View Full Version : Need Advice on Lovie Behavior

12-21-2010, 11:05 AM
Hello all! This is my first thread on this forum, I have a pair of 3 year old male whitefaced blue lovies that are "boyfriends" named Eros & Psyche. They are my first pair so I am not an expert on them, I came here in hopes of getting some advice from someone that has dealt with this type of behavior before. Psyche appears to be underweight while Eros is very plump and pleasant. I provide enough food for them & they both eat normally, though after Psyche eats he feeds his food to Eros. Eros is also very aggressive when it comes to sexual behavior, though Psyche does not seem to mind one bit, they're constantly at it which is another concern of mine...is that normal? Eros has also plucked all the feathers out from the back of Psyche's neck & when Eros "mounts" him he does this thing where he wraps his foot around hiss neck so there is loss of feathers from that too. I hope that reading all of that wasn't too confusing! I was wondering what I should do, should I separate them?? I'm concerned that Psyche's health is going to start diminishing quickly and I feel that maybe that is necessary, though I'm also concerned that they will suffer from separation blues since they are so fond of one another. :confused: Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!