View Full Version : when it rains..............

02-06-2011, 01:23 AM
I am not even gonna finish that sentence for fear that I will further jinx myself.

Cabo's lab results were ready the Wed after our vet trip but for some reason, the vet wanted to wait on Tango's necropsy preliminary to begin treatment. His WBC's were 15000. That alone should be enough to treat but as the vet would not prescribe, i could not do much about it.

Tango's necrospy showed no evidence of disease. No trauma to the body or internal organs, the only unusual findings were multifocal hemorrhages in the brain, however, they were isolated to the ventricles and did not involve the areas they should have in the event of trauma so in my opinion this was simply the blood pooling in post mortem response (which is common). In short, there were no significant findings other than the severe anemia on his labs. The most common cause of which would be heavy metals but I cant think of what it might be from in this house.

Cabo is now on antibiotics and I am concerned about an odd feather loss pattern with him ( not plucking) and want to test for PBFD but the vet wants to wait through his next molt....um hello, I have 6 other birds????????????????????

Then, this morning, I noticed Zulu would not put weight on his right foot and sure enough, it looks like Kenya gashed it open for him. By the time I saw it, it had stopped bleeding and I am treating it with topicals but the little guy is obviously in pain and not acting himself at all.

I of course, have decided that Tango had some weird congenital clotting problem or something and that Zulu since he is a clutch mate is going to exanguinate via his cut foot during the night tonight.

I am seeing monsters everywhere I look right now. My daughter's gcc has been very clingy with her for the last 2 days so I am afraid he is ill from playing with Cabo and so on and so forth.

This has been a horrible couple of weeks. I have a dead fid with no identifiable cause so I don't know if my other fids are at risk, one ill bird, one injured bird. I was in VA last week to help out my brother ( my sister in law may not make it home from this recent hospital admission) and contracted pneumonia and because of Mary's frail health, had to stay in a hotel for 3 days until I was well enough to drive home and today was my first afebrile day since last Sunday. I don't feel that this avian vet has the same sense of urgency about treating and diagnosing and piecing together test results as I have and I am afraid I am going to adopt Kenya's plucking habit and just pull all of my hair out.....................

But seriously, if anyone has any ideas about severe anemia in lovies other than trauma or heavy metals (Cabo shared cage and toys etc and his hemoglobin is fine). Please share it with me. I am sorry, I think I am just frustrated and venting but I don't know how to not be frustrated at this point. :very_sad:

02-06-2011, 03:36 AM
Heavy metal possible death around the holidays...

my thoughts are... did he play around the Christmas/holiday tree/lights/decorations?

I am so sorry. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you. I've been through something like this and its such a horrid feeling. I hope something comes to light and that your other little ones remain safe and healthful.

02-06-2011, 04:17 AM
I'm sorry that so many things have been stressful for you in such a short period of time! It can be very frustrating when your vet does not share the same sense of urgency as you do.

I've had necropsies come back as inconclusive, where cause of death could not be determined. I've also had them come back indicating illnesses that should have killed other birds that were in close contact with the deceased bird but nothing further ever happened. When I lost 3 young Abyssinians to Polyomavirus back in the mid 90s, the illness could have potentially taken out another 15 youngsters but it didn't. My vet said I was very lucky. None turned out to be carriers, either.

Dave (z28taxman) can attest that birds can get into things and you will never figure out how they managed to do it. I, too, would be enormously concerned about a white count that's 15000!!!! Could be your vet wouldn't prescribe because he's not pinned down what to treat but should that be the case, he sure needs to find out! If your vet doesn't want to test Cabo for PBFD, you can order your own kit from Avian Biotech and get around him that way.


02-06-2011, 01:32 PM
Hi, oh my goodness, you've had way too much stress lately. Ihope your vet is able to determine what's needed and takes care of your fid. Sending you hugs, thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

Barb :)