View Full Version : Birdy bonding

02-09-2011, 02:29 PM
hello all,

about a month ago i purchased a baby lovebird. well she (yes, she) is doing great. But because her "toddler" cage was directly under my 1 year old quaker's cage, with his door open they formed a "through the bars" bond. The quaker still knows i am mom, and he still has his bond with me, but the lovebird wants hardly anything to do with me and flies to him - i recently bought her a new cage of her own and she is across the room.

any advice about helping me cope and work around their bond to form our own...??

02-09-2011, 04:35 PM
.......any advice about helping me cope and work around their bond to form our own...??

Hi Bluefeathers115. .. Multiple bond/flock relationships are definitely possible. .. My advice, is to continue spending time socializing your new lovebird, offer healthy foods/treats, and work on establishing a flock leadership position via "step ups". ... One thing to think about, is even though your new lovebird and young quaker have formed a "through the bars bond", this doesn't necessarily mean its a withstanding one. ... Although quakers are relatively affectionate in nature, once the bars are gone, one can easily feel intimidated by a fiesty lovebird. .. Also, if your new lovebird is in fact a "hen", great care and supervision should be exercised due to hormonal/behavioral changes that may occur as she reaches full maturity. ..

Hopefully some others can share some opinions here. .............:)

02-09-2011, 05:50 PM
Bluefeathers, I have a similar situation with my Cabo lovie. Cabo has a thing for conures. I will never have red tail feathers and a blue head or green cheeks and blue tail feathers so I doubt I will ever be quite as important to Cabo as the conure crew. Poor Cabo prefers conures to the other lovebirds so I dont really take it personally. Cabo and I have a very special relationship that is unique to the two of us. You will find that you can bond with each bird differently. I have 7 birds right now and I have to spend individual time with all 7 to keep up the leader of the flock roll. Otherwise my largest blue crown challenges me and gets the whole house in a uproar. I find it necessary to spend training time as a one on one situation with most of my birds. I think truth be told most birds will always prefer another bird (except for Skye cuz shes just weird that way). But as long as you are dedicated to forming the bond, it will happen. :D

02-09-2011, 06:08 PM
My flock hang in cliques the lovebirds with lovebirds the sun conures with sun conures etc they all forage together but they all know dad has the best treats and gives the best scritches so they all love me regardless of who they hang out with :)

Pips mom
02-09-2011, 09:55 PM
My birds all have birdie bonds with another bird, but there's enough love to go around! All of my birds seem interested in having a relationship with me, regardless of their bonds with other birds. If you give them your love and your time, goodies, toys, talk to them....birds know when you love them! and you can have that special bond with a bird, even he/she has a birdie friend.

02-10-2011, 07:47 AM
thanks everyone! im am happy to say that now, i feel like all is not lost :)