View Full Version : New Lovie, Odd Behavior

01-17-2011, 07:37 PM
Hey everyone, this will be my first post on this forum. My name is Niki. :D

I've had my peachfaced lovebird, Bean, for approximately a week and a half now (although I'm not new to birds entirely, I've had cockatiels for over a year).

So far as I know, "she's" still young, maybe under a year old, so I would assume it's high time for the angsty teeny years for my little lovie. Also, I say "she" because she hasn't been DNA tested, and some weird behavior has come up, which brings me to question her real gender.

Let's see if you can divulge anything from this: I was watching tv on the couch and playing with Beany, keeping her busy with toys and things to chew, etc. Then she starts 'clicking' her beak rapidly, like a chicken would after guzzling a Rockstar in 30 seconds. Suddenly, she gets the urge to be on top of my head. :roll:

Now here's where the real weirdness starts: Still clicking, she starts to "chicken-scratch" and dance on my head. I only know this because I whipped out my phone and did my best to record her, then played it back to myself. She continued to click and chicken-scatch for about two minutes straight, until I finally said, "Okay, off my head, dodo." But when I got her to step up and looked at her, she looked as if she were trying to get something up - maybe an attempt to regurgitate?

Sorry for the novel, everyone. I hope someone can come to some sort of conclusion from that information. Thanks for reading!

01-17-2011, 08:38 PM
Hi Niki and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!!!

Sounds like Bean is engaging in sexual behavior but it's hard to say male or female. I've seen behavior in females that you would normally attribute to males and I've also seen it the other way around. Best I can say is that Bean is definitely sexually mature! :)

01-17-2011, 08:45 PM
Hey, the clicking noise sounds like what my bird does when he's happy. He clicks his beak over and over again really softly and it makes a cute little noise. But he only does it when he's happy.

And all birds love to be on your head. Actually, it seems like any animal that doesn't have fur pretty much does. Both my birds will try and get on my head every chance they get, as did my old iguana :)

My bird also does the scratching on my head, but he also nibbles my hair, so i think its his way of preening me? He tries to do it to my eyelashes and eyebrows, and my mom's boyfriend's facial hair.

All the things you said seem like normal lovie behavior to me.
(My lovebird gacked up some stuff this morning when i was rubbing his beak and face because thats where he likes to be scratched..eww. lol )