View Full Version : so sad

03-06-2011, 10:26 PM
:very_sad:Lilly seems not to want to hang with me any more i open her cage and she never comes out now (even if i leave it open for two hours). she used to come flying out now she just sit there.:confused: when i try to you millet she attacks it i think she trying to get at me.:(:omg: she never did this before did i do something wrong.:confused: its like she just wants me to feed and water her for she still lets me do that with out her trying to bit. i only had her for about 2 weeks now so lets hope this passes and she want to be with me again

03-08-2011, 12:52 AM
Just keep taking her out.
When I first got Turkey, he was hand raised so he knew what hands were and being picked up and such, but he was a bit nervous from the transport over and the new environment. The first while I had to chase him around his cage to try to get him out! He would then leap off me and run to his corner. First I was just happy with picking him up a few times a day then putting him back down so he could slowly get comfortable with me handling him. Then as he was comfortable with me picking him up from the ground I would put him on my shoulder of whatever and when he would jump off I would pick him back up adn put him on my shoulder again. Then I would try picking him up off my shoulder (which he disliked the most) and when he would leap off to avoid my finger I would pick him up, do a couple 'ladder' type thing making him step up a few times from finger to finger, then put him back on my shoulder and pick him up from there a few times. (praising him with a happy voice when he was good and not leaping off). He would still sometimes go through phases were he was good and then where he was not as good, but he was still always progressing. I just slowly kept working with him and now he won't leave me alone!!! Haha! I am his absolute FAVORITE play thing! He will run across the house to find me! (Not that my little condo is that big but still) If I am near his cage but it isn't open he starts destroying things in his cage haha.
So ya, just keep working with him, don't just leave him be b/c he doesn't seem to want to come out.