View Full Version : Violet's new feather style

02-26-2011, 12:22 PM
Violet and Iris are two little hens from Piper & Crystal's October clutch. They are old enough now that they were fighting so I put them into our breeder cage that has a partition in the center to divide it into two cages to separate them, but still leave them close together. At night they would perch right beside each other with the partition between them.

Thursday night I noticed that each of them had a couple feathers missing above their nares and Iris had a small injury. I have a few small cages to use in emergencies so I moved Violet into one of them, where I thought she could stay until Sunday when I will have a larger empty cage.

Well, she sure didn't like that at all! While we were gone to work yesterday she must have spent all day pacing and rubbing her head against the bars. So, here is her new look:

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj106/Chickobee/Iris/Iris.jpg Our stubborn girl, who won the battle.

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj106/Chickobee/Iris/Iris2.jpg Happy now?

(I know. I misnamed the pics Iris, but Iris is a single violet and Violet is double violet.)

Can you imagine our shock when we saw her!!! In my initial panic I thought of PBFD, until I saw what she was doing. She sure knows how to get her own way! She is now in a bigger cage.

02-26-2011, 01:12 PM
Now that's one determined lovebird!!! Wow! In just one day!:omg:

02-26-2011, 07:44 PM
Love the beautiful colors of these two cuties!! Thanks for sharing!

02-26-2011, 08:10 PM
Wow, that is some rubbing in such a a short time!
They sure have a way of telling us what they want!

02-28-2011, 08:07 AM
When I picked her up little feathers were falling off onto my shirt and came off on my fingers when I checked for injury. What a shock! She is doing so much better now in a different cage. She sure is one stubborn little bird, and a beauty too. She's a double violet and her rump feathering is so purple. The camera makes her look blue.