View Full Version : Poor Gizmo

01-22-2011, 05:45 AM
Gizmo is about a year old now and i have never noticed her moult before but she must have done at some time, but this tiime the poor little girl is really moulting badly and is getting really irratable withit i think the little pins coming through are really annoying her and when i try to tickle her i think they must hurt, i bath her everyday because she loves water but is they anything else i can do to make her feel happier.
Kermit lets me preen his pins for him but gizzy won't i feel i bit helpless i wish i could help her but i am not really sure what i can do.
a quick question how often do lovebirds moult? i know parrotlets moult about twice a year.

01-22-2011, 07:03 AM
Most birds moult twice/yr. Bathing is about the best thing you can do, as she will preen after each bath and remove the keritan sheaths from the feathering. You can try misting Gizmo in between baths with warm water that has aloe added to it. Aloe is soothing and the misting will also encourage Gizmo to preen. :)