View Full Version : Free shipping......

Pips mom
01-27-2011, 11:19 AM
I just noticed that Dr. Foster and Smith is offering free shipping on orders 49 dollars and over. I love Dr. Foster and smith! I've ordered stuff from them quite a bit in the past. I tend to not be a huge spender all at once and buy more smaller orders of things, and in the past, some places do offer free shipping at times, but you always have to spend so much, over 100 most of the time. I thought this was nice, only 49 dollars to get free shipping, that's not bad. I also know that in the past this site has offered very cheap shipping prices....I think it was 5.99?? which is really good!
I just wanted to share this! I have tried in the past to get my bird's seed food at Petco, but they don't always have it, and it's frustrating when you go and they don't have it, so I am forced to buy most of their food online now.......add a couple of nice toys and treats and I get free shipping, I think that's a pretty good deal, especially since their prices tend to be lower than in pet stores.

01-27-2011, 12:05 PM
i agree. sometimes it's like, i don't need to stock up so reaching that limit of 100 can be hard and pricey. whereas i can easily spend 50 dollars real fast.

i always buy stuff from them and the fact that they are in wisconsin is awesome cuz i get my stuff real fast. and they're affordable. i really love their millet too (not the Kaytee brand).

btw kim, i love the quote on your signature. very true! i get so tired of hearing, "but it's just a bird" or "it's just a rabbit". so annoying!

Pips mom
01-27-2011, 12:17 PM
btw kim, i love the quote on your signature. very true! i get so tired of hearing, "but it's just a bird" or "it's just a rabbit". so annoying!

Thank you! I found this quote posted on facebook by a very nice girl named Brooke. I actually met her through craigslist! I commented on a post she had up, and not really in a positive way either, but I was nice! I'm thinking that she looked beyond the negative and was able to see that I'm a bird lover......just like her! and we became friends! Funny how things happen like that! She's a wonderful person, and an inspiration.....as you can see by her quote! :wink: