View Full Version : Pampered Chickens!!!

12-13-2010, 11:00 PM
Normally, my chickens spend the night in crates in my garage. When it's cold, my garage is not that cold and they are quite comfortable. Tonight is going to be another story, as temps are supposed to drop as low as 24F (lowest it's ever been since I've lived here!). My extra heater is now in the garage and turned on so it will take the chill off the coldness for my chickens. They are pretty cold hardy (Rhode Island Reds) but every species has it's limits.

12-14-2010, 12:14 AM
Wow, I'd do anything for 24 degrees. It's 0 now but will go negative soon. I'm sure 24 is cold for you guys, and that is pretty cold, but right now, 24 looks pretty good! They're talking about a warm up on Wednesday. Guess what that is? 18 degrees! Well at least you care about your pets. Last night the guy below me decides to put his cat outside and it was forecasted for -35! I had to go let kitty in when I saw him laying in a ball on the sidewalk.

12-14-2010, 03:50 AM
It is 18 here in Georgia right now.:(The stray cats from neighborhood have been trying to come into our house this week. If we had a garage I would be doing the same as you Linda. Hopefully we get back to normal winter temps soon. I swore they were saying we were getting a mild winter.:rofl:

12-14-2010, 08:22 AM
Our weather here the last month has been varied. We had snow Thanksgiving week leaving many people stranded and hundreds who spent the night stuck in traffic on the freeways. Thankfully we made it home rom work in "only" five hours. There were thousands of fender benders and many horror stories of how people coped.

Then this last week it has been torrential rains and higher temps--what they are calling a Pineapple Express. With all the rain and snow melting in the mountains there has been lots of flooding.

Dave spent Sunday helping a neighbor get farm equipment up out of the flood plain. They are still using rowboats to get in and out from their farm to the road. They have a dike around the house and farm buildings which protects them and their cows.

We are happy to be up on the hill far above the river where we have a good view of what is happening but don't ever have water in our house. We do have to drive miles out of the way to get home though.

Then last night, with the ground so saturated, there were high winds so lots of trees came down. About 40,000 people are without power.

What next?

12-14-2010, 08:50 AM
Wow, I'd do anything for 24 degrees. It's 0 now but will go negative soon. I'm sure 24 is cold for you guys, and that is pretty cold, but right now, 24 looks pretty good! They're talking about a warm up on Wednesday. Guess what that is? 18 degrees! Well at least you care about your pets. Last night the guy below me decides to put his cat outside and it was forecasted for -35! I had to go let kitty in when I saw him laying in a ball on the sidewalk.

Well now I don't feel so cold. It was a toasty 13 here this morning. :rofl: