View Full Version : I was wondering

02-10-2011, 11:40 AM
I have a breeding pair of lovebirds they have been in their new cage 5 days i was just wondering if i left their cage open for them to come out would they go back in on their own as they are not tame i just want them to be happy lol

02-10-2011, 11:50 AM
I wouldn't count on it! The cage is new to them and they have not completely established as "home" in their minds. I have pairs how have had the same cage for several yrs and they know exactly which one is theirs. If they happen to escape, it's always easy to see where they came from, as they usually hang out very close to home.

You could find yourself chasing them around to catch them or roosting on a high perch as the sun goes down so they can go to sleep!

02-10-2011, 01:09 PM
hey thanks for replying do you happen to know how long it will take before they wil recognise thier cage and go back in to go to sleep?
Thank you
Jamie :)

02-10-2011, 01:57 PM
I'd give them a couple of months at least. Even then, they may recognize their cage but not want to go back because they are enjoying their freedom more than they enjoy their cage. Each bird is different so it's really hard to predict. You'll know what to expect the first time you let them out! You might want to consider clipping 3-4 flight feathers on each wing to slow them down a little bit and to limit where they can go. It's a very personal choice but it's also something to consider.

02-10-2011, 02:01 PM
thank you for advise i wasnt thinking of doing it any time soon as they are making a nest so dont want to upset them maybe if they lay then probably after the chicks are weaned i may do it then.
Thank you you give great advise :)