View Full Version : aviantelligence leisure lounge bird cage?

01-05-2011, 12:35 AM
We just ordered this cage (http://www.bird.com/item/aviantelligence-leisure-lounge-bird-cage/502903/) for Raptor this past weekend... anyone have it (or another cage of Aviantelligence brand)? If so, what do you think of it? The bf got it because it was the most reasonably priced (with Hawaii shipping) cage of this size. We're excited to get it in as Raptor will finally have his permanent home, but am just a little weary because I wasn't able to get personal reviews on it prior to purchase like I did with the double stack - the bf bought it and then told me about it. :rotfl

01-05-2011, 12:51 AM
Hi Maya,
I don't have any actual hands on experience with this particular cage, but description looks pretty good. I read the reviews and those who have purchased it seem to like it. The review that mentioned rusting within 6 months kind of puzzled me and made me wonder if the cage is, perhaps, used outdoors. I have a lot powder coated cages inside and some have been around for quite a few yrs. None show any rust at all.....

01-05-2011, 01:10 AM
Thanks, Linda! I'm thinking that as well, that the cage is outdoors - or maybe the bird bathes constantly and the water pools somewhere (I've heard this happens with some people's cages). We take immaculate care of our cages anyway so it shouldn't be a problem.

01-05-2011, 01:38 AM
Hi, I have something similar for Pallie and we both love it! I haven't had any rust issues with it and have had it 2 1/2 years...

Barb :)

Pips mom
01-05-2011, 09:54 AM
None of my powder coated cages have any rust either, even Pip's smaller, cheaper cage. I hear stories where people who had similar cages to ones I have that said they can rust, but I have yet to see that. My cockatiel's flight cage I got used and it has a tiny bit of rust showing on the grate at the very ends of the bars where they go into the sides....but it's so tiny and has stayed exactly that way over the years and never grew larger.
Looks like a nice cage and you shouldn't have any problems. I think if you care for the cage properly that most cage would do just fine. I dry my grate off now when I wash it because of those starting rust spots on the edges and that seems to work.