View Full Version : Something new!!!

Pips mom
12-17-2010, 12:03 AM
Pip is four years old now, and I've had him for three years. We've pretty much got all the routines down and everything's always been the same with him. At night when I get them ready for sleep time and get them covered, I've always had to give Pip some nudging to get him over to spot where he sleeps, and he always used to hang on the back of Ivy's cage and try to chew the shades when I put them down while I'm covering other cages! Stinker! Well.....the other night for the first time, he went to his spot to sleep on his own....then again the next night, and again tonight! Also....when I went to work today, Pip hesitated at first, but then came right to me....hopped on my arm and then when I put him in front of his cage door, he went right in for me! I was amazed!!! :omg: Pip.....going in his cage for me?? I would have never expected this in a million years! My lil monster is actually behaving....after all this time! I wonder if he'll go in for me tomorrow now too! and if from now one he'll keep on going to his sleeping spot on his own. Also, slowly over time, biting with him is pretty much non existent....still very nippy with light little nips, but very rarely bites now. I also notice that when I take Pip to the vet that he clings to me and gets all close to my face and snuggly.....this from the most independent little bird ever! Could he be mellowing with age?? He's becoming such a good little guy!!

12-17-2010, 12:24 AM
Kim. ...It actually took Goofy a couple years before he finally formed a truce with various parts of my anatomy. .. Most particular were my lips...........:omg:

Nowadays, much like Daves Ditto bird, I can barely get a reaction out of him. Even if I steal his food!...........Again :omg:

12-17-2010, 12:33 AM
Birds tend to be creatures of habit in many ways. When I leave for work in the morning, I usually say "Ginger, in your cage, please." She knows the command and will do what I ask, as she knows I'm starting my daily routine. She's not hand tame, so this is something I had to teach her.

Well, after a lot of repetition, I tell Ginger to go in her cage and I see Sonny, Harley, Monty and Alex doing exactly the same thing!!! Sure does make life easier in the morning!

Pips mom
12-17-2010, 09:57 AM
Ivy has always been really good.....she knows the routine and she knows what I want from her and has always been good about going in her cage when it's time, but then.....she's not a lovebird and has never had that mischeivous, defiant little attitude. Pip has always been the only one of my birds who you could count on to give you a hard time! I guess I know Pip's been getting better little by little and very slowly, but to go in his cage for me? Now that is almost like a miracle right there!

12-17-2010, 10:00 AM
This is so neat! Pip is turning into a little gentleman! :)

What nice birds you both have!

We've been letting the flock stay out longer in the evenings lately and after it gets dark outside lots of them go back to their own cages, and some go inside. It's way easier to get them all to go home when they've had longer to play and explore too.

Piper and his babies are usually the first ones and all of them go right into their cage. It makes it so easy since the flighty babies still don't like being caught and put back in. I did wing clips on all of them a few days ago and the attitude adjustment was wonderful!

12-17-2010, 12:30 PM
Birds tend to be creatures of habit in many ways. When I leave for work in the morning, I usually say "Ginger, in your cage, please." She knows the command and will do what I ask, as she knows I'm starting my daily routine. She's not hand tame, so this is something I had to teach her.

Well, after a lot of repetition, I tell Ginger to go in her cage and I see Sonny, Harley, Monty and Alex doing exactly the same thing!!! Sure does make life easier in the morning!

I do the same with Dundee, my cockatiel. He knows he has to go inside when I go out. So he sees me putting my coat on, and I just say, Dundee, go inside", and he does.

Now that the lovebirds have the eggs, they are going back in on their own after they've come out to play. I was so surprised yesterday when I didn't have to chase them around the room to get them back inside. I looked over and they were both in there eating and Dolce was checking on her egg. I have her a nesting box, but now she has decided to lay her eggs in their little house. Before she was just laying them on the cage floor. So now I guess I have to move the others from the nesting box to the little house :) A birdie mother's job is never done, LOL :)
