View Full Version : 6-8 week old lovebird pet question :)

01-20-2011, 03:35 PM

I am new to this community but would love to learn from everyone :)

I just got a baby Fischer Lovebird (the lady said it's was hatched early december) so it's 6-8 weeks old.

My question to you is, everywhere I look on the internet (and feedback from people I know) it says how MEAN lovebirds are and how they make terrible pets. This little guy is the total opposite, he has learned to "step up" onto my finger in just two days, seems to love to be out of his cage....is he a rarity or is he sick? I had him out today and just held him against my chest and was stroking his back and he puffed up and fell asleep....is this a good sign? Or does it seem unusual?

01-20-2011, 04:13 PM
A bird is often what you make it! Although sometimes with lovebirds there's the pick of the bunch who is nothing but pure love. My tamest bird was parent raised, much tamer than the handfed babies I got LOL!

01-20-2011, 04:52 PM
Ditto doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's more likely to cuddle you to death than bite! :happy:

01-20-2011, 11:03 PM
well, i have 12 lovebirds, so, they aren't terrible pets unless you count them chewing up the blinds, making a mess, demanding constant attention, and bickering like little toddlers as terrible, i would say that they are wonderful! even on their bad days! all my birds are nice to me (perhaps not so much to each other), sure, they have their moments where they are frustrated w/ me and i get nipped, but for the most part, they are cuddle bugs and love to hide inside my shirt and sleeves. i got 3 who hate hands so at the sight of my hands, they take off, but they still love to hitch a ride on me or hang out on me just so long as i don't touch them. but the rest are pretty hands on. only 4 of them let me give them head scratches.

anywho, welcome! and can't wait to hear more about your new baby. sounds like you found a sweet little lovie. we all love pictures on here btw. what is your bird's name?

01-21-2011, 12:26 AM
Your new lovebird is still very much a baby and behavior is that of a youngster. I agree with Personatus. He will be what you allow him to be. Treat him with love and give him a lot of attention and you will get it back 10 fold!

Being very young, you need to make sure you keep an eye on him so that you know he's getting enough to eat. Parent raised babies are usually weaned around age 8 weeks so that will give you a time marker.

01-21-2011, 12:36 AM
I think lovebirds in general (but moreso, the females) get a bad rap. I know someone in our local parrot club that HATES lovebirds (he's a cockatoo HOARDER) and has nothing but bad stuff to say about them and how all they do is bite and they never stay tame, etc - well, with that kind of attitude I'm not surprised they don't like him back and that they bite him!! :rotfl

I think lovebirds are AWESOME companions, especially when tame (not particularly "handfed"). My Mika, who is nine, has spoiled me for all other birds as he is quite literally my perfect bird. He is held pretty high on the pedistal that the bf can barely see above it. Hehe. Even with hens getting nesty/bitey, I still adore lovebirds. They are and will always be my passion! :heart

01-21-2011, 09:26 AM
I have an 8-year-old Lovebird hen that is not anywhere close to mean. She's one of the birds in my household I can hand to any visitor and almost guarantee they will have a great (sometimes FIRST) parrot experience. Hens are spunky and special, and are smart and funny. The only thing I don't do is stick my bare hand in her cage. It's just a hormone thing with female lovebirds and they can't help their instincts. Once out of her cage, she's the most stable, reliable parrot I have.

Kirby, the new baby, is my first male lovebird so not so sure about the differences in the sexes but he seems more "beaky" and naughty than Kora (my female) has ever been; although he's still fine with me putting my hand in his cage (and still quite young so that might change).

Still, I adore lovebird spunk and intelligence and will probably always have one in my life, even though I live with several other types of larger parrot.

Congrats on your new baby lovebird. May you have a long and mutually wonderful friendship.

01-21-2011, 10:24 AM
I think lovebirds, much like people, have different personalities. Some are friendly and some are crusty.

If you include your lovebird in your life and spend time with him/her they will get use to you and develop a trust and eventually you'll become their whole world (which is really awesome BTW).

Much like raising children, if you spend time with them and teach them their limits they will grow up into friendly sociable birds.

Sounds to me like you're on the right track.

01-21-2011, 01:19 PM
when i got gizmo i had never had a lovebird before, she was 8 weeks old and had been handreared because her parents had rejected her, she is the most loveable little bird i have, maybe not as cuddly as my conure but she is a darling and she is great with my parrotlets,she just want to be friends with them all i think she is a great little pet

01-21-2011, 03:16 PM
What i like most about lovebirds is thier strong personalitys they think they are giant dinasour birds, and its not thier fault thier body is to small to match thier attitude lol

01-21-2011, 03:57 PM
What i like most about lovebirds is thier strong personalitys they think they are giant dinasour birds, and its not thier fault thier body is to small to match thier attitude lol

They're like little 50 gram t-rex's! :rofl:

In fact that's one of Ditto's nicknames, Dittosaurus Rex! :omg:

01-21-2011, 05:29 PM
Are all pitbulls mean?
You can't stereotype.
Most things i've read about lovebirds on the internet have said that they are WONDERFUL beginner pets. Which i would have to agree with.
My lovie is a wonderful little cuddle bug.

I'm in the same boat as you though, i got another lovebird born Dec. 1, so she's about the same age as yours.
Spend lots of time loving on yours and you'll have a bird attatched to your shoulder/head for life :)

01-23-2011, 10:11 AM
No, Pit Bulls are not mean. The do have a very strong pray drive and not properly trained will chase down anything that runs :) but so will german shepherds....... None of my remaining lovies are cuddle bugs. They leave that to my conures. They don't fear me, they really dont bite me, (they also leave the biting to my conures.....:whistle:. But the lovies are my acrobats, my birds that almost always seem happy and are just funny when they finally get mad. I would be a much less fulfilled person without the lovie portion of my flock. I suppose I could take issue with Cabo's hand hating, but we have a great relationship in spite of his hang up about hands. He loves mama and shows me in so many ways. Like Linda's sig says, there are no bad birds, just misunderstood ones.