some bird owners look for breeders is their birds have health issues. You won't get names quite so easily should there be a health problem. It all depends on how reputable the breeder is.

It's worth a shot to see what you can find out. I would ask about the parents and what mutations they are.