View Full Version : how to tell

02-12-2011, 12:39 PM
How do you tell which lovebird to get, and how to tell how old it is? I don't want to buy a lovebird that is like 15 and about to die....

02-13-2011, 01:54 PM
buy a young bird or a bird that is rung.....or trust the seller.. :D

02-13-2011, 06:10 PM
How do you tell which lovebird to get, and how to tell how old it is? I don't want to buy a lovebird that is like 15 and about to die....

Hi Jack. .. Before choosing a new lovebird, make sure that it absolutely fits your lifestyle. .. Any resident birds or other pets you may already keep, could have their own lives compromised by the time needed to maintain a lovebirds adequate care. .. While it may sound like i'm trying to discourage you from getting a lovebird, reviewing the pro's and con's surrounding their guardianship could be well to yours and your other pets advantage.

First of all. Owning a lovebird is a long term commitment. They can easily live up to 15-20 years! ... Although considered relatively quiet compared to many other species of parrots, lovebirds can get very noisey from time to time. If they want attention, there's no doubt your going to hear all about it. .. They also require a fair amount of living space. Keeping them caged for most the day is not a very welcome option. Once out, they can also become vehement chewers of grandma's priceless antique furniture, or even more dangerous, a T.V. or appliance power cord. (Not sure which is actually worse). .... Most important of all. Despite their somewhat diminutive stature, lovebirds have no problem attacking anything that invades what they view as their own territory. Even a large dog or person! .. You have a canary, they may or may not ever get along. Should they not, then both will require separate time out.

How do you tell which lovebird to get? .. Best choice is to locate a reputable breeder. This breeder should provide a "well bird" guarantee, and have no problem guiding you through the choosing process. Best option, is if they allow you to spend time interacting with a few of their birds. More often than not, poeple will base their decisions on how well a bird interacts with them, rather than their outward appearance. ..If you cannot locate a breeder, this can still remain an excellent option.

How do you tell a lovebirds age? .. There are some traits such as beak or feather colouring that can help determine age. Unfortunately, once past the age of 6 months or so, it can be nearly impossible to tell their age. Most important, and I cannot stress this enough, is that lovebirds should be fully weaned before their ever sent to a new home. Also, hand feeding baby lovebirds does little in determining how tame they may ultimately become. .. Please note; Many poeple have happily adopted an older lovebird. Some already a year or two old, others 5 years or more. .. Hope this helps a little. .........:)

02-14-2011, 04:16 PM
Wow... thanks! that helped a lot!:blush: