View Full Version : Update on Disco!

12-12-2010, 03:39 AM
Hello. I just thought I would give you guys an update on Disco. If you dont remember who he is, here is a link to a past post with some pics.

So I have had Disco (who I generally call by his nickname 'Turkey') for just under 2 months now and he is adjusting to life with me well I think. I generally spend about 5 hours with him a day. At first he really didn't want much of anything to do with me. He would come out of his cage on his own, but I would have to 'chase' him to get him to get on to my finger so I could put him back into his cage or work with him. He would generally want to immediately leap off my finger or shoulder and go to his safe place (initially was the door step leading to my porch, then it was 'his chair'.) He also wouldn't really eat from my hands)
About a month ago I started to sit down by 'his' chair so my shoulder would rest against it and he would start hopping onto my shoulder and have fun playing with the buttons on my short or nibbling my hair.
About 2 weeks ago, when he wanted to go into his cage he would walk up to me and hop on my finger on his own so I could put him back, I think that was a pretty big breakthrough. He learned that my finger can help give him what he wants sometimes.
Then about 4 day ago when he would come out of his cage he would walk over to me and look like he wanted to come up (while I was sitting/lying on the couch), but when I put my hand he would scurry away. So instead I put my leg down and he slowly crept back up then used my pant leg to crawl up. One time I had fallen asleep on the couch with my arm hanging down off of it and was jolted awake by Disco clawing his way up my arm. He now was spending 75% of the time out of his cage hanging out on my shoulder. He is also enjoying some popcorn and bread and such from my hand.
Then, just today, he got out of his cage and walked up to me and I could tell he wanted up, so I reached my hand down and viola! He hopped right on!
He still wants to jump off my shoulder or whatever when I bring my hand up to ask him to step onto it, but I immediately pick him back up again. I put him back on my shoulder and get him to step up onto my finger again a few more times. Each time I do I praise him and put him back on my shoulder as a reward. Usually after the first jump off he allows me to pick him up pretty good from my shoulder.
I want to work on him more and more with finger work but I thought if I could build his trust/relationship in me first that he would be more willing. I mean I have been working with him most everyday on finger work but I want to continue incorporating more and more.

So all in all I think he is getting comfortable here in his new home and we are bonding closer and closer. I love my little Turkey!

12-12-2010, 03:52 AM
Wanted to add a question as he has had a new behavior that I was unsure about. I know that male bird sometimes regurgitate on things they like and such but yesterday Disco was in the bottom of his cage (not totally abnormal for him) and he was in a bit of a scurry, not panicked or anything but like a kid with ADHD just move move move. He then would sometimes tap his beak against the bottom of the cage, he would also do movements that resemble regurgitation movements. Nothing ever came out but it almost seemed like he might have re-eaten it (He made a movement with his beak as if he was tasting something after he did the regurgitation movement.) I kept an eye on him cause I thought, maybe it is a choking movement not a regurgitation movement but he was able to do a bit of chirping (not loud and crazy chirping just a nice pleasant chirp) and like I said he didn't appear panicked or anything. After a few mins he stopped this and returned to doing his normal self.
Then today he was with me on the computer and was having fun tearing my notepad of paper apart on my desk . I don't know if he was trying to pick up little bits of paper or if he was doing the same beak tapping he had done yesterday but a couple time I heard a tap tap and once I saw him do the regurgitation movement but again right after that he went back to doing his normal stuff.
Is this normal? Again other than those brief moments he is totally normal. Same Chirpyness, same activity level, seems totally content, is eating (haven't seen him drink much but I don't often see him drinking (he must do it when I am not around a lot of the time), but I know he is drinking b/c his water level is lower when I go to refill it then it was when I first refilled it.

12-12-2010, 08:19 AM
.......Then today he was with me on the computer and was having fun tearing my notepad of paper apart on my desk . I don't know if he was trying to pick up little bits of paper or if he was doing the same beak tapping he had done yesterday but a couple time I heard a tap tap and once I saw him do the regurgitation movement but again right after that he went back to doing his normal stuff.
Is this normal?.......

Hi MysticRealm. .. Thanks for sharing the fantastic update! ... Sounds like you and Disco have certainly approved each other as definite "flock mates". .Whether it takes two months or two years, its always an exciting journey. .... Regarding Disco's recent tapping/regurgitating. As with any change in routine behavior, its always good to double check. While i'm certain Disco's actions are "quite normal", its good to research the affects hormones can have on a relationship as well. .. He may become nippy at times, or he may not. He may lunge and bite, or perhaps just try to feed your fingers. He may even limit this behavior towards his cage effects. .. All of which is part of a normal lovebird/human relationship.

Turkey huh?.....:rofl:......Keep us posted!.........:)

12-14-2010, 11:46 PM
Thanks for your reply. I am glad that his behavior seems normal. He has actually been gentler in the past few days than before. He hasn't really ever been a biter but he will sometimes nibble too hard, but lately he has been being very nice especially on my ears and such!

12-15-2010, 08:50 AM
It sounds as if your bird is a male and is exhibiting normal male behavior. As he gets a bit older you may notice him doing what we often refer to as "the clicky dance" which is fun to watch. Males do this for the females when they are feeling frisky. They will walk in circles and hop around from all the perches trying to impress a hen. A couple of mine will take a few steps up the side of the cage and do sommersaults too. They make the cutest little clicky chirps and head scratching is often part of their dance moves. (so don't worry if you see that too)

Regurgitating (gacking) on a special toy or their hut (or your hand!), and humping a favorite toy (or your hand!) is often common with single male lovies. I don't see any of this because our birds are in pairs. Beware becoming the chosen partner of a frisky male lovebird! :rofl: :rofl: