View Full Version : funny reaction

Pips mom
01-22-2011, 09:34 AM
I've noticed some change in Pip since we got our new puppy a few weeks ago. Pip loves dogs and seems very interested in the puppy, BUT....puppy went into their room one night after I had put them to sleep for the night and Pip totally freaked out! He even freaked out like this the following night just from hearing the puppy in the other room.....apparently he feels differently about the puppy coming into his space after he's gone to sleep for the night! The nights following, Pip gave me SUCH a hard time about going to bed for the night......this after he had become so good about it and would go to his spot on his own! Now Pip will not sleep in his little sleeping spot on his platform hanging outside his cage.......where he has always slept! Nope....now he wants to sleep in his cage. I'm thinking maybe he feels more secure and safer there. I've tried putting him on his little platform, but when I go to cover him, he'll just go right over to his door of his cage and go inside....this from a bird who has NEVER wanted to go in his cage for any reason except maybe to escape us catching him! What's strange is that Pip seems to love this puppy, but at bed time he feels differently! It's so funny to watch his reaction to things like this, and to see changes in him like this is so rare.....he's usually so predictable and consistent about everything. Ohhhh, my little monster boy....you certainly have a little mind of your own. I guess it just feels strange seeing him hesitant and running for security....he's always so brave and bold!

01-22-2011, 09:49 AM
Birds are particularly vulnerable when they sleep and Pip, apparently, has always felt very secure with his sleeping habits. The puppy invading HIS space has changed all that and the behavior you are seeing now is instinct.

A gate across the doorway may be helpful in keeping the puppy where Pip thinks he belongs. :)

01-22-2011, 10:18 AM
Sounds to me like Pip is being SMART. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Sleep where it's safe, Pip,...babies are unpredictable.

Pips mom
01-22-2011, 12:21 PM
We have had a gate up now for some time so puppy cannot even go close to the bird's room. Pip was perfectly safe where he was sleeping on his platform.....he was covered up as well so no one could even see that he was sleeping there, but apparently Pip felt vulnerable. On Pip's terms though when he's wide awake and alert, he watches that puppy closely and wants to get up close and personal! Maybe one day he'll feel differently once he used to the new puppy being part of the flock! It's probably better he learns to sleep in his cage anyway!
And yes! Pip is very smart!!! it still amazes me every day how such a little thing can be so smart!

01-22-2011, 01:51 PM
....... I guess it just feels strange seeing him hesitant and running for security....he's always so brave and bold!

I wouldn't underestimate Pips bravery at all. .. It could be, by returning to his cage, he's now made himself more ready to defend it. ...Watch out puppy!.....:omg:........:)

01-23-2011, 09:59 AM
What Michael said! LOL Kenya USED to be such a docile bird. I went for over half a year that I did not handle her except with a perch to put her in her cage. She would pant and panic so severely. One day, the big conures were particularly annoyed with Cabo and got the tiniest bit aggressive. Before I could disrupt the situation (and I was 3 feet away) Kenya had dive bombed Drake and he was literally on his back! :omg: It would not surprise me if part of this is Pip keeping the puppy out of HIS cage. They are small, but remember, the THINK they are eagles. Either way, he is sure of what he's doing even if we aren't. LOL