View Full Version : Are your lovebirds the same as mine?

03-10-2011, 12:28 PM
Hi all,

I'm not too sure if your lovebirds are loud and extremely noisy but mine is. Whenever I leave the room or out of Ziggy's sight, he screams at the top of his lungs. And also, he make noises like 'robot' or very low voice. I suspect he can talk. If I'm not wrong, I heard him saying his name a few times.

Sometimes, he gets very temperamental and refused to get out of the cage but sometimes, he's dying to get out.

Are yours like that too?

03-10-2011, 01:37 PM
is he the only bird in the house? if so thats why your his flock mate when you leave he worries... look at it like this if you put a two year old child in a room and said dont leave this room then walked around doing your thing what would happen? well the child would be mom..mommy..mother...mom...mommy etc same thing he can see you so he wants to be with you :)

03-10-2011, 03:37 PM
my lovebird is the same way as yous :):)

03-10-2011, 04:13 PM
and mine talk to she said hello to me in a low voice. i was told that somw talk and some do not

03-10-2011, 04:55 PM
My lovebird doesn't seem to be like the "typical" lovie in many ways (though I'm actually pretty thankful for that! :rotfl ). Mika is rarely loud. Once in a while he'll chirp a real loud one into your ear, but he doesn't scream unless there are "strangers" in the house. Whenever we have people over, he'll fly to the kitchen counter and make his alarm calls - so cute. Hehe.

03-10-2011, 10:56 PM
My lovebirds (30 of them) chatters between themselves all day long, once in a while someone will start to shout and everyone will re-shout the shout then the volume goes back to the chattering level again. They usually take a nap twice a day (once around 11pm then again at 2pm), otherwise the chattering volume is quite constant.


03-11-2011, 01:31 AM
is he the only bird in the house? if so thats why your his flock mate when you leave he worries... look at it like this if you put a two year old child in a room and said dont leave this room then walked around doing your thing what would happen? well the child would be mom..mommy..mother...mom...mommy etc same thing he can see you so he wants to be with you :)

Yes he is the only bird. Even when I'm sleeping in the room, he will scream and scream. Is there any way I can stop this or make him not scream so loudly? He have plenty of toys in the cage as well.

03-11-2011, 01:34 AM
My lovebirds (30 of them) chatters between themselves all day long, once in a while someone will start to shout and everyone will re-shout the shout then the volume goes back to the chattering level again.

This is so cute. Re shout and chattering. My goodness! How you manage to handle 30 of them?!

03-11-2011, 09:49 PM
LOL mine arent that loud, well Iris does get loud and when she does Chester and Hannah answer her back lol and then i get a concert until they go back to chirping noises.

03-12-2011, 02:12 AM
the loud yelling is contact calling, and he will do it when you leave because you are his bonded buddy. parrots are flock creatures and they call to their bonded person, mate or flock mates when they are out of sight. I find it helps with Kokoro, my quaker, who is very strongly bonded to me and gets very stressed when I leave the room without him, to tell him that I'm leaving and when I'll be back. Eventually Ziggy will come to associate certain cues with you being gone particular lengths of time. Over time its reduced the yelling when I'm out of the room.

my lovebirds, while they do not have the verbal ability of my quaker or even my parrotlets, do talk. I have only had a few, out of the (relatively) many lovebirds my family has had over the years that have talked, but Frey and Odie say things more and more often. They both say "hello" "hi" "Mamma" "Granny" "TREATS!" "love you" "hi baby" "sweetheart" "stop it" they say their own and each others names, a few other things I'm sure I'm missing and one day I found them hanging from the top of the cage and asked them if they had the silly willies and got them saying "Silly Willies!" over and over, it was very very cute!