View Full Version : is it normal??

02-21-2011, 12:20 AM
my lovebirds only go to there nest box in night but suddenly now they are going on it even on day and when one go in the other will follow.. then i notice now that the one doesn't allow the other to go in only in day but still they both sleep on it on night dunno whats the problem..is it normal behavior.. also i don't know there gender, the pet shop owner told me that they are pair but it doesn't matter on me im just worrying to the behavior of one of my lovebirds.. hope anyone could give me some answer...

02-21-2011, 12:30 AM
Sounds like the interest in the nest box is more than just for sleeping! If you have a true male/female pair, you may have a hen that is setting up housekeeping in preparation for raising a family.

Many hens will take over a nest box and only allow the males inside at certain times. I had one hen who would never allow the male to go in!

02-21-2011, 12:56 AM
wow tnx linda hopefully they are really true pair and one day i will see eggs there ^^

02-21-2011, 12:59 PM
Hi Xfset,
I agree with Linda; I advice you of adding nest material like the branches of willow but you add also a more caloric and proteic diet (egg food);
if they are a pair then you will soon see the eggs.
good luck

02-21-2011, 02:16 PM
It is really fun to watch the whole breeding process. My parakeet "mom" would not allow the "dad" to be in the nesting box thru the entire incubation period. I remember so well the night I was sitting watching TV, and all of a sudden, Nicki (the male) headed for the nestbox and thru the hole. I knew for sure something must be happening so I quietly moved over by the cage and put my ear up to it and sure enough, I could hear the new baby chick peeping!! It was such a sweet sound! And from that day forward both of them fed the four babies that hatched. I didn't go into that nest box at all and they did a great job feeding them. This was their first clutch. I ended up with the four cutest little chicks you could imagine. And Buttercup (mom) and Nicki (dad) were soooooooo proud of their family!! One by one they peeped their little heads through the hole in the nestbox, and soon each one crawled out and began interacting with the parents outside the box. IF you feed them right, and allow "nature" to do its job, it is very fulfilling when you accomplish having chicks. Of course, I've never bred the larger parrots, like cockatiels, lovebirds, parrotlets, etc., so I'm not sure if the process would turn out exactly as mine. However, it was great fun for me to experience it. I hope that your fids are indeed getting ready to nest. You will LOVE to watch the process. Best of luck for a healthy and happy "family of chicks" in the very near future!!