View Full Version : I think finally my birds are trusting me,

12-07-2010, 03:50 PM
Hey there everyone,

After all the blinking, head bobbing and silly talking i think my getting my Fischeri to trust me. It might mean i can sit away from the cage soon back with my partner :rofl:
i've got my chair next to the new cage ( with the birds in ), eating next to them, napping next to them, watching me soaps, even when we have company. i think that about it anything else would be wrong :omg:

Today i got my face about an inch from both of them outside the cage and they stayed there without the aid of super glue, well i was starting to think thats the only way i was going to get them to stay still. :rotfl:rotfl

Then i ruined it by putting my hand near them and of course they flew away back to the curtain pole. :(

Hey it was a start and maybe tomorrow they'll trust me a little more. They are lucky i was going to clip their wings in the next few days but i will leave it for now as things have been looking good.

Right i'm of back to my chair for a while longer then bed, with human company only :whistle::whistle:
Just better make sure i don't start whistling at him :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl


12-07-2010, 04:27 PM
lol patience is key..and stop bragging about your love life humph the nerve! lol

12-07-2010, 04:41 PM
i wish :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl