View Full Version : Kiwi attacks

02-17-2011, 10:20 PM
Hi Guys,

i haven't been on as much as usual - I am taking my masters and it is more work than I ever could have imagined. But fascinating!!

Kiwi is fine, but we are having a problem that I could use some help with. He is 6 1/2 years old now, still happy go lucky, never bites, never quiet - love him to pieces. However, he recently started a behaviour I have never seen from him before. While watching T.V., if my older son is lying on the opposite could, Kiwi will angrily yell at him. It is obvious to anyone watching that he is trying to get my son to move off the couch, but today, he actually flew right at him, talons bared, and it looked like an attack. :omg: We were all completely shocked, and I am a loss.

i don't know if he thinks of the couch as his - he perches there all the time. My son and him have always had only bare tolerance for each other, but never the full blown anger i saw today. My husband and other son want me to keep him in his cage whenever my older son is home. I know that is a reasonable solution, but he is used to being out whenever I am home. My husband also suggested training him not to attack, but I wouldn't have a clue how to do this or if it is even possible.

Is there a way to train Kiwi to accept my son on the couch, or to train him not to perch there and think it is his? i would appreciate all the suggestions and help you can offer.

Thank so much......Robyn

02-18-2011, 02:49 PM
Heres the deal thats one of his favorite spots and some giant bird he doesnt like is hoggin it all! i would suggest you sitting next you your son on the same couch (if that doesnt trigger his protection reflex) or have a bowl with millet and his favorite snacks and when he comes to attack have your son feed him goodies..your bird may just be " i dont like this guy but hes got good food i guess ill tolerate him" lol remember birds dont react to negative re enforcemnt only possitive re enforcemnet :)