View Full Version : anyone heard of/seen this before?

12-14-2010, 11:43 AM
my female lovie, ethel, and my female gcc conure, mushka, have developed a friendly relationship together outside their cages. The part which has me troubled is they rub their vents together on a regular basis. This puts my lovie in a broody way and she just laid another 3 eggs which isn't good. Anyone heard of two species behaving like this before?

12-14-2010, 12:21 PM
I've not heard of this between 2 females of different species but there's a Cockatiel and a Rosebreasted Cockatoo in Australia, I believe, that produced a baby with a relationship like this between male and female of different species. Nothing surprises me when it comes to parrots!!!!!

Interesting that it's the lovebird laying the eggs.......