View Full Version : Christmas Travels with my clever birds!

12-23-2010, 07:11 PM
Getting things together just in time for holiday travels and my birds are happy to come along.

Frey and Odie haven't been to my grandmother's in over a year, but as soon as they heard the word "Granny" they were off the perch where they'd been quietly snuggling changing "Mummy? Granny's!" "Granny!" flapping wings, doing flips! They're so clever and so cute!

Kokoro once again astounds and amuses with his ability to hold an oh-too-human conversation about travel:

Me: "Kokoro, do you want to come on a car ride to a Christmas party tomorrow?"

Koko: "Yes" (then he wants to get back to singing and playing.)

Me: "Oh good! We're leaving tomorrow morning."

Koko: "Let's go right now."

Me: "No, Koko, we don't go until tomorrow."

Koko: "That sounds good to me." and back to the playing! :rofl:

Chris and I start laughing!

Koko: "What's so funny?"

Me: "You're just so smart, Koko, that's all. Very smart and very cute."

Koko: "What's so funny?"

Me: "Your smart brain, Koko."

Koko: "I love you. Good Kisses?"

Well, we shall have an interesting couple of days. Have a lovely Holiday everyone!

12-24-2010, 12:41 AM
Christi. .. Kokoro seems to carry an air of autocracy. .. A rather fastidious fellow socially, I think at times he would make a great mediator. .. Any chance he might eventually run for public office? ... Our society could certainly use a few extra kissies right about now. ... Well, i'm sure between Odie, Frey, Kokoro, and the rest of "their" flock, everyone will share plenty of comfort and joy. .. Thanks for having shared it with us. ....Merry Christmas from our flock to yours! ...........:xmastree:


12-24-2010, 06:31 AM
Koko makes an excellent mediator. One day Chris and I were having a heated discussion and Kokoro, a very young Koko at that, interjected "calm down! everybody calm down! quiet down!" it was very sweet. We weren't fighting, but he sensed that we were upset about the topic and since we don't fight very often, it was very unusual to him. He had no trouble stepping right in! He also interferes with the other birds' squabbling, and lets me know when the parrotlets act up. These days their squabbling is mild and no cause for alarm but when they were first getting to know each other I had my Koko alarm!

What's great is that after the holidays I should actually be able to get some decent recordings of Koko.

He's taken a liking to talking to my gaming friends on our teamspeak VOIP and they can understand him just fine! Its so cute! He talks right into the microphone! Its just a cheap gaming mic, (for a while he would just chew on it and I had to take the headset off when he was on me, but he figured out what it was for) but Chris is going to help me set something up so I can use it to record. Who knows? May be we can have live chat with Koko and our other talkative parrots one day?

Time to go! See you all after our trip!