View Full Version : how to get started

02-20-2011, 07:55 PM
I have had my lovebird for about a month now. the lady I got her from said she was friendly, but she just ran from her hand when I was there and she runs from my hand too. She will come to the side of the cage when I have the cage next to me though. I try to do that most of the day when I am home. I talk to her and she chirps back at me. I know it's a trust thing and I am good with going slow to gain her trust. I am wondering what the next step is. I am afraid she will bite me. I am thinking of taking her in a small safe room and opening the cage daily, but I am worried if she comes out, how am I going to get her back in. Her wings are clipped (a really bad job from the looks of things too) so I am not too worried about the flying around part.

I am also wondering how to introduce a bath to her. I tried to mist her once and she squalked at me and looked all indignant. I just what to do what's right for her.

02-20-2011, 08:06 PM
If you let her out of her cage, all you have to do is offer her a perch to step up onto in order to put her back. The bad wing clip will work for you right now. You can also try offering her a perch while she's in the cage but you will probably have more luck if you let her come out on her own.

Keep interacting with her. Try eating next to her cage and leave the door open. Lovebirds are social eaters and she just might decide to see what it is that you are eating!