View Full Version : A new addition!

Pips mom
12-31-2010, 12:20 PM
I've been on the fence about this, and we decided at least that we should try it out and see how things go! Someone I know has family that has puppies.....they are dachsund/shnauzer mix......both breeds being ones the would stand some kind of good chance of being good with the birds. This is a small dog so I think it will work out ok. I think we'll be getting him over the weekend.......and I don't have a thing for this little guy yet!

12-31-2010, 01:06 PM
What a cutie! I hope he will work well with the birds.

I'd love to have a puppy also but with our work schedule it just wouldn't be fair, unless there were two of them so they had a buddy.... I don't think the birdie buddies would count.

12-31-2010, 01:37 PM
Oh, he's adorable!!! I've had dachsund mixes before and they've always been good around my birds. My 6 yr old Cairn Terrier has also been great around my birds and chickens. The squirrels in the backyard, however, are a completely different story. Sharae is after them in a heartbeat but I'm not sure what she do if she were to catch one!!!

12-31-2010, 05:00 PM
Oh, he's adorable!!! I've had dachsund mixes before and they've always been good around my birds. My 6 yr old Cairn Terrier has also been great around my birds and chickens. The squirrels in the backyard, however, are a completely different story. Sharae is after them in a heartbeat but I'm not sure what she do if she were to catch one!!!

She sounds like Ditto with chipmonks. Several times I've had him in his little cage on my screened back porch and found him in a screaming match with a chipmonk looking like thinks he's a hawk looking for a snack. :rofl: Somone needs to tell him that that little chipmonk probably weighs more than he does.

12-31-2010, 06:47 PM
What a cutie! Enjoy....nothing compares to the joy my dogs bring me. :)

12-31-2010, 07:17 PM
I have had really good luck with my FOUR dogs with the birds. They've learned from the larger parrots to respect the beak and with proper supervision can be trusted not to go after them. In fact, my American Eskimo looks the other way whenever he hears rapid fluttering of wings. I guess he doesn't even want to be TEMPTED. :)

Good luck with your new family member. Dogs are wonderful!

01-01-2011, 12:17 PM
Congrats on your new addition! Looks like you have an adorable little new pup there! We have two Westies and they don't give the birds any attention at all, so no problems there. We have them in the living room and used to keep it blocked off when they were younger. Now even though it isn't blocked off, they just don't go in there. Works for us!

Barb :)

01-02-2011, 07:36 AM
How wonderful! What a cutie pie!

Pips mom
01-02-2011, 10:06 AM
Well.....we've had this little guy a whole day and half now....Pip, as usual is very curious and wants to be right there checking the new guy out! But when the new guy wandered into the bird's room this morning before they got up, Pip freaked out....flying all around and yelling! guess he doesn't like to be woken up before he's ready! Ivy fluffed all up at the sight of the new puppy.....she looked very disgusted at the sight of me holding him! but that's Ivy!! the others don't seemed to phased. So far the puppy doesn't have a name yet, and he's been going on the papers I put down pretty good. He whines and cries though if I try to confine him to a smaller space of the living room and doesn't want to sleep in his new doggy bed....nope...he wants on the couch!!! he even climbs up it! I don't mind him being there, but then how's he going to get down? Obviously it's going to be an adjustment for both the puppy and us.....puppy gonna need some training....not so much when it comes to going to the bathroom.....but he just wants to be everywhere or he isn't happy about it!

01-02-2011, 10:53 AM
I don't mind him being there, but then how's he going to get down?
You may have to leave something next to the couch where he likes to be so that he can get down in smaller increments than from the top of the couch to the floor. I worked with Corgi rescue and they have long backs so they are prone to hip problems from too much pressure being put on the hips from jumping down from where ever they happen to be. I fostered one Corgi who had gone up/down 3 flights of stairs over a period of 5 yrs, plus she was overweight. The constant pounding pressure of going down those stairs several times/day, plus the extra weight finally caused her back legs to collapse one morning. All she could do was drag her back legs while she used her front ones to pull her to where she needed to go. She was lucky that I had her on a strict diet to lose weight and she did regain the use of her legs but, if not, she would have needed a doggie "wheelchair" so that she could move around. After seeing what overweight can do to an older dog, I'm very strict about the weight of my dogs. I don't ever want to see that again!!!

Good luck with your new little one. He looks absolutely adorable from the photo you posted. That sweet looking face sure does make it hard to be "alpha female"!!! :)

Pips mom
01-02-2011, 09:17 PM
Pip has been soo funny with this puppy! He seems so fascinated with him! Pip has always liked dogs.......I still have the pics of him with our last dog Ernie, riding around on him. I can tell when we go to the vets when dogs come around.....the look on Pip....I don't understand it, but Pip just really seems to love dogs!! Just look at him checking this new puppy out!