View Full Version : Let's have a dominance dispute before bed, shall we?

01-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Little Beany is normally covered and put to sleep by 10 every night; any later, and she starts to get cranky.

Well, 9:30 rolled around and I guess I pushed her buttons, because she was sure getting worked up! :p

Bean was on the back on the couch, running to and from, squawking to punctuate every action, and then she would sort of "charge" my face and flap her wings once or twice super fast. I would mimic her and squawk back, and it pretty much went back and forth like this for a good 10 minutes. My boyfriend gave it a shot and she bit his nose! :rotfl

I found it quite adorable how perturbed she seemed that I actually had a mind to dispute her. :D :lol

01-18-2011, 11:47 AM
I found it quite adorable how perturbed she seemed that I actually had a mind to dispute her. :D :lol
You were playing a game with her in her mind and, oh yes, that's a LOT of fun!!!!!! Just be aware, as your bf found out, birds can get really excited and bites can result, even though it's not done intentionally. :lol

01-18-2011, 02:14 PM
You were playing a game with her in her mind and, oh yes, that's a LOT of fun!!!!!! Just be aware, as your bf found out, birds can get really excited and bites can result, even though it's not done intentionally. :lol

Hahah, she was getting very riled up, yes. Had to tone it down and put her to sleep before the landlords upstairs could complain about the noise! :whistle:

01-18-2011, 02:51 PM
lol "even though it's not done intentionally. " oh it was intentional dont dought it for a second lol all part of her master plan!

01-18-2011, 06:38 PM
.......Well, 9:30 rolled around and I guess I pushed her buttons, because she was sure getting worked up!........

.........I found it quite adorable how perturbed she seemed that I actually had a mind to dispute her.......

Perhaps she was a bit vulnerable? ....:rolleyes:... Be careful she doesn't start pushing your buttons, as your nose might be next! ..........:rofl: