View Full Version : Rudy and Bob

Pips mom
01-10-2011, 02:45 PM
Well......my neighbor called me up several days ago asking if Rudy could come over for a visit with Bob her parrotlet. He ended up staying there for a few days with them. She called me during this time to tell me that she had put them together in the same cage at night to sleep! and had been keeping them together in Rudy's cage! :omg: I've had them together in Rudy's cage before and they did seem to do ok, but I was a bit taken back when she told me this and that they were doing ok eating together, even with millet, which Rudy has always been very possesive about millet. I now have them both here and in Rudy's cage and am a bit nervous about leaving them in the same cage while I go to work! but so far they look very comfortable together and watching them eases my mind. I was thinking at first to get Bob's cage for when I'm not here, but I'm gonna give it a go! they've spent the last four or so days together. I know that at times Bob does try to bite at Rudy, and I've seen him do this at times in the past, but Rudy seems to know to stay away, and I figure if he's done ok this far for this long with no bites or blood, that they should be fine! The thing is.....they are probably bonding, and I have alot going on my life right now and haven't taken Bob for this reason. If you could have seen Pip when I brought Rudy home....he acted like he missed him terribly! but yet they don't really get along.

01-10-2011, 10:27 PM
Hmmmmm. ...So what are your options with Bob? ... Think they'll stay in harmony?... Got a good sized cage do they?..........:)

Pips mom
01-10-2011, 10:33 PM
Home and they did just fine! the cage is big enough, but I have another one I could use that is way bigger downstairs. These two hit it off at first sight, but I was concerned about just putting them together in the same cage! Apparently my nieghbor is right! I think my only option with Bob is to keep him, either that or we'd have to find a home that would suit them both. I considered taking Bob over the summer.....the neighbor was hoping I'd take him......I'm thinking this is her way of making it happen! I have some personal issues going on right now though, so her timing was not good.

01-10-2011, 10:36 PM
Neighbors are evil......:evil:..... Gotta love em though. ..........:)

01-11-2011, 12:52 AM
Parrotlets are really neat little parrots (small Amazons) and I just adore mine!!!!! If you feel you can give Bob a good home, even if timing isn't perfect right at the moment, in the long run it would probably be best if he stays with you. Obviously, Rudy doesn't seem to mind a cagemate.... :rolleyes:

Pips mom
01-11-2011, 06:07 AM
Rudy doesn't mind at all....in fact, I've always felt that Rudy was needy of this kind of companionship. It's so sweet to see them sitting all cuddled up together when I covered them for the night. The thing is....things aren't good here with me and my boyfriend and I may end up leaving and this would be one more bird to add to the load of things I'd have to move and deal with. In the long run, it may be best?? but I don't know what the long run holds for me right now.:(