View Full Version : Behaviour question!

02-24-2011, 09:27 AM
I have two young lovebirds! and have noticed that when I have been to work or have been anywhere for a while one of them opens his beak when I come back!..he or she holds the beak open for about 10 secs and then closes it!

Today I decide to go to the shop and I put my boots on, the same bird is holding his beak open as i'm doing it!..its like he or she was thinking "she's going out" ! ..makes me wonder how much they do pick up from just watching me:happy:

Pips mom
02-24-2011, 01:18 PM
They get to know the routine of things you do each day, and come to expect certain things to happen. Mine all know when it's time to go in cause mom's going to work.....they don't even seem to mind at all, in fact, they seem to like it because it's their routine and what they're used to. The do learn alot from watching us!

02-24-2011, 02:14 PM
Thanks for your reply:happy: ..I had a feeling that they were picking up on a lot and yes they like their routine. I try to move them about to whatever room i'm in and play them music..they like 1920 s stuff and Japanese traditional music:happy: