View Full Version : A few questions :P

03-05-2011, 05:30 PM
Well on wednesday i got a 9-10 week old baby lovebird even tho i was told she is 8 weeks i think she is older cause her beak is now orange with a few black dots and near her nostrils her beak is turning white, she is a DF Violet White faced. I felt her pelvic bones and they are like 1 cm so my finger fits in perfectly but i know she is young so ...so well i want to know about baby lovebird behaviour like for exemple she runs nervously around her cage and make squeaky noises i put her food and she eats and eats and eats like if there is no tomorrow then she runs around the cage again and squeaks and then she goes back to keep eating o.o she is very active!

Here are some pics of Iris (i think is a girl)...

Today my 2 peach faced lovies were shredding paper, actually the 'female' was doing that and the male helped her a little, in the pet store where i got them they told me that they are female and male they had been together since i got them and i had seen them mating and all and no egg so until yesterday i thought well i guess i have 2 males then xD well today Hannah (who i started to call Hannibal thinking it was a male) she started to shredd the paper so i thought she would start the nest in the nest box that i put in the cage for them and guess what? she is making a nest on the bottom of the cage o.o she shredds the paper a leave it there and then i thought mmm i can help her by putting it into the nest box well she went to the nest box took a piece that i had placed in her nest box and put it back in the nest that she is building in the bottom of the cage O.O what do i do with that? should i leave her 'new nest' like that ? i have been giving them everything they need to have healthy strong babies they are 1 year old.

And here are some pics of my 2 peach faced lovies....


Hannah aka Hannibal.

Also even tho by now Hannah is aggressive towards Iris she is not aggressive with me, sometimes with Chester when he doesnt do what she wants him to do but nothing serious lol... i showed them Iris through the bars and Hannah started launch herself against the bars of her cage i had never seen her so aggressive o.o so i tried something, put Iris cage next to their cage so that they get used to her slowly... i guess its working cause today Hannah was aggressive to Iris but not so much like before... always through the metal bars of course. Then i moved Iris cage to the other side of the room cause i noticed she got very nervous if they watched her eating so i moved the cage but as soon as she chirped at me they answered to her and she chirped back to them...and then the concert XD cause they wouldn't shut up until i moved Iris cage back to where it was before... that made me think they accepted her already as part of the flock?

03-06-2011, 10:36 PM
Here are better pics of Iris :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/20138383@N04/5503525023/ she is a total sweetheart she came out today by herself and sat down on the top of her cage while i cleaned it XD... my peach faced lovies i'm still training them and in two weeks i will clip their wings and let them out of their cage... :)

03-08-2011, 07:09 PM
It turned out that my peach faced lovies had a too small nest box! and thats why they didnt lay eggs it was 15 cm long, 10 cm wide and 12 cm tall, at the pet store i was told it was ok for lovies but it isnt i have now seen some for lovies that are way bigger... so tomorrow i will get them a proper nest box...

Another question how should introduce Iris to my 2 peach faced lovies? is it advisable to let them be together? or just let them be together outside of their cages but not in the same cage? Iris is just 9 weeks old while Chester and Hannah are 1 year old...or should i wait until Iris is adult to introduce them? they have seem each other through the bars and my peach faced lovies gets all aggressive with Iris.

03-08-2011, 09:18 PM
Iris will be "3rd bird out"...and 3 lovies in the cage will ultimately mean somebody's gonna get picked on. My bet is Iris. Not a safe situation, so you're best to leave Iris in her own cage.
If the other 2 are bonded, it could prove fatal for Iris.
Best way to introduce everyone, is to place Iris' cage beside the other's cage and let them 'mingle' between the bars. Safety is your first concern. You may be able to eventually have supervised out of cage time for all three, but don't expect that anytime in the near future. Again, for Iris' safety.
The warning is doubled if the bonded pair is in laying mode. Iris will not be welcomed anywhere near their 'house' and will be safest in her own cage.

Hope this doesn't sound all negative, it's just to make sure Iris is kept as safe as possible, being the baby of the house!

03-08-2011, 09:35 PM
Yes i keep Iris cage next to my other lovies cage and i think the other 2 are bonded cause i got them together 4 months ago almost 5 months ago and they were 8 months old already, they havent laid eggs yet but they mated today again...so i will expect it in the next few days... so well i will keep Iris and the other 2 in separate cages... thos today Hannah hanging around the bars that were next to Iris cage and whenever Iris when up to check Hannah, she (Hannah) launched herself against the bars... also if i move either cage to the other side of the same room they would 'talk' between them so i think it means they accepted Iris as part of their flock right?