View Full Version : My story...

12-12-2010, 08:24 PM
A few days ago, I caught a Peach Faced Lovebird in my yard... I live in NYC so it is obvious my yard was not its native habitat... LOL... I can only imagine that the cold temperatures may have slowed it down a bit and that is why I was able to catch it with little issue... I think it would have surely died in a few days had it not picked my yard to pertch in...
The day I found it I went out and spent about a hundred and fifty bucks on a proper cage, food, vitamins, and a few toys... I want it to be comfortable and well cared for while in my hands even if the owner turns up...

Anyway, after setting it up I looked in the local papers to see if anyone is missing a lovebird... I have seen nothing... I also went to most of my local pet shops to see if anyone has reported a missing lovebird... Still nothing...

At this point I think I have a new pet... LOL... I do not have much experience with birds... I am a reptile keeper and breeder... But this little NOISEY bird will be a welcomed addition...

It may need a bit of work because it looks as if it has plucked some of its neck feathers...
Any tips would be much appreciated...

12-12-2010, 08:51 PM
Well...At least your not asking if its OK to feed your reptiles lovebirds. ... :)

Gregg. ...Bless your heart for taking this lovebird in, AND, providing it with the comforts of home. .... Can you grab us a photo or two? ...Please? .. I'm a bit concerned about the missing feathers. .. Hopefully some others can chirp in here........>o

12-12-2010, 09:02 PM
Kudos to you, Gregg, for taking in this lovebird! With temperatures as cold as they are, chances are his life span would have been considerably shorter had you not gone to his rescue. Could be that no one is looking for him because they don't think he could survive the elements out in the wild. It's my guess that his flight feathers are not clipped.

Check our Resource Library and print Robin's New Owner's Guide. That will give you the basics of lovebird ownership. The only thing it won't tell you is how to keep 50 grams of feathers from stealing your heart, which this one seems well on his way to doing!!!

Make no mistake about it! Lovebirds are very social and he will want to be where ever you are and do whatever you are doing. You will be eating healthier because you will be sharing your meals with your new feathered friend.... :lol

If you can post a photo, we can tell you what kind of lovebird you have. In order to post photos here, you need to upload the photo to an online storage sight and post the location link here.

12-12-2010, 09:13 PM
Well...At least your not asking if its OK to feed your reptiles lovebirds. ... :)

Well nothing I keep really takes avian prey so the lovebird is safe... LOL

Thanks for the comments... Will post a pic in the AM...

Pips mom
12-13-2010, 12:53 AM
Hi Gregg, and welcome......you should report this found bird here....
In the winter time like this......this litttle one sure was lucky to find you! How nice that you took this bird in and bought a cage and food and took such good care of him! Lovebirds are very cute little things....they have amazing little personalities and are so smart and entertaining. I know that you welcome this little one and even like him.....but please try to find it's owners for at least a few months......this bird very likely got outside by accident and the owners could be heartbroken. If you really like this bird, and your found the owners, you could always get yourself another lovie. Remember that this one belongs to someone else and try to keep that in mind until enough time has passed where it becomes unlikely that the owners will be found. Alot of bird owners and their birds become very bonded to each other.......this bird could have a mate that he/she is missing as well. I say all of this because if this were ever one of my lovebirds.....there are not even words to describe how upset and broken hearted I would be. I just wanted to make sure that you keep this in mind. Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job though caring for this lucky little lovie!!!

12-13-2010, 08:13 AM
Thanks for the advice... I will be sending an email to the link... I also left my name and number at the local shops incase an owner comes foward... This lovebird is not banded so how will I know if someone is the real owner and not someone just looking to get a free pet? Never had to deal with this type of situation before...

Here are a couple of pics... The little one is eating well and is not as flighty as when I first caught it....



12-13-2010, 08:21 AM
The real owner will ask for a Green Peachfaced Lovebird and will mention the missing feathers around the neck area. Those missing feathers are the identifying item for this particular bird. Should anyone come to see the bird, he/she will recognize the real owners and you will see visual signs of that, including the bird wanting to fly to them if it's tame.

Looks like new featherin is coming in to replace what's missing.

12-13-2010, 09:46 AM
You all have been a great help... Thanks for the advice and warm welcome... I will keep you all updated as to what goes on with this little one...

Let her/him out of the cage for a little while today... He/she seemed to enjoy its time out of the cage... Even landed on me to get a quick bite of banana... Went back into its cage on its own... after about 2 hours...

12-13-2010, 10:07 AM
You can believe that you found someone's pet, just by what you are saying. However, finding his rightful owner could be a bit of a challenge!

Pips mom
12-13-2010, 11:36 AM
You have a normal green peachface lovie......peachfaced lovebirds come in all different colors, so the true owner can also identify the bird by knowing it's colors........when giving out info on the found bird, I would just say that it's a peachface lovebird.....leave out the part about the banding too....let them tell you if their bird is banded or not. I know it's not always easy to find the owner.......but if after a couple of months you find nothing, then I would say that you found yourself a new friend. The fact that you came here looking for help and advice says alot about the care that this little one is getting! and letting him/her have time out of cage.....what a great parront you are already! I see other birds in your future!!!! :rofl::rotfl

12-14-2010, 11:29 AM
What a kind person you are! Welcome to Lovebird Forum!