View Full Version : Mystery Bird

01-31-2011, 03:10 AM
So I went into my local pet shop to buy food for JP last weekend, and came away with another lovvie...:rofl:.

Oh yes, i had it all planned to find him a partner from a registered breeder, and then couldn't abandon this beauty in the shop.

So my brand new hand made flight cage now has a new occupant. I THINK its a female, and my partner has already named her Miss E. Club Jagger ( due to her definite attitude and air of superiority).

I was gonna call her Big Bird, or THE SCREAMER, but that was vetoed (lol)
She's about 50% bigger than JP, and I think that may be because she is older (hes only 3 months).

Anyway, I suspect she's a black cheeked green pied, (and therefore a different species from JP, who is a Fischer) , but hey, you guys are the experts!

I will get some pics tonight, but for now I found this one, which looks very like her except her head colour is very light brown. ( thanks to avian rehab for this pic)

I would appreciate your input........


02-01-2011, 04:24 AM
That is a normal green masked lovebird. My first lovebird was a masked female named Angel. I also had a Blue masked named Bandit.They tend to be a bit more timid then Peach-faced and fischer.


02-01-2011, 05:19 AM
I agree that this is a Masked Lovebird but mutation is Dilute Green. Normal Green Mask is much darker green and the head feathering is black.

02-01-2011, 08:33 AM
Thanks a lot for the info people. She is settling into her HUGE cage and likes to climb about upside down looking at people from between her legs...very funny. Also she is nervous and precocious minute by minute. She approaches the bars often and has a good look at whats going on, then retreats to her hiding space under the covered section.

JP ( my fischer) thinks she's mad when she calls out, which she does often. Its one short shrill note, like a call to a mate or a chick, I suspect. JP just stares at her for a minute ( like she was insane!) and then goes back to his toys.

Its crazy in my house....

02-01-2011, 08:34 AM

02-02-2011, 04:34 AM
I am glad to hear she is settling in well. I have a special place in my heart for masked lovies.

02-02-2011, 03:54 PM
Hi, new member here. We have no more petstores with lovebirds around my area - I wish that had been me! I've been looking for a young lovebird and cannot find a single breeder. There is a petstore in Santa Cruz but the two lovebird babies had naked heads and backs - I told the guy they were plucking each other and to separate them...I was afraid to buy a plucked one, thinking he may pluck another bird or himself. My "rescue" Tarzan is so longing for bird company he keeps trying to cuddle up to my grey - who is a bit freaked out about this tiny brazen thing trying to sidle up to him on his atom. When I let Tarzan out we have to watch him every second, I've heard too much about big/little bird accidents. At any rate, congrats on your new bird. I live in the San Jose CA area - anybody out there know where to go to get a nice baby?

Lauri and the crew
Rumi (Eckkie), Rafiki (Grey) Tarzan (Lovebird) Maggie & Music (goldens) and Clarence and Buster (old kitties!)

02-02-2011, 04:52 PM
I've sold several lovebirds to African Grey owners who want them as companions for their Greys. Sometimes it's not financially possible to have 2 greys and, like greys, lovebirds are native to the same continent.

With birds, you never know just what kind of friendships will develop. Picture, if you will, a Green Wing Macaw sitting in his cage and on the same perch, maybe 8" away is a Lutino Parrotlet. I did a double take when I saw it!

02-02-2011, 08:22 PM
Heck we got forum members who have odd couples like pip and ivy :)

02-02-2011, 09:59 PM
I live in the San Jose CA area - anybody out there know where to go to get a nice baby?

Lauri and the crew
Rumi (Eckkie), Rafiki (Grey) Tarzan (Lovebird) Maggie & Music (goldens) and Clarence and Buster (old kitties!)

I do! I do! I'm in Pacific Grove, but I work in Campbell & San Jose so I know it's not an outrageous drive. Pet Fun in Salinas often has a few lovie babies, all from local breeders. I didn't buy my current lovie there (wish I had) but I got my wonderful Buddy there who was my best bird EVER and lived almost 15 years. And my current wonderful GCC came from there as well. And a couple of canaries. I have been happy with all my birds from there. It is a large store but NOT a chain. The manager has been there at least 20 years. Also, there is a nice, small pet store in Pacific Grove, Stones Pet Shop, where I shop all the time. They also get a baby lovie or 2 now and they, but didn't have one when my Buddy died & I couldn't wait till they got one in so I bought from a local breeder...& had some problems. But she always has Fischer's & they are quite inexpensive. I can give you her name, & details of Johari's problems, if you are interested. Pet Fun usually gets parent raised lovies but said they would call me when they got a hand fed bird in...I just couldn't wait :( And Stones usually has most of their birds out & about & do spend time socializing them. The owners have both a peach faced lovie & a GCC that are their personal companion birds & are always at the store during the day. I think they go home on weekends. But everybody seems quite happy there. They also board birds, but only those who are vet checked annually & who board no where else. Neither store has very many birds at any one time, which I think is the healthiest way to go. P.M. me if you want more details.

02-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Wow! Pacific Grove, Salinas, this is wonderful! I feel like such a newbie, does PM mean private message and how do I do that? I would love the information, I am so excited.
I will print your email just in case I can't find it again...still learning my way around the board.
thanks much for the great info!


02-03-2011, 03:40 PM
PM = private message, yes. Look up in the upper right hand corner of your computer screen and you will see the link for private messages. Don't worry about feeling new! I remember when I came to this location for the first time to set up the forums and there was absolutely nothing here! :confused: Once I got the hang of it, it became much easier. Keep in mind that the only dumb question is the one you should have asked but didn't!

02-03-2011, 10:36 PM
the only dumb question is the one you should have asked but didn't!

Brilliant! Love it :)