View Full Version : Cock changing colour,

12-01-2010, 03:50 PM
hi all,

I have had my lovies for about a week now and they are starting to trust me alot more. I have noticed that on Freddy the cock he seems to have blue dapple on his shoulders and they are getting more each day, His face is also changing colour he now has a very slight orange across his face only as if he's blushing ( or a bad faux tan :rofl:)
Can this happen? Freddy is a DEC blue, so is white with a blue sheen that's only visable when the light touches him. He is this years Hatch and i wondered if this is the start of his real colours coming through?, or is it diet ? (mainly seed at the minute he's not eating his greens.
I would have thought take both birds would have had their adult plumage by now?

I'm at a loss to what it could be so any idea's would be great, :confused:

12-01-2010, 07:37 PM
Generally, adult colouring should fill in around the fifth or sixth month as per their first molt. .. Provided your birds are relatively healthy, their diet should have little (if any) affect on that outcome. ... Do you know how old your birds REALLY are?

12-01-2010, 07:58 PM
hi and thanks for your time,

i was told that they are early this year and their rings do say 2010, food wise they eat millet and seed mix only, they have got small ratio pellet mix with seed but i'm not sure if they are even eating them,

thanks again

12-01-2010, 08:21 PM
Good chance he has a bit of masked lovebird in him, with that mutation is very difficult, if not impossible to tell the difference between the 2 species. The orange may intensify as he goes through his moult.

Do you have an iodine block? Alot of birds rub their beaks/faces on iodine blocks, causing a funny colour to the feathers.

12-02-2010, 06:28 AM
Yes there is a iodine block, i'll have to watch and see if thats what he's up to

12-03-2010, 05:37 PM
Hi everyone,

I have found the cause of Freddy's orange face and it was staring straight at me,

We have an Orange lava rock perch and both birds use it to rub their faces on. god i'm a thick head,
thanks for the help though it still came in handy

12-04-2010, 04:53 PM
Hi everyone,

I have found the cause of Freddy's orange face and it was staring straight at me,

We have an Orange lava rock perch and both birds use it to rub their faces on. god i'm a thick head,
thanks for the help though it still came in handy

We've all done that. When Ditto first came to live here I'd find him with bright blue and blood red stripes on his white face. The blue didn't bother me but more than once I thought the red was blood and started to panic. After a week or two I caught him in the act. He'd take a bath then rub his face on the colored wood parts of one of his toys. Care to guess what color those wood bits were? :rofl:

I think we had a member here who's green cheek conure was turning purple. Turns out it was from a mineral block.