View Full Version : Opinions welcomed

02-17-2011, 09:20 PM
Work has me out of town 4 days this week & 4 days next week. After real soul searching & complicated details I won't bore you with, I boarded the girls at the local non-chain pet store. A risk, I know, but they only accept vet-checked birds. I came home tonight with only Gussie. They are aware of my mixed feelings about the darling, but painful, Johari. They have a number of "store birds"--birds not for sale. Several are lovebirds, & one is a Fischer's, rescued from a clueless person who tried hand feeding a baby, who was nearly dead when brought in. The store owners pulled "Marvin" through, & he/she has been there about a year. Marvin never fledged correctly so can't fly. The pet shop folks suspect Marvin may actually be a girl but have never had testing.

Long story short, Marvin & Johari are now both in Johari's cage &, while not
"courting", seem very comfortable with each other. They have been together all day today, after having their cages side by side for a couple of days. (They will spend the night in their own cages.) Marvin was eating while Johari climbed about the cage--she may be one-footed, but she is TOTALLY mobile. They actually seemed like they have always been together. Marvin looks exactly like Johari, except for having 2 feet.

The option I have is to surrender (ooooooh, that word gives me chills) Johari to become a "store" bird companion for Marvin. Or, if they turn out to not like each other after all, to be kept at the store till a "good home" is found for her. The store birds there are out all day (except for several surrendered finches) & all seem to get along famously. They are "roped off" in the back of the shop & customers are not allowed to go beyond the rope.

Obviously, I have VERY mixed feelings. Bottom line, I want what is best for Johari. If her horrendous biting is a sign that she wants a "full time" friend, then maybe Marvin may be better for her than I. And I must admit, I've taken to caging her more & more because I can't do anything without either draping my body with towels, or getting blood-drawing bites. But she is sooooo social. Wants to be with me EVERY minute. Even the folks at the shop commented on how social she is. But one of them did get bit when changing water. Johari got out once, too. Also during water changing time. Johari is VERY fast.

I left Johari there, as I have to take Gussie back Monday, for another 4 days. To see how it goes. With Marvin. With Johari. With me.....

Am I rationalizing because Johari is sooooo different from Buddy? Am I wimping out? There is no pressure & I don't have to decide right away. But I'm feeling close to tears because I'm sooooo tired of being bitten but I soooo hate to give up on her.

What do you all think? I know the ultimate decision is mine, but I will appreciate all perspectives.....:confused:

Pips mom
02-17-2011, 09:35 PM
Would you ever consider taking Marvin?? I love that name by the way! With everything you've been through and done with Johari, I just can't picture you apart from her, but of course, you are the only one who knows what's best for her and for you......please remember that.....regardless of anyone else's opinion or suggestions, ultimately you are the only one who really knows what's best. You have to trust your own judgement, and that you're doing the right thing. You're a kind, caring person, and whatever you decide to do, I know it will be what's best. You have time to think, so take that time. It would be so nice for Johari to have a birdie friend....I've always been a big fan of birds having another bird who they can relate to, so they can always have that companionship even when we aren't always there for them.

02-17-2011, 09:47 PM
You know, Kim, the thought did cross my mind. I don't know if they would let me take Marvin but I can ask. My main hesitation is the prospect of even more vet bills. It took me WAY too long to pay off Johari's amputation! But, you may remember, I have in the past wanted to have a pair of lovies, after seeing all the wonderful pictures of those of lucky enough to have more than one. And it's clear Gussie & Johari are NEVER going to be friends. That's one thing that surprised me about Johari's acceptance of Marvin. Gussie & Johari go at each other given half a chance but apparently Johari has made no aggressive moves at Marvin at all. Thanks for the input. I will "meditate" upon it :)

02-17-2011, 10:30 PM
When I read this, I actually had the same thought as Kim regarding you taking Marvin. I have 4 fischer's, two peachies (that announcement is coming in another post, a gcc and three blue crowns can tell you that fischer's are just different. Wendy Edwards who breeds beautiful top bench fischer's and bred my own Zulu and recently departed dear Tango said to me the other day that she tells prospective buyers that if they are looking for a pet to cuddle, to buy a male peach faced.

Cabo will draw serious blood given the chance. All of my fischer's will. BUT Cabo got much better about biting when Kenya came along and even better when Tango and Zulu came to live with us. I have decided that fear was a powerful motivator in Cabos biting and there is safety in numbers. Cabo feels less threatened when he has his flock with him. It is not unusual for Cabo to waddle across the table away from the flock now and jump onto me, give me an unsolicited kiss and skip back over to his buddies. Cabo was just never truly happy without another bird.

My perfect situation for you would be that the store would allow you to try it out with Marvin to see if it improved your relationship with Johari. But, as kim said, it has to be your decision and only you know what is best for you and for Johari. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck and I know you are motivated by what will make Johari happiest.

02-18-2011, 06:07 PM
I would ask to take marvin also he eats the same food and keeps her comapny when you cant spend time together and even if they dont get along im sure gussie would rather hear chirs and chatter then an empty house :)

02-19-2011, 11:14 PM
As I read this I think of my Benny Bird.

I love my parrotlet, Benny with all of my heart and could never imagine doing anything but what is best for him, and we did have a lovely period of time when I was not his beak cushion, but he is FAST, his beak is SHARP and he is positively meant to be with another parrot. I knew that getting another bird meant losing my bond with him but it was either that or rehoming him, because I was constantly covered with blood. I am more respectful of Benny's tiny little shark beak than I am of Buddy Girl's (my mother's Blue and Gold Macaw) when she's nesty and guarding her spot on the bed! Buddy at least will warn you with posturing, Benny will just eviscerate you. Having Sayuri here for Benny has been amazing. He loves her so much and that means I don't have to get bitten. I have set things up so that I open their cage door and let them go to the play gym, as Benny is VERY territorial and protective of Sayuri and doesn't like anyone to touch her. And Suri-Yuri as he calls her, or "Suri Sweetheart" even though, due to his vicious protectiveness, she's hardly ever been handled, when we do occasionally get our hands on little Suri, she is the sweetest, most gentle little thing! She steps right up, and if we ask "can I have a kiss?" she will give a kiss right on the lips! Between Benny and Sayuri, though, Sayuri is the one who wears the feathery pants!

I understand where you are coming from. For me, it was between finding a mate for Benny or finding a home for him. He was not happy sitting in his cage and I could not take his beak anymore. There was more to it with him that just that, he was very attached to me, wanted to be out ALL the time, didn't know how to play independently- and finding a friend for him has solved all that. I hope this works out for you and Johari, whether she stays at the shop or with you.

02-20-2011, 12:45 AM
I happen to agree with everyone else about the possibility of Marvin coming to live with you and Johari. All of my birds, including my personal pets, have feathered companions and it's always worked out well for them and for me. While birds can make great companions for humans, the also need their own kind for birdie socialization. As long as I continue to interact with my pets, they remain tame and social with me. They have me when I'm here and their companions when I'm not. It's a win-win all the way around.

02-20-2011, 12:56 AM
For me, it was between finding a mate for Benny or finding a home for him.

I think that's where we are, too. My suggestion of my taking Marvin didn't get an absolute "No" but I got the distinct impression that Marvin alreay has a forever home. So now I'm thinking...do I
1. Rehome Johari to the pet shop. or,
2. Get another Fischer's from Johari's breeder (she owes me a bird as I never decided whether to get another bird or get my money back). And if i do this, do I "take my chances" on gender & hope if it's a hen, they get along and if it's a boy invest in some fake eggs, or
3. Get another peach face and not have to worry about fertile eggs?

If I do get another lovie who turns out to be a boy & Johari is happy laying eggs, will this be bad for her, given her bad bones at birth?

If I do rehome Johari, can I live without a lovie, or do I keep looking for a lovie who chooses me, the way both Buddy & Gussie did? My brother thinks I should go back to having an "only" bird but thinks I probably won't. "You and your birds!" he said--affectionalty, but I could almost hear him shaking his head.

It is clear that, while I'm stewing & fretting, Gussie is very pleased with being an "only bird" again!
The odds of me going very long without a lovie in the house are probably slim to none, however. Sorry, Gussie :)

Pips mom
02-20-2011, 09:09 AM
Yup.....I don't think I could ever go for very long without the sounds of a lovie in the house!

02-20-2011, 09:27 AM
If Marvin turns out to be a no, I would probably go back to the breeder and get what is owed to you. Perhaps you could take Johari with you and see who she likes. Even if you were to pair her with another female, it does not eliminate the possibility of Johari laying eggs. Her eggs just won't be fertile, which is a good thing because of her medical condition.

If you opt to get another Fischer's companion for Johari, look at eye shapes of the birds that interest you. Females tend to have almond shaped eyes, while males tend to have round ones. Look at Johari's eyes and you want them to look like hers, that's if she would like a female. Not all hens will.

Good luck with your decision. It's one that I hope I never have to make.

02-20-2011, 12:13 PM
I also believe that fids, no matter the species, are happier with a mate/partner. A human can have a bond with them, but they truly need the "bond/love/friendship" of another bird! I hope you will find a friend for your little lovie and that all will work out well for you, no matter the decision you might make. Good luck!!

02-21-2011, 02:30 PM
:2cents: A differing opinion...

If Johari loves Marvin she may be happier with him at the store. She would definitely get lots of attention--both from him and from people there all day. It could be a win win situation for Johari--and, in the long run, for you too even though you would miss her. I wouldn't really think of it as giving up on Johari if you have found a place where she will be happier.

It's just no fun having a really unpredictable bird who bites without notice. When you know you have to be on guard all the time it takes away the enjoyment of their companionship.

We have one hen who could be Johari's cousin and it's just no fun when they are sweet one moment and on the attack the next. I don't even like to let her out with the flock because she fights with every other bird except her own mate. She wasn't like that before she got to be nesty and now all she thinks about is looking for nests and having babies. I am not giving in!

You shouldn't need to drape yourself in towels to spend time with a bird!

So, my opinion is different. You may both be happier if Johari goes to live with Marvin.

02-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Hey, Linda

Sometimes differing opinions can put situations in a better perspective. There isn't just one solution and Maureen asked us what we think. The one thing I really like here is the respect we all have for each other, even though we don't necessarily think alike. :)

02-21-2011, 03:08 PM
Well said both of you. I don't know what I would do if I had to drape myself just to let one of my birds out. Skye has attacked Haley very viciously several times recently and I am not sure what I would do if she began that behavior with me. I know Maureen, that you have gone through this for a long time with Johari and I can't imagine the frustration. I just sincerely hope it works out the best way possible for both you and Johari.

02-21-2011, 04:41 PM
Thank you EVERYONE for your opinions. I must admit the past few days without Johari have been soooooo peaceful. But Gussie and I are having more fun together & are more relaxed. So, I am leaning toward letting Johari go, provided she is happy in her new home. I'll talk to the pet store folks later today when I drop Gussie off for the rest of the week. I'm still considering various options (I DO have problems making decisions) but I'm thinking I like Peachies better than Fischer's!

To be continued.....