View Full Version : Alarm Systems

09-14-2005, 07:53 PM
Does anyone have an alarm system in their house and use it with your birds? I'm wondering if the alarm goes off if it the loud sound will hurt my birds hearing or something. :eek: The alarm bell is right outside my bird's room.

Of course my real alarm is Daisy :lol I had a few people over this past weekend and Daisy went crazy. I think it made her very nervous. When they all left she was fine. She rules the house :whistle:

09-14-2005, 10:26 PM
Daisy was problably upset because you didn't ask her permission to have guests over :rofl:

09-14-2005, 11:03 PM
I would think that the decibel level on any type of home alarm would need to be low enough as to not harm the hearing of anyone in the close vicinity. If you are concerned, set the thing off and see how the birds react.

If the sound is too loud, tape over a few of the holes and the volume will decrease to a less frightening level.

09-15-2005, 08:02 AM
Jackie, you had "people" over and didn't invite me???? I am "people", too! :D

I don't know squat about an alarm system since our dog is our system but Shy's advice sounds good.

09-15-2005, 08:12 AM
Don't fret Janie! My landlord was showing my duplex for rent since I'm moving soon. Not people who are good friends ;)

Shy, thanks for the advice about the tape. I'll have to try that out. I want the alarm set cause I'll be further away while I'm at work when I move and it lowers my homeowners insurance too :D

09-15-2005, 02:18 PM
Speaking of Alarms, I saw a little boy in the store yesterday and he was screaming it sounded like an alarm. WOO WOO WOO WOO!!!!!!!!!!! :lol :rofl:

09-16-2005, 11:49 AM
In my house we don't have alarms we have Pembroke Welsh Corgis! :lol They are just like an alarm because they can give you a false alarm. They all live out side except my oldest one Beauregard he stays in. :wink:

09-16-2005, 12:36 PM
Thank You Heather. I'm going to meet the guy who will be doing my monitoring on Tuesday. I'll have to remember to ask him about the sound of the alarm in the house, see if the volume can be turned down a bit. I'm glad to hear others have used their house alarms.

09-16-2005, 12:49 PM
Taylor: You are soooo LUCKY. I want a welsh corgi more than anything, but they are very very very hard to come by in Hawai'i :) .

Buy A Paper Doll
09-17-2005, 03:39 PM
One morning hubby opened the back door without disarming the alarm first. Oh, yes, it is loud. I think I was more startled than the birds though!

Something to note, if you turn the volume down TOO much on the alarm, then no one outside your house will be able to hear it. By the time the alarm company calls 911 for you and the police arrive, the burglar has already had several minutes to take your stuff and get out safely.

What you could do is move the alarm so that it's in the attic by the eaves, so that most of the noise is directed outside, away from birdy ears and where it's more likely to attract immediate attention from your neighbors. When my mom's house was broken into, it wasn't an alarm that flushed the burglar out without taking anything; it was the neighbors swarming the house and yelling that there was a thief inside.