View Full Version : Fire and no heat!

01-24-2011, 07:31 AM
We just got news at 7:30 this morning of a major natural gas leak here in Fairport Harbor. ... As a result, there are scattered home fires including a serious one at the main break. ... May be "forced" to evacuate. .. Not having fun. .........:(

01-24-2011, 08:21 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Evacutation is no fun, especially when it's cold and pets are involved.

01-24-2011, 08:42 AM
Well. ..Good news as of 9:20, no further evacuations are expected. .. I do have backup propane and electric heating. .. Now its only a question of how long natural gas service will be out. .. Good thing too, Goof has an Avitech ceramic bulb, and if worse come to worse, i'll plug a heating blanket in under his cage. .............:cold

So far the best news is that knowones been hurt. .. Now its a matter of praying our firefighters remain safe and sound. .............:pray:

01-24-2011, 09:20 AM
Hopefully it's warmer than the -4 it was here when I woke up this morning! :omg:

01-24-2011, 09:26 AM
Glad to hear that you don't have to evacuate. Very true. Best news is that no one was injured.

I was lucky this morning. It got cold here last night (33F) and all my heaters were working. When I went out to the garage aviary this morning, one of my heaters failed. I use 2 in my aviaries that are not inside the living area of the house so it wasn't frigid but I had to replace one with my spare. Sad part is that the heater I lost is only 4 months old (still covered under warranty) but without that second heater, it would have been very cold in that room last night.

01-24-2011, 01:56 PM
Update. ...We now have all our services restored. .. Inside scoop, is that an apartment building on the east end of town somehow caught fire in its basement. .. Whether it was due to an issue with natural gas service, or to the apartment complex in itself, its still a toss up. .... In the meantime, did it get cold here? ... You bet. Inside room temp went down to 57 in less than an hour. .. Thank gosh for "homefront" emergency/disaster preparedness! .............:)

01-24-2011, 11:45 PM
Glad to hear that service was restored and that all is well right now! However, without being prepared in advance, something like this can really be a disaster without a back up plan.

My home is heated with electric, but you can believe that I have an alternative choice if need be. My back up is a generator, heavy duty extension cords and extra heaters. The cold in my area is survivable but sub-zero temperatures are quite another story!

This community cannot stress being prepared strongly enough!

01-25-2011, 10:34 PM
Hi Michael, very scary! So glad everything's ok!

Barb :)

01-26-2011, 12:32 AM
Hope all is well again. At the risk of being accused of gloating, here we have no fire & just the right heat...Today: clear & sunny skies, 77 degrees...And the ocean down the road. Ah, life can be so hard....(WEG)

01-26-2011, 07:47 AM
Envy, envy, envy......... While my area doesn't get intense cold/snow, we do get severe rain storms/tornados year round. Yesterday was really bad in my area. Lots of damage from rain and high wind.

01-26-2011, 08:34 AM
Hope all is well again. At the risk of being accused of gloating, here we have no fire & just the right heat...Today: clear & sunny skies, 77 degrees...And the ocean down the road. Ah, life can be so hard....(WEG)

Uh...well....we do tend to appreciate our crappy weather here more when it finally does get nice out. .. Whenever that is......:(..... Ok...so its not the best weather here! .... GLOATER!

Seriously everyone, thanks for your concern. .. What their trying to figure out now, is how such an increase in gas pressure occured to begin with. .. Those residents with "piloted" furnaces or other gas appliances were the ones at most risk. .. Apparently, the pressure got so high, it blew through the furnace/appliance regulators creating a huge internal fire. .. If you were lucky, the fire would remain self contained within the appliance itself. .. Not so lucky, you end up with a serious fire and/or explosion. .... Fact is. All of us here in Fairport Harbor are lucky to be alive, as this could have really been far worse.

01-26-2011, 10:08 AM
That is, indeed, very scary! Kind of makes you look at each new day a bit differently.

01-26-2011, 11:50 AM
That is, indeed, very scary! Kind of makes you look at each new day a bit differently.

Agreed! I'm sure you read about the gas explosion up the road a piece from me not so long ago. The folks on top of the explosion weren't as lucky as you, Michael. They are still trying to figure out what went wrong. And while our weather is better than yours, we left-coasters are all living close to one earthquake fault or another :( Been having a few little ones in the past couple of weeks. Best not to think about if they are just the normal California rumbles, or preparations for something bigger! No matter where we live, there are hazards. But I'll take the risk to live with the comfort of gas lines, electric lines, highway/car hazards....I'm happy I'm not a pioneer :)

(I do make sure there is nothing heavy on the walls near the girls' cages, and their cages rest on sturdy stands that won't topple over if the floor should begin to shake!)

01-26-2011, 03:06 PM
Realy bubble lady are we realy going there? it was cold here hit like 75 everyone was in sweaters and it must be winter it rained lightly for a whole hour! Lol gloating to someone in hawaii does work so well does it lol

01-26-2011, 11:45 PM
Okay, Jeremiah, I didn't say I have a corner on the gloating market. And I'm sure Hawaii would be too hot for me much of the time. My Irish genes don't like anything over 80!

Now, at the risk of beating a dead horse, and to get this thread back to "the birds", here is a direct quote from the radio weather man today:

"80 in Salinas today. The birds are confused. The plants are confused. And I don't know what to think!" Happily for me it was only 70 in Monterey. I'm stepping down from my soap/gloat box now :)

01-27-2011, 08:32 AM
....... I'm sure you read about the gas explosion up the road a piece from me not so long ago. The folks on top of the explosion weren't as lucky as you, Michael. They are still trying to figure out what went wrong. And while our weather is better than yours, we left-coasters are all living close to one earthquake fault or another........

My granmother once lived in San Francisco. ..In a trailer. .. Although she could have easily afforded a home, a trailer, which in the event of an earthquake she jokingly claimed could be rolled to safety, was her choice dwelling for living alongside an orange grove. .. She later relocated to Newton Falls, Ohio, only to be hit with one of the worst tornado's of the century. .. At least she wasn't living in a trailer at the time.

Fairport's problems so far seem to be a combination of faulty pressure regulating equipment, poor maintainance, and a non-proven backup system/plan. .. Water or moister damage was thrown in as a possible suspect. ..Guess we'll have to WAIT AND SEE.

Aside from the major flood we suffered a couple years ago, i'd say we live in a fairly safe region. .. Skirted by tornado alley, and just knicked by the snowbelt, we really have less to share regarding natural disasters than most anywere else in the country, except certain parts of the midwest, who's climate is more in effect with the economy, than it is by the weather. .... Think i'll stay here :)

01-27-2011, 08:49 AM
My granmother once lived in San Francisco. ..In a trailer. .. Although she could have easily afforded a home, a trailer, which in the event of an earthquake she jokingly claimed could be rolled to safety, was her choice dwelling for living alongside an orange grove. .. She later relocated to Newton Falls, Ohio, only to be hit with one of the worst tornado's of the century. .. At least she wasn't living in a trailer at the time.

Fairport's problems so far seem to be a combination of faulty pressure regulating equipment, poor maintainance, and a non-proven backup system/plan. .. Water or moister damage was thrown in as a possible suspect. ..Guess we'll have to WAIT AND SEE.

Aside from the major flood we suffered a couple years ago, i'd say we live in a fairly safe region. .. Skirted by tornado alley, and just knicked by the snowbelt, we really have less to share regarding natural disasters than most anywere else in the country, except certain parts of the midwest, who's climate is more in effect with the economy, than it is by the weather. .... Think i'll stay here :)

I could send you some snow if you want it! :rofl:

01-27-2011, 03:13 PM
A T.V weather man in Oklahoma, following a local tornado, said he knew how to end the problem. Either set up fake trailer parks in the boonies & lure the tornados away from civilization, or totally ban trailers & starve them to death :)